Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fgb/root/sys/src/cmd/tcl/unix/ldAix

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# ldAix ldCmd ldArg ldArg ...
# This shell script provides a wrapper for ld under AIX in order to
# create the .exp file required for linking.  Its arguments consist
# of the name and arguments that would normally be provided to the
# ld command.  This script extracts the names of the object files
# from the argument list, creates a .exp file describing all of the
# symbols exported by those files, and then invokes "ldCmd" to
# perform the real link.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: ldAix,v 2010/08/12 00:11:23 hobbs Exp $

# Extract from the arguments the names of all of the object files.

for i do
    x=`echo $i | grep '[^.].o$'`
    if test "$x" != ""; then
	ofiles="$ofiles $i"

# Extract the name of the object file that we're linking.
outputFile=`echo $args | sed -e 's/.*-o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/'`

# Create the export file from all of the object files, using nm followed
# by sed editing.  Here are some tricky aspects of this:
# - Use the -X32_64 switch to nm to handle 32 or 64bit compiles.
# - Eliminate lines that end in ":": these are the names of object files
# - Eliminate entries with the "U" key letter;  these are undefined symbols
# - If a line starts with ".", delete the leading ".", since this will just
#   cause confusion later
# - Eliminate everything after the first field in a line, so that we're
#   left with just the symbol name

nmopts="-g -C -h -X32_64"
rm -f lib.exp
echo "#! $outputFile" >lib.exp
/usr/ccs/bin/nm $nmopts $ofiles | sed -e '/:$/d' -e '/ U /d' -e 's/^\.//' -e 's/[ 	|].*//' | sort | uniq >>lib.exp

# If we're linking a .a file, then link all the objects together into a 
# single file "shr.o" and then put that into the archive.  Otherwise link 
# the object files directly into the .a file.

noDotA=`echo $outputFile | sed -e '/\.a$/d'`
echo "noDotA=\"$noDotA\""
if test "$noDotA" = "" ; then
    linkArgs=`echo $args | sed -e 's/-o .*\.a /-o shr.o /'`
    echo $linkArgs
    eval $linkArgs
    echo ar cr $outputFile shr.o
    ar cr $outputFile shr.o
    rm -f shr.o
    eval $args

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