Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/nemo/sys/man/1/ox

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.TH OX 1
ox \- Omero X file editor and command interpreter
.B ox
.B -s
.B -d
.I file
.I Ox
is the standard
.IR omero (1)
editor and shell. Most editing is handled by the omero text panel. The editor is
only in charge of handling
omero events to look for further files, execute external comands, and
performing I/O to the file system to load and store files.
The mouse interface is that described in
.IR omero (1).
The user interface has one
.B col
panel per user editing. It contains a tag line that can be edited freely by the user,
and a text panel for actual file edition.
The first word in the tag
line corresponds to the path of the file being edited or the directory being shown.
panels shown for command output (that do not correspond to any
file), have an arbitrary string inside square brackets as file names.
To save a temporary edit, its tag must be edited to reflect a valid
file path.
Commands executed by
.I ox
get their
current directory set to that of the file shown in
the panel where the command was issued. Panels
for directories run at the directories they show. Panels for files run at the directory
that contains the file. Panels for command output are named with the directory name,
the command name and its pid
inside square brackets.
.B [Cmds]
panel shows the list of commands run by
.I ox
that are still running and proposes commands to kill any of them.
.I Ox
understands by itself the following commands. When a command
is considered dangerous it requires confirmation. To confirm, inssist on running the command.
.B Done
to delete the corresponding panel.
.B Put
to put changes back to the file system. The file updated is that
named by the tag line (i.e., the first word of the tag line). 
.B "Get [\fIarg\fP]
to get a fresh copy of the file (throwing away any change) or the directory. If the file has changes, this requires confirmation. With
an argument, this command loads a, perhaps new, file into the editor.
.B Cmds
To show the
.B [Cmds]
panel with the list or commands run by
.I ox
that are still running.
.B Font
to switch between omero
.B T
.B R
.BI E " cmd
to run the
.IR sam (1)
.I cmd
on the last selection performed in
.I omero
by the user (as said by
.BR /dev/sel ).
If the selection is null, the command is applied to the whole
Note that the selection corresponds to what
.B /dev/sel
says, and that is usually shared among user terminals. This permits
applying a command from one omero to a selection made at a
different terminal.
.BI > cmd
to run
.I cmd
using the last user selection as its standard input.
.BI < cmd
to replace the selection by the standard
output of the command.
.BI | cmd
to pipe
the selection through a filter command.
.BI ! cmd
runs command with its omero panel in scrolling mode.
.I Ox
.IR youps (4)
to listen at both the
.B edit
and and
.B exec
Messages sent to
.B edit
request a new edition. When looking for things in omero, ox loads files
and directories without even looking at the plumbing service. If a thing
looked for is not a file, plumbing is tried. If this fails, a search is performed in
the omero panel.
A file address can be given by the plumber. Numeric addresses
are interpreted as line numbers, other addresses are interpreted
.IR grep (1),
which translates them to line numbers.
There is no command in
.I ox
to get multiple views for a single editing. Instead, the user
can replicate the GUI for any editing by using
.IR omero (1).
To do so, it is advisable to replicate the whole column for
the edit, and not just the text panel.
As a help for the user,
.I ox
shows different popular commands for each file on its tag line, depending on the
file name. The file
.B $home/lib/oxcmds
can be used to override the default behaviour.
It must contain
lines with a
.IR regexp (6)
pattern, a single tab, and some text. The text is shown for files whose names
match the regular expression. The first matching expression wins. Put more
specific ones first. An
.B oxcmds
.I ox
not to show any extra commands.
The special pattern
.B plumb
can be used in
.B oxcmds
to specify which files should go to the plumbing service and not open with
the editor. What would be the additional text in the entry is now a regular
expression matched on the file name.
The flag
.B -s
is used by omero to tell
.I ox
which namespace id it is using, just to display each namespace marked with a different
color in the screen.
.B /sys/src/cmd/ox
.B /rc/bin/Clean
.B $home/lib/oxcmds
.IR omero (1)
There is no clean way to prevent the user from replicating
just a tag, or a text panel.

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