Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/maht/inferno/appl/lib/hash_int.b

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# 14Dec1996
implement Hash;

include "hash_int.m";

# from Aho Hopcroft Ullman

# turned into a string = int only to save memory
# by M Heath 2003

fun1(s:string, n:int):int
	h := 0;
	m := len s;
	for(i:=0; i<m; i++)
		h = 65599*h+s[i];

	return (h & 16r7fffffff) % n;

# from Limbo compiler
fun2(s:string, n:int):int
	h := 0;
	m := len s;
	for(i := 0; i < m; i++){
		c := s[i];
		d := c;
		c ^= c << 6;
		h += (c << 11) ^ (c >> 1);
		h ^= (d << 14) + (d << 7) + (d << 4) + d;
	return (h & 16r7fffffff) % n;

new(size: int):ref HashTable
	return ref HashTable(array[size] of list of HashNode);

HashTable.find(h: self ref HashTable, key: string): ref HashNode
	j := fun1(key,len h.a);
	for(q := h.a[j]; q!=nil; q = tl q)
		if((hd q).key==key)
			return ref (hd q);

	return nil;

HashTable.insert(h: self ref HashTable, key: string, val: int)
	j := fun1(key,len h.a);
	for(q := h.a[j]; q!=nil; q = tl q){
		if((hd q).key==key){
			p := (hd q);

	h.a[j] = HashNode(key, val) :: h.a[j];

HashTable.delete(h:self ref HashTable, key:string)
	j := fun1(key,len h.a);
	dl:list of HashNode; dl = nil;
	for(q := h.a[j]; q!=nil; q = tl q){
		if((hd q).key!=key)
			dl = (hd q) :: dl;
	h.a[j] = dl;

HashTable.all(h:self ref HashTable): list of HashNode
	dl:list of HashNode; dl = nil;
	for(j:=0; j<len h.a; j++)
		for(q:=h.a[j]; q!=nil; q = tl q)
			dl = (hd q) :: dl;
	return dl;

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