Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/maht/inferno/appl/lib/ppm.b

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implement Images;
include "draw.m";
	draw : Draw;

include "sys.m";
	sys: Sys;

include "bufio.m";
	bufio: Bufio;
	Iobuf : import bufio;

include "ppm.m";

ppm_header(width, height, format, maxval : int) : array of byte
	return array of byte sys->sprint("P%d\n%d %d\n%d\n", format, width, height, maxval);

init(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string)
	draw = load Draw Draw->PATH;
	sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
	bufio = load Bufio Bufio->PATH;

new_rgba8(width, height : int) : ref Image
	return ref Image(width, height, 6, 255, 3, ref Bitmap.rgba8(width, height, array [width * height * 4] of byte), big 0, nil);

create_ppm(i : ref Image, filename : string)
	fd := sys->create(filename, sys->OWRITE, 8r666);
	if(fd == nil) raise "create file failed";

	pick bm := i.bitmap {
		rgba8 =>
			hdr := ppm_header(i.width, i.height, 6, 255);
			sys->write(fd, hdr, len hdr);
			rowbytes := i.width * 3;
			rgb := array[rowbytes] of byte;
			j, k : int;
			j = 0;
			for(y := 0; y < i.height; y++) {
				k = 0;
				for(x := 0; x < i.width; x++) {
					rgb[k++] = bm.pixels[j+2];
					rgb[k++] = bm.pixels[j+1];
					rgb[k++] = bm.pixels[j];
				sys->write(fd, rgb, rowbytes);
		* => 
			raise "only 8bpp P6 ppm supported";				

Image.open_ppm(f : self ref Image, filename : string) : ref sys->FD
	hdr := ppm_header(f.width, f.height, f.format, f.maxval);
	f.dataoffset = big len hdr;
	f.fd = sys->open(filename, sys->ORDWR);
	return f.fd;

Image.write_to_ppm_pixel(f : self ref Image, x, y, v, channel : int) : int
	bytespp := 0;
	mv := f.maxval;
	while(mv > 0) {
		mv >>= 8;

	numchannels := 3;

	pixel := y * numchannels * f.width + x * numchannels;
	pixel += channel;

	pos := f.dataoffset + big bytespp * big pixel;
	sys->seek(f.fd, pos, sys->SEEKSTART);

	vb := array[bytespp] of byte;
	if(bytespp > 1) {
		for(i := 0; i < bytespp; i++) {
			vb[i] = (byte v) & byte 16rFF;
			v >>= 1;
	} else {
		vb[0] = byte v;

	return sys->write(f.fd, vb, len vb);

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