Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/1/oscreen

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oscreen  \- redirects mouse and keyboard to remote screens
.B oscreen
.B -a
.I name=address
.I machine ...
.I Oscreen
is a
.IR omero (1)
user interface for both
.IR mousefs (4)
.IR kbdfs (4).
It permits the user to click on a
.I machine
(actually, a display)
name to redirect both keyboard and mouse to that machine.
Both devices are reclaimed back for local usage by pressing mouse button
1 near the up-left corner of the screen.
To perform its job,
.I oscreen
writes to the
.B /dev/mousectl
file to issue mouse redirection
requests. The keyboard is redirected as a result of mouse redirection.
The program uses
.B env/terms
to determine the list of machines involved and the address for their mouse
redirector, when no machine name is given
in the command line.
Events in the interface makes the program
refresh the list of machines.
The option
.B -a
can be used to add additional screen names to the interface. The argument
contains a screen name, an equal character, and the network address where
to reach
.I mousefs
for that screen. The program assumes that
.I kbdfs
can be reached at the same address but using the next port in numeric order.
.B /rc/bin/brc
runs this to support user I/O redirection:
	kbdfs   -V /dev/kbd
	mousefs    -V /dev/mouse
Later, the user runs this within a omero session:
Now the user can click on a machine name to command its window system,
and click at the top-left corner to reclaim the input devices back to the
local system.
.B /sys/src/cmd/oscreen.c
.IR mousefs (4),
.IR env (8),
.IR mouse (3).

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