Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/anothy/lib/man/Mg.1

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.SH Mg 1
Mg, stripmail, update.spam \- tools for working with email
.B Mg
.I pattern
.I pattern ...
.B stripmail
.I message
.B update.spam
.I Mg
searches for mail messages matching
.I pattern
and ask the plumber to open them. It must be run in a mailbox
directory as provided by
.IR upasfs (4).
Multiple pattens are searched for in series.
.I Mg
folds case, and searches the subject and body each message
in the mailbox.
.I Mg
is useful in the tag of an
.IR acme (1)
Mail window.
.I Stripmail
prints a plain-text version of the mail message contained in the
.IR upasfs (4)
directory named by
.IR message .
.I Stripmail
will attempt to descent multipart messages, finding the first part
containing actual content. If the body of that part is of type text/plain,
.I stripmail
will print it directly; otherwise it will attempt to convert it into text first.
.I Stripmail
currently knows how to deal with text/html, text/texmacs, and
.I Update.spam
is suitable for running from
.IR cron (8)
to update
.IR upas (8)
spam rules from the contents of mailboxes named
.B mkspam
.BR unspam .
This allows IMAP clients to deposit uncaught spam messages
in the
.B mkspam
folder, or false positives in the
.B unspam
folder, and have the server's rules updated.

.B /n/sources/contrib/anothy/bin/rc/Mg
.B /n/sources/contrib/anothy/bin/rc/stripmail
.B /n/sources/contrib/anothy/bin/rc/update.spam
.IR upasfs (4)
.IR Stripmail 's
efforts to find a useful representation are thwarted by bad
mailers who ship empty or useless text/plain parts beside text/html
parts which contain actual content.
.I Mg
should allow for case-sensitive matches, and should provide a
way to specify which field(s) to search.

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