Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fgb/root/sys/src/cmd/tcl/generic/regerrs.h

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{ REG_OKAY,	"REG_OKAY",	"no errors detected" },
{ REG_NOMATCH,	"REG_NOMATCH",	"failed to match" },
{ REG_BADPAT,	"REG_BADPAT",	"invalid regexp (reg version 0.8)" },
{ REG_ECOLLATE,	"REG_ECOLLATE",	"invalid collating element" },
{ REG_ECTYPE,	"REG_ECTYPE",	"invalid character class" },
{ REG_EESCAPE,	"REG_EESCAPE",	"invalid escape \\ sequence" },
{ REG_ESUBREG,	"REG_ESUBREG",	"invalid backreference number" },
{ REG_EBRACK,	"REG_EBRACK",	"brackets [] not balanced" },
{ REG_EPAREN,	"REG_EPAREN",	"parentheses () not balanced" },
{ REG_EBRACE,	"REG_EBRACE",	"braces {} not balanced" },
{ REG_BADBR,	"REG_BADBR",	"invalid repetition count(s)" },
{ REG_ERANGE,	"REG_ERANGE",	"invalid character range" },
{ REG_ESPACE,	"REG_ESPACE",	"out of memory" },
{ REG_BADRPT,	"REG_BADRPT",	"quantifier operand invalid" },
{ REG_ASSERT,	"REG_ASSERT",	"\"can't happen\" -- you found a bug" },
{ REG_INVARG,	"REG_INVARG",	"invalid argument to regex function" },
{ REG_MIXED,	"REG_MIXED",	"character widths of regex and string differ" },
{ REG_BADOPT,	"REG_BADOPT",	"invalid embedded option" },
{ REG_ETOOBIG,	"REG_ETOOBIG",	"nfa has too many states" },

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