Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fgb/root/sys/src/cmd/tcl/libtommath/bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.c

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#include <tommath.h>
/* LibTomMath, multiple-precision integer library -- Tom St Denis
 * LibTomMath is a library that provides multiple-precision
 * integer arithmetic as well as number theoretic functionality.
 * The library was designed directly after the MPI library by
 * Michael Fromberger but has been written from scratch with
 * additional optimizations in place.
 * The library is free for all purposes without any express
 * guarantee it works.
 * Tom St Denis,,

/* the jist of squaring...
 * you do like mult except the offset of the tmpx [one that 
 * starts closer to zero] can't equal the offset of tmpy.  
 * So basically you set up iy like before then you min it with
 * (ty-tx) so that it never happens.  You double all those 
 * you add in the inner loop

After that loop you do the squares and add them in.

int fast_s_mp_sqr (mp_int * a, mp_int * b)
  int       olduse, res, pa, ix, iz;
  mp_digit   W[MP_WARRAY], *tmpx;
  mp_word   W1;

  /* grow the destination as required */
  pa = a->used + a->used;
  if (b->alloc < pa) {
    if ((res = mp_grow (b, pa)) != MP_OKAY) {
      return res;

  /* number of output digits to produce */
  W1 = 0;
  for (ix = 0; ix < pa; ix++) { 
      int      tx, ty, iy;
      mp_word  _W;
      mp_digit *tmpy;

      /* clear counter */
      _W = 0;

      /* get offsets into the two bignums */
      ty = MIN(a->used-1, ix);
      tx = ix - ty;

      /* setup temp aliases */
      tmpx = a->dp + tx;
      tmpy = a->dp + ty;

      /* this is the number of times the loop will iterrate, essentially
         while (tx++ < a->used && ty-- >= 0) { ... }
      iy = MIN(a->used-tx, ty+1);

      /* now for squaring tx can never equal ty 
       * we halve the distance since they approach at a rate of 2x
       * and we have to round because odd cases need to be executed
      iy = MIN(iy, (ty-tx+1)>>1);

      /* execute loop */
      for (iz = 0; iz < iy; iz++) {
         _W += ((mp_word)*tmpx++)*((mp_word)*tmpy--);

      /* double the inner product and add carry */
      _W = _W + _W + W1;

      /* even columns have the square term in them */
      if ((ix&1) == 0) {
         _W += ((mp_word)a->dp[ix>>1])*((mp_word)a->dp[ix>>1]);

      /* store it */
      W[ix] = (mp_digit)(_W & MP_MASK);

      /* make next carry */
      W1 = _W >> ((mp_word)DIGIT_BIT);

  /* setup dest */
  olduse  = b->used;
  b->used = a->used+a->used;

    mp_digit *tmpb;
    tmpb = b->dp;
    for (ix = 0; ix < pa; ix++) {
      *tmpb++ = W[ix] & MP_MASK;

    /* clear unused digits [that existed in the old copy of c] */
    for (; ix < olduse; ix++) {
      *tmpb++ = 0;
  mp_clamp (b);
  return MP_OKAY;

/* $Source: /cvsroot/tcl/libtommath/bn_fast_s_mp_sqr.c,v $ */
/* $Revision: $ */
/* $Date: 2006/12/01 00:08:11 $ */

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