Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/source/latex/graphics/graphics.ins

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%% This file is part of the Standard LaTeX `Graphics Bundle'.
%% It should be distributed *unchanged* and together with all other
%% files in the graphics bundle. The file 00readme.txt contains a list
%% of all of these files.
%% A modified version of this file may be distributed, but it should
%% be distributed with a *different* name. Changed files must be
%% distributed *together with a complete and unchanged* distribution
%% of these files.

% This file requires docstrip version 2.4 available from
% tex-archive/macros/latex/unpacked/docstrip.tex

\input docstrip




% The packages









%% Generate a `template' .def file as an example for a new driver.
%% (This is not set up yet.)
%%   \from{drivers.dtx}{template}}}

% These ones probably work
% OzTeX (>3.0) uses dvips.def
%   \file{oztex.def}{%
%      \from{drivers.dtx}{oztex,macrules,nops}}

% these ones are largely untested.
% The textures code generated by this option does more or less work
% I believe, but it does not use all of textures features, and as I
% have not got a Mac to test it on, it seems better to remove it for
% now.
% This release of the graphics distribution contains a textures.def
% written by Arthur Ogawa which is distributed as a separate file.
% It should however be installed in the same directory as the .def
% files generated by this .ins installation script.
%   \file{textures.def}{%
%      \from{drivers.dtx}{textures,color2,macrules}}
%%% Old versions of textures (prior to 1.7) do not have colour specials.
%%% To use colour with these versions, uncomment the next two lines.
%%%   \file{textures.def}{%
%%%      \from{drivers.dtx}{textures,color3,colorfix,macrules}}



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