Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stefanha/root/sys/src/cmd/vim/testdir/

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Test for 'errorformat'.

:so small.vim
:/start of errorfile/,/end of errorfile/w! Xerrorfile
:/start of testfile/,/end of testfile/w! Xtestfile
:cf Xerrorfile
:w! test.out             " Write contents of this file

start of errorfile

                  printf(" %d \n", (number/other)%10 );
%CC-E-NOSEMI, Missing ";".
at line number 4 in file SYS$DISK:XTESTFILE

%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "oszt" is not declared.
at line number 7 in file SYS$DISK:XTESTFILE

             for (i = 0; i<7 ; i++ ){
%CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "i" is not declared.
at line number 16 in file SYS$DISK:XTESTFILE

some other error somewhere here.
%CC-W-WARRING, Sorry, but no expalnation for such an warring.
at line number 19 in file SYS$DISK:XTESTFILE

and finally some other error exactly here.
%CC-I-INFORMATIONAL, It should be some informational message.
at line number 20 in file SYS$DISK:XTESTFILE

Does anyone know what is the problem and how to correct ??  :)
end of errorfile

start of testfile
line 3  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 4  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 5  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 6  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 7  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 8  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 9  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 13 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 18 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 21 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
line 22 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
end of testfile

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