Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/minitoc/minitoc.sty

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% minitoc.sty
% Jean-Pierre Drucbert
% Office National d'\'Etudes et de Recherches A\'erospatiales
% Centre d'\'Etudes et de Recherches de Toulouse
% Groupe de Prestations Informatiques
% Complexe Scientifique de Rangueil
% 2, Avenue \'Edouard Belin
% BP 4025
% Phone +33-62-25-25-15
% Email:
% Please send me any (constructive) suggestions and comments.
% History (contains some obsolete things... it is NOT
% the REAL documentation)
% minitoc.sty --- redefines the \chapter command to display a 
%  mini-table-of-contents at the beginning of every chapter.
%  Oct-90       Original version, by Nigel Ward.
%  Nov-91       Revised to reuse \chapter, \section, \subsection commands
%               transparently, generate toc-file-name automatically,
%               assorted other cleanup.  Dan Jurafsky
%  Jun/Jul-93   New design, to avoid allocating a newwrite
%               for each chapter (!)
%               Added \chapterend to terminate the scope of a minitoc.
%               (IF YOU FORGOT PUTTING \chapterend at the end
%               of EACH chapter, an entry for the next chapter
%               will appear in each minitoc.) (Thanks to Yufan Hu).
%               Replaced ``minipage'' environnement by a ``verse''
%               environnement, to allow a minitoc split across pages.
%               All the layout of the minitoc is in the
%               \minitableofcontents command, so if someboby wants
%               to redefine that layout, he has just to
%               rewrite it (and only it).
%               You can inhibit the minitoc for the next chapter
%               by preceding it with \minitocno. (\minitocyes
%               is useless for the user: it is implicit AFTER
%               the \chapter* pseudo-chapters).
%               Problems: you MUST have \chapterend to terminate each
%               chapter with a minitoc.
%               How about avoiding this constraint?
%               The depth of the minitoc is user-adjustable with
%               the counter `minitocdepth' (as `tocdepth' for the table
%               of contents).
%               At least three passes (3!!!) of LaTeX are necessary to get
%               correct minitoc's (the first pass creates the .mtcX files,
%               the second uses them (but they may contain wrong page
%               numbers) and recreates them, the third should be ok).
%               Works with \chapter[xxx]{yyy} and floating bodies.
%               Works with two columns (but the minitoc is in composed in
%               one column; how to make it to spread over the two column?)
%               Some mods added to work with xr.sty (external references).
%               xr.sty version 5 is much more tolerant.
%   05Jul93     Version 2
%               Added compatibility with hangcaption.sty (the option
%               hangcaption (if present) must be given BEFORE minitoc
%               option.)
%               BEWARE to options modifying \@caption
%               Version 3 not released (buggy)
%   09Jul93     Version 4
%               Added \if@realch to avoid contentslines from
%               pseudo-chapters to go into the toc! 
%               The option file mtcoff.sty allows to use a latex
%               document with minitoc commands and to make them
%               transparent: just replace the minitoc option by
%               mtcoff.
%   13Jul93     Version 5
%               Added a selection mechanism to not write spurious things
%               in the minitoc's.
%   15Jul93     Version 6
%               Fixed problems about chapters in the toc, 
%               removed obsolete \caption stuff (filters are better)
%               added compatibility with toch.sty
%               (toch.sty makes a table of chapters. If used,
%               must be loaded BEFORE minitoc.sty)
%   22Jul93     Version 7 (MAJOR DIFFERENCES)
%               Completely rewritten, using tricks from xr.sty
%               (the version 5, by David Carlisle). The info
%               for minitocs is directly stolen from the .toc
%               file.
%               \chapterend and \minitocno are suppressed
%               \minitoc, \dominitoc and \faketableofcontents added
%   29Jul93     Version 8
%               Spacing adjustements.
%   04Aug93     Version 9
%               Added mods for MS-DOS (search MS-DOS, uncomment;
%               search UNIX, comment out). MS-DOS allows only
%               3 characters for extensions in file names (what a pity!).
%   05Aug93     Version 10
%               Works with appendices.
%               Detects obsolete versions of latex.tex.
%               (\@inputcheck or \reset@font not defined).
%   18Aug93     Version 11
%               Added \mtcSfont, font for section entries,
%               \mtcSSfont for subsection entries,
%               \mtcSSSfont for subsubsection entries,
%               \mtcPfont for paragraph entries,
%               \mtcSPfont for subparagraph entries.
%   16Dec93     Version 12
%               Use \kern's in place of \vspace*'s,
%               and added penalties (\nopagebreak) to
%               avoid a page break just before last \mtc@rule.
%               Also added a \samepage environnement.
%               Removed old commented out lines from
%               previous versions.
%   17Dec93     Version 13
%               Added minilof and minilot stuff.
%               For MS-DOS, uncomment the definition of \SHORTEXT.
%   03Jan94     Version 14
%               Corrected space under minitoc/lof/lot and added a
%               \raggedright to avoid ``underfull'' warnings.
%               Corrected some spacing problems (avoiding ~'s).
%               \mtifont changed from \normalsize\bf to
%               \large\bf.
%               Some mods suggested by Donald Arseneau (thanks):
%               \@newread becomes \newread, not outer
%               version of \newread.
%               \empty replaced by \relax in the spare definition
%               of \reset@font.
%               Removed \clubpenalty=10000 and \widowpenalty=10000
%               (done by \samepage), and \noindent.
%               Simplified processing of optional argument in
%               \minitoc, \minilof and \minilot.
%   27Jan94     Version 15
%               Added parttoc, partlof and partlot for books,
%               with commands and parameters parallel to
%               those for mini-things.
%               Added secttoc, sectlof and sectlot for articles,
%               with commands and parameters parallel to
%               those for mini-things.
%   02Feb94     Version 16
%               Bug fixes (typos).
%   23Jun94     Version 17
%               Keyword 'n' (null) synonym of 'e' (empty).
%               Compatibility with LaTeX ``2e''.
%               Thanks to Denis Roegel (who found
%               the problem) and Frank Mittelbach
%               (who gave the hints to solve).
%   26Jun94     Version 18
%               Make minitoc really compatible with latex2e
%               Introduce the language files as options
%               Thanks to Michel Goossens (via Frank Mittelbach)
%               who was inspired by the code of babel (Johannes Braams).
%   16Aug94     Version 19
%               Added stuff for numbering of chapters (parts,
%               sections) not starting at 1.
%               \firstchapteris etc. commands added.
%               \mtcrule, \nomtcrule etc. commands added.
%               Corrected a bug in \c@mti.
%               Corrected mtcswedish.sty (Jan Michel Rynning)
%               Corrected appendix in articles
%   25Aug94     Version 20
%               Corrected spacing before and after minitocs
%               and siblings.
%               Added \mtcpagenumbers and \nomtcpagenumbers
%               (and siblings) to make minitocs with/without
%               page numbers. Default: page numbers.
%               Corrected (difficult bug) appendix in articles.
%               Corrected vertical spacing.
%               Corrected a problem with chapters numbered
%               with (uppercase) roman numbers.
%   07Sep94     Version 21
%               Corrected typos in minitoc.sty and minitoc.tex.
%   10Oct94     Version 22
%               Corrected typos in minitoc.sty.
%   08Nov94     Version 23
%               Added a missing line in \sectlof@.
%               Works with document classes resetting
%               chapter (or section) number at each part.
%               (Thanks to Denis Roegel)
%               Removed stuff for \firstchapteris and co.
%               These commands are obsolete.
%               Removed appendix stuff.
%   21Dec94     Version 24
%               The \protect commands have been removed from
%               the .toc, .lot and .lot files, so some internal
%               macros have been corrected to be compatible
%               with the LaTeX2e release of December 1994.
%               Thanks to Denis Roegel who did the work.
%   13Sep96     Version 25
%               Updated mtcnorsk.sty and added mtcnynorsk.sty
%		on a suggestion from Dag Langmyhr (
%   14Nov96     Version 26
%               Language specific commands are now names <language>.mld
%               (in place of mtc<language>.sty) because there are not
%               packages and it makes shorter names.
%               Added breton, estonian, germanb, greek, irish,
%               russianb, scottish, lower and upper sorbian;
%               renamed esperanto into esperant like in Babel.
%   20Dec96     Version 27
%               Corrections for starred sectionning commands.
%               english.mld loaded as default language.
%               Added vietnam.mld.
%               Added arab.mld.
%               Renamed minitocoff.sty into mtcoff.sty to
%               keep the name short.
%               Jean-Pierre Drucbert
%%% This file will not work with latex2.09
                        The minitoc package]
\typeout{*** minitoc package, version 27 ***}%
{\typeout{*** part level macros available ***}
\let\mtc@svpart\part %23
\def\part{\stepcounter{ptc}\mtc@svpart}} %23
{\typeout{*** no section or chapter level macros available ***}%
{\typeout{*** section level macros available ***}
\let\mtc@svsection\section %23
\def\section{\stepcounter{stc}\mtc@svsection} %23
\let\mtc@svss\@ssect %23
%v25 \def\@ssect{\addtocounter{stc}{-1}\mtc@svss} %23
{\typeout{*** chapter level macros available ***}
\let\mtc@svchapter\@chapter %23
\def\@chapter{\stepcounter{mtc}\mtc@svchapter} %23
%         *****  ****   ***  *****
%         *      *   *   *     *
%         ***    *   *   *     *
%         *      *   *   *     *
%         *****  ****   ***    *
                            %%% SYSTEMS WITH SHORT EXTENSIONS
                            %%% TO FILE NAMES
                            %%% LEAVE IT COMMENTED OUT
                            %%% FOR UNIX AND O.S. WITH
                            %%% LONG EXTENSIONS
% v27 : claim the type of system!
{\typeout{==> this version is configured for UNIX-like (long extensions) file names.}}%
{\typeout{==> this version is configured for MSDOS-like (8+3) file names.}}
%not outer version of \newread
  {\typeout{Your version of latex.tex is obsolete.}%
  \typeout{Trying to continue...}\newread\@inputcheck\relax}{}
  {\typeout{Your version of latex.tex is very obsolete.}%
  \typeout{Trying to continue...}\let\reset@font\relax}{}
\newwrite\tf@mtc  % a file descriptor to write minitocs
\setbox\mtc@strutbox=\hbox{\vrule height2.5ex
      depth1.8ex width\z@}
     \mtc@strut\vphantom{Lp$^{l^l}_{p_p}$}}  % a pseudo-strut ?
% \@BBR discourages page breaks
% Modified version to ignore the dots and the page number.              % 17b
\def\@undottedtocline#1#2#3#4#5{\ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else             % 17b
  \vskip \z@ plus.2\p@                                                  % 17b
  {\leftskip #2\relax \rightskip \@tocrmarg \parfillskip -\rightskip    % 17b
    \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue                                % 17b
   \interlinepenalty\@M                                                 % 17b
   \leavevmode                                                          % 17b
   \@tempdima #3\relax \advance\leftskip \@tempdima \hbox{}%            % 17b
   \hskip -\leftskip                                                    % 17b
    #4\nobreak\hfill \nobreak                                           % 17b
           \null\par}\fi}                                               % 17b
\def\mtcpagenumbers{\let\mtc@pgno\null}         %17b
\mtcpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nomtcpagenumbers{\let\mtc@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\stcpagenumbers{\let\stc@pgno\null}         %17b
\stcpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nostcpagenumbers{\let\stc@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\ptcpagenumbers{\let\ptc@pgno\null}         %17b
\ptcpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\noptcpagenumbers{\let\ptc@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\mlfpagenumbers{\let\mlf@pgno\null}         %17b
\mlfpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nomlfpagenumbers{\let\mlf@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\slfpagenumbers{\let\slf@pgno\null}         %17b
\slfpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\noslfpagenumbers{\let\slf@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\plfpagenumbers{\let\plf@pgno\null}         %17b
\plfpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\noplfpagenumbers{\let\plf@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\mltpagenumbers{\let\mlt@pgno\null}         %17b
\mltpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nomltpagenumbers{\let\mlt@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\sltpagenumbers{\let\slt@pgno\null}         %17b
\sltpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nosltpagenumbers{\let\slt@pgno\relax}      %17b
\def\pltpagenumbers{\let\plt@pgno\null}         %17b
\pltpagenumbers %default                        %17b
\def\nopltpagenumbers{\let\plt@pgno\relax}      %17b
% if you don't want a table of contents, but want minitocs,
% you need to create the .toc file, without inputing it
% into your document. This command is a stripped off version
% of \tableofcontents
% idem for list of figures
% idem for list of tables
  \if@filesw \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname
             \immediate\openout \csname tf@#1\endcsname \jobname.#1\relax
  \fi \global\@nobreakfalse \endgroup}
\def\The@chapter{\arabic{mtc}} %23
  {\typeout{^^JWARNING*** \string\firstchapteris}%
   \typeout{ is an obsolete command^^J}}
\newcounter{mtc}  % counter of minitocs
\newcounter{minitocdepth} % analog to tocdepth, but for minitocs
\setcounter{minitocdepth}{2} % default value
  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high

\newlength\mtcindent % indentation (left/right) of minitocs
\mtcindent=24pt      % defaut value
\def\mtcfont{\small\rm}    % font for the minitoc
\def\mtcSfont{\small\bf}   % font for the minitoc (sections)
\def\mtcSSfont{\mtcfont}   % font for the minitoc (subsections)
\def\mtcSSSfont{\mtcfont}  % font for the minitoc (subsubsections)
\def\mtcPfont{\mtcfont}    % font for the minitoc (paragraphs)
\def\mtcSPfont{\mtcfont}   % font for the minitoc (subparagraphs)
\def\mlffont{\mtcfont}     % font for the minilof (figures)
\def\mltfont{\mtcfont}     % font for the minilot (tables)
\def\mtifont{\large\bf}    % font for titles

% Centering, flushleft, flushright or empty titles.
\def\c@mti#1{\null\hfill #1\hfill\null}
\def\l@mti#1{\null #1\hfill\null}
\def\r@mti#1{\null\hfill #1\null}

% Default: titles on left 

%v27 Language dependent names: default values. Now
%v27 english.mld is loaded first.
%v27 \@ifundefined{mtctitle}{\def\mtctitle{Contents}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{mlftitle}{\def\mlftitle{Figures}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{mlttitle}{\def\mlttitle{Tables}}{\relax}

  \list{}{\itemsep\z@\itemindent \z@\listparindent \itemindent

% this command must be used after \chapter
% if you need a minitoc (no automatic minitoc)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@mtitc\e@mti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@mtitc\n@mti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@mtitc\c@mti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@mtitc\l@mti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@mtitc\r@mti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@mtitc\df@mtitc
        \raggedright % added #14
        \par\noindent %%
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{mtc\The@chapter}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{M\The@chapter}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the minitoc

% Added in version #13
% this command must be used after \chapter
% if you need a minilof (no automatic minilof)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@mtilf\e@mti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@mtilf\n@mti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@mtilf\c@mti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@mtilf\l@mti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@mtilf\r@mti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@mtilf\df@mtilf
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for minilof
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{mlf\The@chapter}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{F\The@chapter}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the minilof

% Added in version #13
% this command must be used after \chapter
% if you need a minilot (no automatic minilot)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@mtilt\e@mti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@mtilt\n@mti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@mtilt\c@mti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@mtilt\l@mti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@mtilt\r@mti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@mtilt\df@mtilt
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for minilot
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{mlt\The@chapter}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{T\The@chapter}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the minilot

% I use a depth of 10000 to inhibit the printing of
% that contentsline.


% tricky code to deal with \chapter*


% this command extracts info from the .toc file
% and create the .mtcN files (.mtc -> .M on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{mtc}{0} % START VALUE
  \MTC@next#1.toc\relax\\}\setcounter{mtc}{0}} %23: raz
% this command extracts info from the .lof file
% and create the .mlfN files (.mlf -> .F on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{mtc}{0} % START VALUE
  \MLF@next#1.lof\relax\\}\setcounter{mtc}{0}} %23: raz
% this command extracts info from the .lot file
% and create the .mltN files (.mlt -> .T on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{mtc}{0} % START VALUE
  \MLT@next#1.lot\relax\\}\setcounter{mtc}{0}} %23: raz


\if #1e\let\df@mtitc\e@mti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@mtitc\n@mti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@mtitc\c@mti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@mtitc\l@mti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@mtitc\r@mti%

\if #1e\let\df@mtilf\e@mti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@mtilf\n@mti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@mtilf\c@mti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@mtilf\l@mti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@mtilf\r@mti%

\if #1e\let\df@mtilt\e@mti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@mtilt\n@mti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@mtilt\c@mti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@mtilt\l@mti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@mtilt\r@mti%



 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\chapter\relax
 \stepcounter{mtc}% % the mtc counter simulates the chapter counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.mtc\themtc}%     % UNIX
\def\mtcname{\jobname.mtc\themtc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.M\themtc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\mtcname{\jobname.M\themtc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .mtcN .mtc->.M on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\mtcname % open next .mtcN (.mtc->.M if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\section\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\paragraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
% Added v25: \starchapter and co. 
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starchapter\relax
\stepcounter{mtc}% % the mtc counter simulates the chapter counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.mtc\themtc}%     % UNIX
\def\mtcname{\jobname.mtc\themtc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.M\themtc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\mtcname{\jobname.M\themtc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .mtcN .mtc->.M on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\mtcname % open next .mtcN (.mtc->.M if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JMINITOCS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\MTC@line
  \else\ifx#1\chapterend % \chapter* closes .mtcN (.mtc->.M on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{mtc}{-1}% % \chapter* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xchapter\relax
 \stepcounter{mtc}% % the mtc counter simulates the chapter counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.mlf\themtc}%     % UNIX
\def\mlfname{\jobname.mlf\themtc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.F\themtc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\mlfname{\jobname.F\themtc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .mlfN .mlf->.F on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\mlfname % open next .mlfN (.mlf->.F if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\figure\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JMINILOFS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\MLF@line
  \else\ifx#1\chapterend % \chapter* closes .mlfN (.mlf->.F on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{mtc}{-1}% % \chapter* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xchapter\relax
 \stepcounter{mtc}% % the mtc counter simulates the chapter counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.mlt\themtc}%     % UNIX
\def\mltname{\jobname.mlt\themtc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.T\themtc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\mltname{\jobname.T\themtc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .mltN .mlt->.T on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\mltname % open next .mltN (.mlt->.T if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\table\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JMINILOTS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\MLT@line
  \else\ifx#1\chapterend % \chapter* closes .mltN (.mlt->.T on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{mtc}{-1}% % \chapter* has done a parasite increment
} % end of chapter level

% If \part is defined (book or article-like document),
% the following macros are allowed
% Sometimes, we need to make a difference between book and
% article (is \chapter defined?), to have a different layout.
  {\typeout{^^JWARNING*** \string\firstpartis}%
   \typeout{ is an obsolete command^^J}}
\newcounter{ptc}  % counter of parttocs
\newcounter{parttocdepth} % analog to tocdepth, but for parttocs

  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@}% the \hrule is .4pt high
}{\let\ptc@rule\relax} % no rule before/after parttoc/partlof/partlot
                       % for books

\newlength\ptcindent % indentation (left/right) of parttocs
\@ifundefined{chapter}{\ptcindent=24pt}{\ptcindent=0pt} % defaut value

\def\ptcfont{\small\rm}    % font for the parttoc
\def\ptcSfont{\small\bf}   % font for the parttoc (sections)
\def\ptcSSfont{\ptcfont}   % font for the parttoc (subsections)
\def\ptcSSSfont{\ptcfont}  % font for the parttoc (subsubsections)
\def\ptcPfont{\ptcfont}    % font for the parttoc (paragraphs)
\def\ptcSPfont{\ptcfont}   % font for the parttoc (subparagraphs)
\def\plffont{\ptcfont}     % font for the partlof (figures)
\def\pltfont{\ptcfont}     % font for the partlot (tables)
\def\ptifont{\large\bf}    % font for titles
\def\ptcfont{\normalsize\rm}    % font for the parttoc
\def\ptcCfont{\normalsize\bf}   % font for the parttoc (chapters)
\def\ptcSfont{\normalsize\rm}   % font for the parttoc (sections)
\def\ptcSSfont{\ptcfont}   % font for the parttoc (subsections)
\def\ptcSSSfont{\ptcfont}  % font for the parttoc (subsubsections)
\def\ptcPfont{\ptcfont}    % font for the parttoc (paragraphs)
\def\ptcSPfont{\ptcfont}   % font for the parttoc (subparagraphs)
\def\plffont{\ptcfont}     % font for the partlof (figures)
\def\pltfont{\ptcfont}     % font for the partlot (tables)
\def\ptifont{\Huge\bf}     % font for titles

% Centering, flushleft, flushright or empty titles.
\def\c@pti#1{\null\hfill #1\hfill\null}
\def\l@pti#1{\null #1\hfill\null}
\def\r@pti#1{\null\hfill #1\null}
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright
     \vskip 40\p@
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedleft
     \vskip 40\p@
    {\parindent \z@ \centering
     \vskip 40\p@

% Default: titles on left 

%v27 % Language dependent names: default values
%v27 \@ifundefined{chapter}{%
%v27 \@ifundefined{ptctitle}{\def\ptctitle{Contents}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{plftitle}{\def\plftitle{Figures}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{plttitle}{\def\plttitle{Tables}}{\relax}}%
%v27 {%
%v27 \@ifundefined{ptctitle}{\def\ptctitle{Table of Contents}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{plftitle}{\def\plftitle{List of Figures}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{plttitle}{\def\plttitle{List of Tables}}{\relax}
%v27 }

  \list{}{\itemsep\z@\itemindent \z@\listparindent \itemindent

% this command must be used after \part
% if you need a parttoc (no automatic parttoc)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@ptitc\e@pti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@ptitc\n@pti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@ptitc\c@pti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@ptitc\l@pti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@ptitc\r@pti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@ptitc\df@ptitc
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{ptc\Thepart}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{P\Thepart}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential

% this command must be used after \part
% if you need a partlof (no automatic partlof)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@ptilf\e@pti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@ptilf\n@pti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@ptilf\c@pti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@ptilf\l@pti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@ptilf\r@pti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@ptilf\df@ptilf
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for partlof
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{plf\Thepart}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{G\Thepart}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential

% Added in version #13
% this command must be used after \part
% if you need a minilot (no automatic partlot)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@ptilt\e@pti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@ptilt\n@pti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@ptilt\c@pti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@ptilt\l@pti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@ptilt\r@pti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@ptilt\df@ptilt
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for partlot
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{plt\Thepart}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{U\Thepart}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential

% I use a depth of 10000 to inhibit the printing of
% that contentsline.



% tricky code to deal with \part*


% this command extracts info from the .toc file
% and create the .ptcN files (.ptc -> .P on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{ptc}{0} % START VALUE
  \PTC@next#1.toc\relax\\}\setcounter{ptc}{0}} %23; raz
% this command extracts info from the .lof file
% and create the .plfN files (.plf -> .G on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{ptc}{0} % START VALUE
  \PLF@next#1.lof\relax\\}\setcounter{ptc}{0}} %23: raz
% this command extracts info from the .lot file
% and create the .pltN files (.plt -> .U on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{ptc}{0} % START VALUE
  \PLT@next#1.lot\relax\\}\setcounter{ptc}{0}} %23: raz


\if #1e\let\df@ptitc\e@pti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@ptitc\n@pti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@ptitc\c@pti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@ptitc\l@pti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@ptitc\r@pti%

\if #1e\let\df@ptilf\e@pti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@ptilf\n@pti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@ptilf\c@pti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@ptilf\l@pti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@ptilf\r@pti%

\if #1e\let\df@ptilt\e@pti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@ptilt\n@pti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@ptilt\c@pti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@ptilt\l@pti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@ptilt\r@pti%



 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\part\relax
 \stepcounter{ptc}% % the ptc counter simulates the part counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.ptc\theptc}%     % UNIX
\def\ptcname{\jobname.ptc\theptc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.P\theptc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\ptcname{\jobname.P\theptc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .ptcN .ptc->.P on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\ptcname % open next .ptcN (.ptc->.P if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for chapters, sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\chapter\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\section\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\paragraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
% Added v25: \starchapter & co.
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for chapters, sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starchapter\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JPARTTOCS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\PTC@line
  \else\ifx#1\partend % \part* closes .ptcN (.ptc->.P on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{ptc}{-1}% % \part* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xpart\relax
 \stepcounter{ptc}% % the ptc counter simulates the part counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.plf\theptc}%     % UNIX
\def\plfname{\jobname.plf\theptc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.G\theptc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\plfname{\jobname.G\theptc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .plfN .plf->.G on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\plfname % open next .plfN (.plf->.G if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\figure\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JPARTLOFS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\PLF@line
  \else\ifx#1\partend % \part* closes .plfN (.plf->.G on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{ptc}{-1}% % \part* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xpart\relax
 \stepcounter{ptc}% % the ptc counter simulates the part counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.plt\theptc}%     % UNIX
\def\pltname{\jobname.plt\theptc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.U\theptc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\pltname{\jobname.U\theptc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .pltN .plt->.U on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\pltname % open next .pltN (.plt->.U if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for chapters, sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\table\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JPARTLOTS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\PLT@line
  \else\ifx#1\partend % \part* closes .pltN (.plt->.U on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{ptc}{-1}% % \part* has done a parasite increment
} % end of part stuff

%%% If \chapter is not defined but \section is, then
%%% the following macros are available (for article-like documents).
%%% Braces are inscrutable!
  {\typeout{^^JWARNING*** \string\firstsectionis}%
   \typeout{ is an obsolete command^^J}}
\newcounter{stc}  % counter of secttocs
\newcounter{secttocdepth} % analog to tocdepth, but for secttocs

% rule before/after secttoc/sectlof/sectlot
  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@} % the \hrule is .4pt high

\newlength\stcindent % indentation (left/right) of secttocs
\stcindent=24pt      % defaut value
\def\stcfont{\small\rm}    % font for the secttoc
\def\stcSSfont{\normalsize\bf}   % font for the secttoc (subsections)
\def\stcSSSfont{\stcfont}  % font for the secttoc (subsubsections)
\def\stcPfont{\stcfont}    % font for the secttoc (paragraphs)
\def\stcSPfont{\stcfont}   % font for the secttoc (subparagraphs)
\def\slffont{\stcfont}     % font for the sectlof (figures)
\def\sltfont{\stcfont}     % font for the sectlot (tables)
\def\stifont{\Large\bf}    % font for titles

% Centering, flushleft, flushright or empty titles.
\def\c@sti#1{\null\hfill #1\hfill\null}
\def\l@sti#1{\null #1\hfill\null}
\def\r@sti#1{\null\hfill #1\null}

% Default: titles on left 

%v27 % Language dependent names: default values
%v27 \@ifundefined{stctitle}{\def\stctitle{Contents}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{slftitle}{\def\slftitle{Figures}}{\relax}
%v27 \@ifundefined{slttitle}{\def\slttitle{Tables}}{\relax}

  \list{}{\itemsep\z@\itemindent \z@\listparindent \itemindent

% this command must be used after \section
% if you need a secttoc (no automatic secttoc)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@stitc\e@sti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@stitc\n@sti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@stitc\c@sti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@stitc\l@sti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@stitc\r@sti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@stitc\df@stitc
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
   \gdef\thestc{\arabic{stc}} %23
{\def\@tocfile{stc\thestc}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{S\thestc}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the secttoc

% this command must be used after \section
% if you need a sectlof (no automatic sectlof)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@stilf\e@sti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@stilf\n@sti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@stilf\c@sti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@stilf\l@sti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@stilf\r@sti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@stilf\df@stilf
        \raggedright % added #14
	\ifx\stc@rule\relax % correction 07Nov94 v23
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for sectlof
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
   \gdef\thestc{\arabic{stc}} %23
{\def\@tocfile{slf\thestc}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{H\thestc}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the secttoc

% Added in version #13
% this command must be used after \section
% if you need a sectlot (no automatic sectlot)

        \relax\begin{samepage}% we begin a local group here, using samepage
        \if #1e\let\do@stilt\e@sti
        \else\if #1n\let\do@stilt\n@sti
        \else\if #1c\let\do@stilt\c@sti
        \else\if #1l\let\do@stilt\l@sti
        \else\if #1r\let\do@stilt\r@sti
        \else\if #1d\let\do@stilt\df@stilt
        \raggedright % added #14
        \nopagebreak[4]\null\leavevmode\vrule width \z@
        height \z@ depth \z@\\\@BBR%
        % depth does not matter for sectlot
        \leavevmode\\\@BBR% this blank line is necessary to avoid
                % a wild negative indentation
        \vskip -.5\baselineskip
{\def\@tocfile{slt\thestc}}%  % UNIX
{\def\@tocfile{V\thestc}}%    % MS-DOS
        \vrule width \z@ height \z@
        depth \z@\end{samepage}% %## the \\ is essential
        % some space under the secttoc

% I use a depth of 10000 to inhibit the printing of
% that contentsline.


\ifnum #2=1

\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\section\relax % ADDED
\addcontentsline{lof}{xsect}{#7}%        ADDED
\addcontentsline{lot}{xsect}{#7}%        ADDED
\fi                             %        ADDED
\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsection\relax % ADDED v25
\addcontentsline{lof}{xsect}{#7}%        ADDED v25
\addcontentsline{lot}{xsect}{#7}%        ADDED v25
\fi                             %        ADDED v25
\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth
     \refstepcounter{#1}\edef\@svsec{\csname the#1\endcsname\hskip 1em}\fi
     \@tempskipa #5\relax
      \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
        \begingroup #6\relax
          \@hangfrom{\hskip #3\relax\@svsec}{\interlinepenalty \@M #8\par}%
       \csname #1mark\endcsname{#7}\addcontentsline
         {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
                      \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi
        \def\@svsechd{#6\hskip #3\relax  %% \relax added 2 May 90
                   \@svsec #8\csname #1mark\endcsname
                           {toc}{#1}{\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else
                             \protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}\fi

% tricky code to deal with \section*


% this command extracts info from the .toc file
% and create the .stcN files (.stc -> .S on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{stc}{0} % START VALUE
  \STC@next#1.toc\relax\\}\setcounter{stc}{0}} %23: raz
% this command extracts info from the .lof file
% and create the .slfN files (.slf -> .H on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{stc}{0} % START VALUE
  \SLF@next#1.lof\relax\\}\setcounter{stc}{0}} %23: raz
% this command extracts info from the .lot file
% and create the .sltN files (.slt -> .V on MS-DOS)
  \setcounter{stc}{0} % START VALUE
  \SLT@next#1.lot\relax\\}\setcounter{stc}{0}} %23: raz


\if #1e\let\df@stitc\e@sti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@stitc\n@sti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@stitc\c@sti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@stitc\l@sti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@stitc\r@sti%

\if #1e\let\df@stilf\e@sti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@stilf\n@sti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@stilf\c@sti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@stilf\l@sti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@stilf\r@sti%

\if #1e\let\df@stilt\e@sti%
\else\if #1n\let\df@stilt\n@sti%
\else\if #1c\let\df@stilt\c@sti%
\else\if #1l\let\df@stilt\l@sti%
\else\if #1r\let\df@stilt\r@sti%



 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\section\relax
 \stepcounter{stc}% % the stc counter simulates the section counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\\thestc}%     % UNIX
\def\stcname{\\thestc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.S\thestc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\stcname{\jobname.S\thestc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .stcN .stc->.S on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\stcname % open next .stcN (.stc->.S if MS-DOS)
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\paragraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\subparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
% Added v25: \starsection and co.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsection\relax
 \stepcounter{stc}% % the stc counter simulates the section counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\\thestc}%     % UNIX
\def\stcname{\\thestc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.S\thestc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\stcname{\jobname.S\thestc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .stcN .stc->.S on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\stcname % open next .stcN (.stc->.S if MS-DOS)
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsection\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubsubsection\relax
     \mtc@toks{\noexpand \leavevmode#2}%
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\starsubparagraph\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JSECTTOCS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\STC@line
  \else\ifx#1\sectend % \section* closes .stcN (.stc->.S on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{stc}{-1}% % \section* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xsect\relax
 \stepcounter{stc}% % the stc counter simulates the section counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.slf\thestc}%     % UNIX
\def\slfname{\jobname.slf\thestc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.G\thestc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\slfname{\jobname.H\thestc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .slfN .slf->.H on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\slfname % open next .slfN (.slf->.H if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for sections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\figure\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JSECTLOFS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\SLF@line
  \else\ifx#1\sectend % \section* closes .slfN (.slf->.H on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{stc}{-1}% % \section* has done a parasite increment


 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\xsect\relax
 \stepcounter{stc}% % the stc counter simulates the section counter
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.slt\thestc}%     % UNIX
\def\mltname{\jobname.slt\thestc}}%              % UNIX
{\typeout{Writing\space\jobname.V\thestc}%       % MS-DOS
\def\sltname{\jobname.V\thestc}}%                % MS-DOS
 \immediate\closeout\tf@mtc % close current .sltN .slt->.V on MS-DOS
 \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\sltname % open next .sltN (.slt->.V if MS-DOS)
\expandafter% % extracts and writes info for subsections, etc.
 \ifx\csname #1\endcsname\table\relax
     \edef\@tempa{\immediate\write\tf@mtc {%
      \space #3}}}}\@tempa

    \typeout{^^JNo file #1^^JSECTLOTS NOT PREPARED.^^J}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\SLT@line
  \else\ifx#1\sectend % \section* closes .sltN (.slt->.V on MS-DOS)
     \immediate\openout\tf@mtc=\jobname.bmt % and opens a scratch file
     \addtocounter{stc}{-1}% % \section* has done a parasite increment

\@ifundefined{section}{}{\let\l@listof\l@section} %v27
\@ifundefined{chapter}{}{\let\l@listof\l@chapter} %v27

  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@}} % the \hrule is .4pt high
  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@}} % the \hrule is .4pt high
  \hrule width \columnwidth \kern2.6\p@}} % the \hrule is .4pt high

%%%% Language dependent part
\DeclareOption{breton}{\input{breton.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{esperant}{\input{esperant.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{esperanto}{\input{esperant.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{germanb}{\input{germanb.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{greek}{\input{greek.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{irish}{\input{irish.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{lsorbian}{\input{lsorbian.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{nynorsk}{\input{nynorsk.mld}} %v25
%%%%russian not supported \DeclareOption{russian}{\input{russian.mld}}
\DeclareOption{russianb}{\input{russianb.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{scottish}{\input{scottish.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{usorbian}{\input{usorbian.mld}} %v26
\DeclareOption{vietnam}{\input{vietnam.mld}}   %v27
\DeclareOption{vietnamese}{\input{vietnam.mld}}   %v27
\DeclareOption{arab}{\input{arab.mld}}   %v27
\DeclareOption{arabic}{\input{arab.mld}}   %v27
\ExecuteOptions{english} %v27 % default
%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
%% End of file `minitoc.sty'.

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