/* coredump.c. Public domain.
This procedure is due to Chris Torek, chris@umd.edu. It makes a core
dump without any sort of error status (abort(2) does return an error
status, so we don't want to use that). It is used only when making a
preloaded TeX from virtex, and is triggered by a magic file name
requested as input (see `open_input', above). Finding a way to
reconstitute the core dump into a binary (i.e., with undump) is up to
you. Perl has some things to say about these days. */
#include "config.h"
/* Do not try to compile this Unix-y unportable stuff unless it's needed. */
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
funny_core_dump P1H(void)
#ifdef __EMX__
int handle = open ("core", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY);
if (handle >= 0 && _core (handle) == 0)
exit (0);
(void) write (2, "attempt to dump core failed\n", 28);
exit (1);
#else /* !__EMX__ */
int pid, w;
union wait status;
switch (pid = fork ())
case -1: /* failed */
perror ("vfork");
exit (-1);
case 0: /* child */
(void) signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
(void) kill (getpid (), SIGQUIT);
(void) write (2, "how did we get here?\n", 21);
_exit (1);
default: /* parent */
while ((w = wait (&status)) != pid && w != -1)
if (status.w_coredump)
exit (0);
(void) write (2, "attempt to dump core failed\n", 28);
exit (1);
#endif /* not __EMX__ */
#endif /* FUNNY_CORE_DUMP */