Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/generic/pstricks/pst-ghsb.tex

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%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -*- Mode: Plain-Tex -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% pst-ghsb.tex --- For the PSTricks HSB mode gradient fillstyle
%%                  Based on pst-grad.tex from Timothy van Zandt
%%                  Take care that Hue value is cyclic, so 1=0 !
%% Author          : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <>
%% Created the     : Tue May 13 11:12:36 1997
%% Last mod. by    : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <>
%% Last mod. the   : Thu Jan 29 17:20:13 1998


%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

% This defines a new fill style, "gradient", for use with PSTricks,
% which has gradiated color. The following parameters are used:
%    gradbegin=color    : Beginning color.
%    gradend=color      : Final color.
%    gradlines=int      : Number of lines to use. The higher the number,
%                           the slower the rendering.
%    gradmidpoint=num   : Gradient color goes from gradbegin to gradend,
%                           and then back to beginning. Midpoint (point
%                           where "gradend" color appears, is gradmidpoint
%                           from the top.  (0 <= Gmidpoint <= 1).
%    gradangle=angle    : Rotate image by angle.

\message{ v\fileversion, \filedate}

\csname GradientHSBLoaded\endcsname

  \def\next{\input pstricks.tex }\expandafter\next



\newrgbcolor{gradbegin}{0 .1 .95}

\newrgbcolor{gradend}{0 1 1}

    \@pstrickserr{gradlines must be at least 2}\@epha
    \def\psgradlines{2 }%




    gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradbegin currenthsbcolor grestore
    gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradend currenthsbcolor grestore
    tx@GradientHSBDict begin GradientFillHSB end grestore}
    gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradbegin currentrgbcolor grestore
    gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradend currentrgbcolor grestore
    tx@GradientDict begin GradientFill end grestore}

%% END pst-ghsb.tex

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