Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/misc/patgen.c

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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#define PATGEN
#include "cpascal.h"
/* 9999 */ 
#define triesize ( 55000L ) 
#define triecsize ( 26000 ) 
#define maxops ( 4080 ) 
#define maxval ( 10 ) 
#define maxdot ( 15 ) 
#define maxlen ( 50 ) 
#define maxbuflen ( 3000 ) 
typedef unsigned char ASCIIcode  ;
typedef ASCIIcode textchar  ;
typedef text textfile  ;
typedef unsigned char packedASCIIcode  ;
typedef ASCIIcode internalcode  ;
typedef packedASCIIcode packedinternalcode  ;
typedef char classtype  ;
typedef char digit  ;
typedef char hyftype  ;
typedef unsigned char qindex  ;
typedef integer valtype  ;
typedef integer dottype  ;
typedef integer optype  ;
typedef integer wordindex  ;
typedef integer triepointer  ;
typedef integer triecpointer  ;
typedef struct {
    dottype dot ;
  valtype val ;
  optype op ;
} opword  ;
dottype patstart, patfinish  ;
valtype hyphstart, hyphfinish  ;
integer goodwt, badwt, thresh  ;
ASCIIcode xord[256]  ;
textchar xchr[256]  ;
classtype xclass[256]  ;
internalcode xint[256]  ;
textchar xdig[10]  ;
textchar xext[256]  ;
textchar xhyf[4]  ;
internalcode cmax  ;
packedinternalcode triec[triesize + 1]  ;
triepointer triel[triesize + 1], trier[triesize + 1]  ;
boolean trietaken[triesize + 1]  ;
packedinternalcode triecc[triecsize + 1]  ;
triecpointer triecl[triecsize + 1], triecr[triecsize + 1]  ;
boolean triectaken[triecsize + 1]  ;
opword ops[maxops + 1]  ;
internalcode trieqc[256]  ;
triepointer trieql[256], trieqr[256]  ;
qindex qmax  ;
qindex qmaxthresh  ;
triepointer triemax  ;
triepointer triebmax  ;
triepointer triecount  ;
optype opcount  ;
internalcode pat[maxdot + 1]  ;
dottype patlen  ;
triecpointer triecmax, triecbmax, trieccount  ;
triecpointer trieckmax  ;
integer patcount  ;
textfile dictionary, patterns, translate, patout, pattmp  ;
char * fname  ;
real badfrac, denom, eff  ;
textchar buf[maxbuflen + 1]  ;
integer bufptr  ;
internalcode imax  ;
dottype lefthyphenmin, righthyphenmin  ;
integer goodpatcount, badpatcount  ;
integer goodcount, badcount, misscount  ;
integer levelpatterncount  ;
boolean moretocome  ;
internalcode word[maxlen + 1]  ;
hyftype dots[maxlen + 1]  ;
digit dotw[maxlen + 1]  ;
valtype hval[maxlen + 1]  ;
boolean nomore[maxlen + 1]  ;
wordindex wlen  ;
digit wordwt  ;
boolean wtchg  ;
wordindex hyfmin, hyfmax, hyflen  ;
hyftype gooddot, baddot  ;
wordindex dotmin, dotmax, dotlen  ;
boolean procesp, hyphp  ;
dottype patdot  ;
valtype hyphlevel  ;
char filnam[9]  ;
valtype maxpat  ;
integer n1, n2, n3  ;
valtype i  ;
dottype j  ;
dottype k  ;
dottype dot1  ;
boolean morethislevel[maxdot + 1]  ;

#include "patgen.h"
parsearguments ( void ) 
parsearguments ( ) 
#define noptions ( 2 ) 
  getoptstruct longoptions[noptions + 1]  ;
  integer getoptreturnval  ;
  cinttype optionindex  ;
  integer currentoption  ;
  currentoption = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "help" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "version" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  do {
      getoptreturnval = getoptlongonly ( argc , argv , "" , longoptions , 
    addressof ( optionindex ) ) ;
    if ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) 
    else if ( getoptreturnval == '?' ) 
      usage ( 1 , "patgen" ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "help" ) == 0 ) ) 
      usage ( 0 , PATGENHELP ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "version" ) == 0 
    ) ) 
      printversionandexit ( "This is PATGEN, Version 2.3" , nil , 
      "Frank M. Liang and Peter Breitenlohner" ) ;
  } while ( ! ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) ) ;
  if ( ( optind + 4 != argc ) ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "patgen: Need exactly four arguments." ) ;
    usage ( 1 , "patgen" ) ;
initialize ( void ) 
initialize ( ) 
  integer bad  ;
  textchar i  ;
  ASCIIcode j  ;
  kpsesetprogname ( argv [0 ]) ;
  parsearguments () ;
  Fputs( output ,  "This is PATGEN, Version 2.3" ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%s\n",  versionstring ) ;
  bad = 0 ;
  if ( 255 < 127 ) 
  bad = 1 ;
  if ( ( 0 != 0 ) || ( 0 != 0 ) ) 
  bad = 2 ;
  if ( ( triecsize < 4096 ) || ( triesize < triecsize ) ) 
  bad = 3 ;
  if ( maxops > triesize ) 
  bad = 4 ;
  if ( maxval > 10 ) 
  bad = 5 ;
  if ( maxbuflen < maxlen ) 
  bad = 6 ;
  if ( bad > 0 ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld\n",  "Bad constants---case " , (long)bad ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
    xchr [j ]= ' ' ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xchr [46 ]= '.' ;
  xchr [48 ]= '0' ;
  xchr [49 ]= '1' ;
  xchr [50 ]= '2' ;
  xchr [51 ]= '3' ;
  xchr [52 ]= '4' ;
  xchr [53 ]= '5' ;
  xchr [54 ]= '6' ;
  xchr [55 ]= '7' ;
  xchr [56 ]= '8' ;
  xchr [57 ]= '9' ;
  xchr [65 ]= 'A' ;
  xchr [66 ]= 'B' ;
  xchr [67 ]= 'C' ;
  xchr [68 ]= 'D' ;
  xchr [69 ]= 'E' ;
  xchr [70 ]= 'F' ;
  xchr [71 ]= 'G' ;
  xchr [72 ]= 'H' ;
  xchr [73 ]= 'I' ;
  xchr [74 ]= 'J' ;
  xchr [75 ]= 'K' ;
  xchr [76 ]= 'L' ;
  xchr [77 ]= 'M' ;
  xchr [78 ]= 'N' ;
  xchr [79 ]= 'O' ;
  xchr [80 ]= 'P' ;
  xchr [81 ]= 'Q' ;
  xchr [82 ]= 'R' ;
  xchr [83 ]= 'S' ;
  xchr [84 ]= 'T' ;
  xchr [85 ]= 'U' ;
  xchr [86 ]= 'V' ;
  xchr [87 ]= 'W' ;
  xchr [88 ]= 'X' ;
  xchr [89 ]= 'Y' ;
  xchr [90 ]= 'Z' ;
  xchr [97 ]= 'a' ;
  xchr [98 ]= 'b' ;
  xchr [99 ]= 'c' ;
  xchr [100 ]= 'd' ;
  xchr [101 ]= 'e' ;
  xchr [102 ]= 'f' ;
  xchr [103 ]= 'g' ;
  xchr [104 ]= 'h' ;
  xchr [105 ]= 'i' ;
  xchr [106 ]= 'j' ;
  xchr [107 ]= 'k' ;
  xchr [108 ]= 'l' ;
  xchr [109 ]= 'm' ;
  xchr [110 ]= 'n' ;
  xchr [111 ]= 'o' ;
  xchr [112 ]= 'p' ;
  xchr [113 ]= 'q' ;
  xchr [114 ]= 'r' ;
  xchr [115 ]= 's' ;
  xchr [116 ]= 't' ;
  xchr [117 ]= 'u' ;
  xchr [118 ]= 'v' ;
  xchr [119 ]= 'w' ;
  xchr [120 ]= 'x' ;
  xchr [121 ]= 'y' ;
  xchr [122 ]= 'z' ;
  {register integer for_end; i = chr ( 0 ) ;for_end = chr ( 255 ) ; if ( i 
  <= for_end) do 
    xord [i ]= 0 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
    xord [xchr [j ]]= j ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xord [' ' ]= 32 ;
  xord [chr ( 9 ) ]= 32 ;
  {register integer for_end; i = chr ( 0 ) ;for_end = chr ( 255 ) ; if ( i 
  <= for_end) do 
      xclass [i ]= 5 ;
      xint [i ]= 0 ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xclass [' ' ]= 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
    xext [j ]= ' ' ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xext [1 ]= '.' ;
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = 9 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      xdig [j ]= xchr [j + 48 ];
      xclass [xdig [j ]]= 1 ;
      xint [xdig [j ]]= j ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xhyf [1 ]= '.' ;
  xhyf [2 ]= '-' ;
  xhyf [3 ]= '*' ;
zgetASCII ( textchar c ) 
zgetASCII ( c ) 
  textchar c ;
  /* 40 */ register ASCIIcode Result; ASCIIcode i  ;
  i = xord [c ];
  if ( i == 0 ) 
    while ( i < 255 ) {
      i = i + 1 ;
      if ( ( xchr [i ]== ' ' ) && ( i != 32 ) ) 
      goto lab40 ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" , (long)256 ,       " characters" , "]." ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    lab40: xord [c ]= i ;
    xchr [i ]= c ;
  Result = i ;
  return Result ;
initpatterntrie ( void ) 
initpatterntrie ( ) 
  internalcode c  ;
  optype h  ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      triec [1 + c ]= c ;
      triel [1 + c ]= 0 ;
      trier [1 + c ]= 0 ;
      trietaken [1 + c ]= false ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  trietaken [1 ]= true ;
  triebmax = 1 ;
  triemax = 256 ;
  triecount = 256 ;
  qmaxthresh = 5 ;
  triel [0 ]= triemax + 1 ;
  trier [triemax + 1 ]= 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; h = 1 ;for_end = maxops ; if ( h <= for_end) do 
    ops [h ].val = 0 ;
  while ( h++ < for_end ) ;} 
  opcount = 0 ;
firstfit ( void ) 
firstfit ( ) 
  /* 40 41 */ register triepointer Result; triepointer s, t  ;
  qindex q  ;
  if ( qmax > qmaxthresh ) 
  t = trier [triemax + 1 ];
  else t = 0 ;
  while ( true ) {
    t = triel [t ];
    s = t - trieqc [1 ];
    if ( s > triesize - 256 ) 
      fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" , (long)triesize ,       " pattern trie nodes" , "]." ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    while ( triebmax < s ) {
      triebmax = triebmax + 1 ;
      trietaken [triebmax ]= false ;
      triec [triebmax + 255 ]= 0 ;
      triel [triebmax + 255 ]= triebmax + 256 ;
      trier [triebmax + 256 ]= triebmax + 255 ;
    if ( trietaken [s ]) 
    goto lab41 ;
    {register integer for_end; q = qmax ;for_end = 2 ; if ( q >= for_end) do 
      if ( triec [s + trieqc [q ]]!= 0 ) 
      goto lab41 ;
    while ( q-- > for_end ) ;} 
    goto lab40 ;
    lab41: ;
  lab40: ;
  {register integer for_end; q = 1 ;for_end = qmax ; if ( q <= for_end) do 
      t = s + trieqc [q ];
      triel [trier [t ]]= triel [t ];
      trier [triel [t ]]= trier [t ];
      triec [t ]= trieqc [q ];
      triel [t ]= trieql [q ];
      trier [t ]= trieqr [q ];
      if ( t > triemax ) 
      triemax = t ;
  while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
  trietaken [s ]= true ;
  Result = s ;
  return Result ;
zunpack ( triepointer s ) 
zunpack ( s ) 
  triepointer s ;
  internalcode c  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  qmax = 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = cmax ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      t = s + c ;
      if ( triec [t ]== c ) 
	trieqc [qmax ]= c ;
	trieql [qmax ]= triel [t ];
	trieqr [qmax ]= trier [t ];
	qmax = qmax + 1 ;
	trier [triel [0 ]]= t ;
	triel [t ]= triel [0 ];
	triel [0 ]= t ;
	trier [t ]= 0 ;
	triec [t ]= 0 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  trietaken [s ]= false ;
znewtrieop ( valtype v , dottype d , optype n ) 
znewtrieop ( v , d , n ) 
  valtype v ;
  dottype d ;
  optype n ;
  /* 10 */ register optype Result; optype h  ;
  h = ( ( n + 313 * d + 361 * v ) % maxops ) + 1 ;
  while ( true ) {
    if ( ops [h ].val == 0 ) 
      opcount = opcount + 1 ;
      if ( opcount == maxops ) 
	fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" , (long)maxops ,         " outputs" , "]." ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      ops [h ].val = v ;
      ops [h ].dot = d ;
      ops [h ].op = n ;
      Result = h ;
      goto lab10 ;
    if ( ( ops [h ].val == v ) && ( ops [h ].dot == d ) && ( ops [h ].op 
    == n ) ) 
      Result = h ;
      goto lab10 ;
    if ( h > 1 ) 
    h = h - 1 ;
    else h = maxops ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zinsertpattern ( valtype val , dottype dot ) 
zinsertpattern ( val , dot ) 
  valtype val ;
  dottype dot ;
  dottype i  ;
  triepointer s, t  ;
  i = 1 ;
  s = 1 + pat [i ];
  t = triel [s ];
  while ( ( t > 0 ) && ( i < patlen ) ) {
    i = i + 1 ;
    t = t + pat [i ];
    if ( triec [t ]!= pat [i ]) 
      if ( triec [t ]== 0 ) 
	triel [trier [t ]]= triel [t ];
	trier [triel [t ]]= trier [t ];
	triec [t ]= pat [i ];
	triel [t ]= 0 ;
	trier [t ]= 0 ;
	if ( t > triemax ) 
	triemax = t ;
      else {
	unpack ( t - pat [i ]) ;
	trieqc [qmax ]= pat [i ];
	trieql [qmax ]= 0 ;
	trieqr [qmax ]= 0 ;
	t = firstfit () ;
	triel [s ]= t ;
	t = t + pat [i ];
      triecount = triecount + 1 ;
    s = t ;
    t = triel [s ];
  trieql [1 ]= 0 ;
  trieqr [1 ]= 0 ;
  qmax = 1 ;
  while ( i < patlen ) {
    i = i + 1 ;
    trieqc [1 ]= pat [i ];
    t = firstfit () ;
    triel [s ]= t ;
    s = t + pat [i ];
    triecount = triecount + 1 ;
  trier [s ]= newtrieop ( val , dot , trier [s ]) ;
initcounttrie ( void ) 
initcounttrie ( ) 
  internalcode c  ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      triecc [1 + c ]= c ;
      triecl [1 + c ]= 0 ;
      triecr [1 + c ]= 0 ;
      triectaken [1 + c ]= false ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  triectaken [1 ]= true ;
  triecbmax = 1 ;
  triecmax = 256 ;
  trieccount = 256 ;
  trieckmax = 4096 ;
  triecl [0 ]= triecmax + 1 ;
  triecr [triecmax + 1 ]= 0 ;
  patcount = 0 ;
firstcfit ( void ) 
firstcfit ( ) 
  /* 40 41 */ register triecpointer Result; triecpointer a, b  ;
  qindex q  ;
  if ( qmax > 3 ) 
  a = triecr [triecmax + 1 ];
  else a = 0 ;
  while ( true ) {
    a = triecl [a ];
    b = a - trieqc [1 ];
    if ( b > trieckmax - 256 ) 
      if ( trieckmax == triecsize ) 
	fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" , (long)triecsize ,         " count trie nodes" , "]." ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      fprintf( output , "%ld%s",  (long)trieckmax / 1024 , "K " ) ;
      if ( trieckmax > triecsize - 4096 ) 
      trieckmax = triecsize ;
      else trieckmax = trieckmax + 4096 ;
    while ( triecbmax < b ) {
      triecbmax = triecbmax + 1 ;
      triectaken [triecbmax ]= false ;
      triecc [triecbmax + 255 ]= 0 ;
      triecl [triecbmax + 255 ]= triecbmax + 256 ;
      triecr [triecbmax + 256 ]= triecbmax + 255 ;
    if ( triectaken [b ]) 
    goto lab41 ;
    {register integer for_end; q = qmax ;for_end = 2 ; if ( q >= for_end) do 
      if ( triecc [b + trieqc [q ]]!= 0 ) 
      goto lab41 ;
    while ( q-- > for_end ) ;} 
    goto lab40 ;
    lab41: ;
  lab40: ;
  {register integer for_end; q = 1 ;for_end = qmax ; if ( q <= for_end) do 
      a = b + trieqc [q ];
      triecl [triecr [a ]]= triecl [a ];
      triecr [triecl [a ]]= triecr [a ];
      triecc [a ]= trieqc [q ];
      triecl [a ]= trieql [q ];
      triecr [a ]= trieqr [q ];
      if ( a > triecmax ) 
      triecmax = a ;
  while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
  triectaken [b ]= true ;
  Result = b ;
  return Result ;
zunpackc ( triecpointer b ) 
zunpackc ( b ) 
  triecpointer b ;
  internalcode c  ;
  triecpointer a  ;
  qmax = 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = cmax ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      a = b + c ;
      if ( triecc [a ]== c ) 
	trieqc [qmax ]= c ;
	trieql [qmax ]= triecl [a ];
	trieqr [qmax ]= triecr [a ];
	qmax = qmax + 1 ;
	triecr [triecl [0 ]]= a ;
	triecl [a ]= triecl [0 ];
	triecl [0 ]= a ;
	triecr [a ]= 0 ;
	triecc [a ]= 0 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  triectaken [b ]= false ;
zinsertcpat ( wordindex fpos ) 
zinsertcpat ( fpos ) 
  wordindex fpos ;
  register triecpointer Result; wordindex spos  ;
  triecpointer a, b  ;
  spos = fpos - patlen ;
  spos = spos + 1 ;
  b = 1 + word [spos ];
  a = triecl [b ];
  while ( ( a > 0 ) && ( spos < fpos ) ) {
    spos = spos + 1 ;
    a = a + word [spos ];
    if ( triecc [a ]!= word [spos ]) 
      if ( triecc [a ]== 0 ) 
	triecl [triecr [a ]]= triecl [a ];
	triecr [triecl [a ]]= triecr [a ];
	triecc [a ]= word [spos ];
	triecl [a ]= 0 ;
	triecr [a ]= 0 ;
	if ( a > triecmax ) 
	triecmax = a ;
      else {
	unpackc ( a - word [spos ]) ;
	trieqc [qmax ]= word [spos ];
	trieql [qmax ]= 0 ;
	trieqr [qmax ]= 0 ;
	a = firstcfit () ;
	triecl [b ]= a ;
	a = a + word [spos ];
      trieccount = trieccount + 1 ;
    b = a ;
    a = triecl [a ];
  trieql [1 ]= 0 ;
  trieqr [1 ]= 0 ;
  qmax = 1 ;
  while ( spos < fpos ) {
    spos = spos + 1 ;
    trieqc [1 ]= word [spos ];
    a = firstcfit () ;
    triecl [b ]= a ;
    b = a + word [spos ];
    trieccount = trieccount + 1 ;
  Result = b ;
  patcount = patcount + 1 ;
  return Result ;
readtranslate ( void ) 
readtranslate ( ) 
  /* 30 */ textchar c  ;
  integer n  ;
  ASCIIcode j  ;
  boolean bad  ;
  boolean lower  ;
  dottype i  ;
  triepointer s, t  ;
  imax = 1 ;
  fname = cmdline ( 4 ) ;
  reset ( translate , fname ) ;
  if ( eof ( translate ) ) 
    lefthyphenmin = 2 ;
    righthyphenmin = 3 ;
    {register integer for_end; j = 65 ;for_end = 90 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
	imax = imax + 1 ;
	c = xchr [j + 32 ];
	xclass [c ]= 3 ;
	xint [c ]= imax ;
	xext [imax ]= c ;
	c = xchr [j ];
	xclass [c ]= 3 ;
	xint [c ]= imax ;
    while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  else {
      bufptr = 0 ;
      while ( ! eoln ( translate ) ) {
	if ( ( bufptr >= maxbuflen ) ) 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Line too long" ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	read ( translate , buf [bufptr ]) ;
      readln ( translate ) ;
      while ( bufptr < maxbuflen ) {
	bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	buf [bufptr ]= ' ' ;
    bad = false ;
    if ( buf [1 ]== ' ' ) 
    n = 0 ;
    else if ( xclass [buf [1 ]]== 1 ) 
    n = xint [buf [1 ]];
    else bad = true ;
    if ( xclass [buf [2 ]]== 1 ) 
    n = 10 * n + xint [buf [2 ]];
    else bad = true ;
    if ( ( n >= 1 ) && ( n < maxdot ) ) 
    lefthyphenmin = n ;
    else bad = true ;
    if ( buf [3 ]== ' ' ) 
    n = 0 ;
    else if ( xclass [buf [3 ]]== 1 ) 
    n = xint [buf [3 ]];
    else bad = true ;
    if ( xclass [buf [4 ]]== 1 ) 
    n = 10 * n + xint [buf [4 ]];
    else bad = true ;
    if ( ( n >= 1 ) && ( n < maxdot ) ) 
    righthyphenmin = n ;
    else bad = true ;
    if ( bad ) 
      bad = false ;
      do {
	  Fputs( output ,  "left_hyphen_min, right_hyphen_min: " ) ;
	input2ints ( n1 , n2 ) ;
	if ( ( n1 >= 1 ) && ( n1 < maxdot ) && ( n2 >= 1 ) && ( n2 < maxdot ) 
	  lefthyphenmin = n1 ;
	  righthyphenmin = n2 ;
	else {
	  n1 = 0 ;
	  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Specify 1<=left_hyphen_min,right_hyphen_min<=" ,           (long)maxdot - 1 , " !" ) ;
      } while ( ! ( n1 > 0 ) ) ;
    {register integer for_end; j = 1 ;for_end = 3 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
	if ( buf [j + 4 ]!= ' ' ) 
	xhyf [j ]= buf [j + 4 ];
	if ( xclass [xhyf [j ]]== 5 ) 
	xclass [xhyf [j ]]= 2 ;
	else bad = true ;
    while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
    xclass ['.' ]= 2 ;
    if ( bad ) 
	bufptr = 0 ;
	do {
	    bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	  putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	} while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad hyphenation data" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
    cmax = 254 ;
    while ( ! eof ( translate ) ) {
	bufptr = 0 ;
	while ( ! eoln ( translate ) ) {
	  if ( ( bufptr >= maxbuflen ) ) 
	      bufptr = 0 ;
	      do {
		  bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	      } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	      fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Line too long" ) ;
	      uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	  read ( translate , buf [bufptr ]) ;
	readln ( translate ) ;
	while ( bufptr < maxbuflen ) {
	  bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	  buf [bufptr ]= ' ' ;
      bufptr = 1 ;
      lower = true ;
      while ( ! bad ) {
	patlen = 0 ;
	do {
	    if ( bufptr < maxbuflen ) 
	  bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	  else bad = true ;
	  if ( buf [bufptr ]== buf [1 ]) 
	  if ( patlen == 0 ) 
	  goto lab30 ;
	  else {
	    if ( lower ) 
	      if ( imax == 255 ) 
		  bufptr = 0 ;
		  do {
		      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		    putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
		  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
		  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
		  fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" , (long)256                   , " letters" , "]." ) ;
		  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	      imax = imax + 1 ;
	      xext [imax ]= xchr [pat [patlen ]];
	    c = xchr [pat [1 ]];
	    if ( patlen == 1 ) 
	      if ( xclass [c ]!= 5 ) 
	      bad = true ;
	      xclass [c ]= 3 ;
	      xint [c ]= imax ;
	    else {
	      if ( xclass [c ]== 5 ) 
	      xclass [c ]= 4 ;
	      if ( xclass [c ]!= 4 ) 
	      bad = true ;
	      i = 0 ;
	      s = 1 ;
	      t = triel [s ];
	      while ( ( t > 1 ) && ( i < patlen ) ) {
		i = i + 1 ;
		t = t + pat [i ];
		if ( triec [t ]!= pat [i ]) 
		  if ( triec [t ]== 0 ) 
		    triel [trier [t ]]= triel [t ];
		    trier [triel [t ]]= trier [t ];
		    triec [t ]= pat [i ];
		    triel [t ]= 0 ;
		    trier [t ]= 0 ;
		    if ( t > triemax ) 
		    triemax = t ;
		  else {
		    unpack ( t - pat [i ]) ;
		    trieqc [qmax ]= pat [i ];
		    trieql [qmax ]= 0 ;
		    trieqr [qmax ]= 0 ;
		    t = firstfit () ;
		    triel [s ]= t ;
		    t = t + pat [i ];
		  triecount = triecount + 1 ;
		else if ( trier [t ]> 0 ) 
		bad = true ;
		s = t ;
		t = triel [s ];
	      if ( t > 1 ) 
	      bad = true ;
	      trieql [1 ]= 0 ;
	      trieqr [1 ]= 0 ;
	      qmax = 1 ;
	      while ( i < patlen ) {
		i = i + 1 ;
		trieqc [1 ]= pat [i ];
		t = firstfit () ;
		triel [s ]= t ;
		s = t + pat [i ];
		triecount = triecount + 1 ;
	      trier [s ]= imax ;
	      if ( ! lower ) 
	      triel [s ]= 1 ;
	  else if ( patlen == maxdot ) 
	  bad = true ;
	  else {
	    patlen = patlen + 1 ;
	    pat [patlen ]= getASCII ( buf [bufptr ]) ;
	} while ( ! ( ( buf [bufptr ]== buf [1 ]) || bad ) ) ;
	lower = false ;
      lab30: if ( bad ) 
	  bufptr = 0 ;
	  do {
	      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	    putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad representation" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%ld%s%ld%s\n",  "left_hyphen_min = " , (long)lefthyphenmin ,   ", right_hyphen_min = " , (long)righthyphenmin , ", " , (long)imax - 1 , " letters" ) ;
  cmax = imax ;
zfindletters ( triepointer b , dottype i ) 
zfindletters ( b , i ) 
  triepointer b ;
  dottype i ;
  ASCIIcode c  ;
  triepointer a  ;
  dottype j  ;
  triecpointer l  ;
  if ( i == 1 ) 
  initcounttrie () ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      a = b + c ;
      if ( triec [a ]== c ) 
	pat [i ]= c ;
	if ( trier [a ]== 0 ) 
	findletters ( triel [a ], i + 1 ) ;
	else if ( triel [a ]== 0 ) 
	  l = 1 + trier [a ];
	  {register integer for_end; j = 1 ;for_end = i - 1 ; if ( j <= 
	  for_end) do 
	      if ( triecmax == triecsize ) 
		fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" ,                 (long)triecsize , " count trie nodes" , "]." ) ;
		uexit ( 1 ) ;
	      triecmax = triecmax + 1 ;
	      triecl [l ]= triecmax ;
	      l = triecmax ;
	      triecc [l ]= pat [j ];
	  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  triecl [l ]= 0 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
ztraversecounttrie ( triecpointer b , dottype i ) 
ztraversecounttrie ( b , i ) 
  triecpointer b ;
  dottype i ;
  internalcode c  ;
  triecpointer a  ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = cmax ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      a = b + c ;
      if ( triecc [a ]== c ) 
	pat [i ]= c ;
	if ( i < patlen ) 
	traversecounttrie ( triecl [a ], i + 1 ) ;
	else if ( goodwt * triecl [a ]< thresh ) 
	  insertpattern ( maxval , patdot ) ;
	  badpatcount = badpatcount + 1 ;
	else if ( goodwt * triecl [a ]- badwt * triecr [a ]>= thresh ) 
	  insertpattern ( hyphlevel , patdot ) ;
	  goodpatcount = goodpatcount + 1 ;
	  goodcount = goodcount + triecl [a ];
	  badcount = badcount + triecr [a ];
	else moretocome = true ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
collectcounttrie ( void ) 
collectcounttrie ( ) 
  goodpatcount = 0 ;
  badpatcount = 0 ;
  goodcount = 0 ;
  badcount = 0 ;
  moretocome = false ;
  traversecounttrie ( 1 , 1 ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%ld%s%ld%s",  (long)goodpatcount , " good and " , (long)badpatcount ,   " bad patterns added" ) ;
  levelpatterncount = levelpatterncount + goodpatcount ;
  if ( moretocome ) 
  fprintf( output , "%s\n",  " (more to come)" ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%ld%s",  "finding " , (long)goodcount , " good and " , (long)badcount ,   " bad hyphens" ) ;
  if ( goodpatcount > 0 ) 
    Fputs( output ,  ", efficiency = " ) ;
    printreal ( goodcount / ((double) ( goodpatcount + badcount / ((double) ( 
    thresh / ((double) goodwt ) ) ) ) ) , 1 , 2 ) ;
    putc ('\n',  output );
  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%s%ld%s%ld%s\n",  "pattern trie has " , (long)triecount , " nodes, " ,   "trie_max = " , (long)triemax , ", " , (long)opcount , " outputs" ) ;
zdeletepatterns ( triepointer s ) 
zdeletepatterns ( s ) 
  triepointer s ;
  register triepointer Result; internalcode c  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  boolean allfreed  ;
  optype h, n  ;
  allfreed = true ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = cmax ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      t = s + c ;
      if ( triec [t ]== c ) 
	  h = 0 ;
	  ops [0 ].op = trier [t ];
	  n = ops [0 ].op ;
	  while ( n > 0 ) {
	    if ( ops [n ].val == maxval ) 
	    ops [h ].op = ops [n ].op ;
	    else h = n ;
	    n = ops [h ].op ;
	  trier [t ]= ops [0 ].op ;
	if ( triel [t ]> 0 ) 
	triel [t ]= deletepatterns ( triel [t ]) ;
	if ( ( triel [t ]> 0 ) || ( trier [t ]> 0 ) || ( s == 1 ) ) 
	allfreed = false ;
	else {
	  triel [trier [triemax + 1 ]]= t ;
	  trier [t ]= trier [triemax + 1 ];
	  triel [t ]= triemax + 1 ;
	  trier [triemax + 1 ]= t ;
	  triec [t ]= 0 ;
	  triecount = triecount - 1 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( allfreed ) 
    trietaken [s ]= false ;
    s = 0 ;
  Result = s ;
  return Result ;
deletebadpatterns ( void ) 
deletebadpatterns ( ) 
  optype oldopcount  ;
  triepointer oldtriecount  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  optype h  ;
  oldopcount = opcount ;
  oldtriecount = triecount ;
  t = deletepatterns ( 1 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; h = 1 ;for_end = maxops ; if ( h <= for_end) do 
    if ( ops [h ].val == maxval ) 
      ops [h ].val = 0 ;
      opcount = opcount - 1 ;
  while ( h++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fprintf( output , "%ld%s%ld%s\n",  (long)oldtriecount - triecount , " nodes and " , (long)oldopcount -   opcount , " outputs deleted" ) ;
  qmaxthresh = 7 ;
zoutputpatterns ( triepointer s , dottype patlen ) 
zoutputpatterns ( s , patlen ) 
  triepointer s ;
  dottype patlen ;
  internalcode c  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  optype h  ;
  dottype d  ;
  triecpointer l  ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 1 ;for_end = cmax ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      t = s + c ;
      if ( triec [t ]== c ) 
	pat [patlen ]= c ;
	h = trier [t ];
	if ( h > 0 ) 
	  {register integer for_end; d = 0 ;for_end = patlen ; if ( d <= 
	  for_end) do 
	    hval [d ]= 0 ;
	  while ( d++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  do {
	      d = ops [h ].dot ;
	    if ( hval [d ]< ops [h ].val ) 
	    hval [d ]= ops [h ].val ;
	    h = ops [h ].op ;
	  } while ( ! ( h == 0 ) ) ;
	  if ( hval [0 ]> 0 ) 
	  putc ( xdig [hval [0 ]],  patout );
	  {register integer for_end; d = 1 ;for_end = patlen ; if ( d <= 
	  for_end) do 
	      l = triecl [1 + pat [d ]];
	      while ( l > 0 ) {
		putc ( xchr [triecc [l ]],  patout );
		l = triecl [l ];
	      putc ( xext [pat [d ]],  patout );
	      if ( hval [d ]> 0 ) 
	      putc ( xdig [hval [d ]],  patout );
	  while ( d++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  putc ('\n',  patout );
	if ( triel [t ]> 0 ) 
	outputpatterns ( triel [t ], patlen + 1 ) ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
readword ( void ) 
readword ( ) 
  /* 30 40 */ textchar c  ;
  triepointer t  ;
    bufptr = 0 ;
    while ( ! eoln ( dictionary ) ) {
      if ( ( bufptr >= maxbuflen ) ) 
	  bufptr = 0 ;
	  do {
	      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	    putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Line too long" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
      read ( dictionary , buf [bufptr ]) ;
    readln ( dictionary ) ;
    while ( bufptr < maxbuflen ) {
      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
      buf [bufptr ]= ' ' ;
  word [1 ]= 1 ;
  wlen = 1 ;
  bufptr = 0 ;
  do {
      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
    c = buf [bufptr ];
    switch ( xclass [c ]) 
    {case 0 : 
      goto lab40 ;
      break ;
    case 1 : 
      if ( wlen == 1 ) 
	if ( xint [c ]!= wordwt ) 
	wtchg = true ;
	wordwt = xint [c ];
      else dotw [wlen ]= xint [c ];
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      dots [wlen ]= xint [c ];
      break ;
    case 3 : 
	wlen = wlen + 1 ;
	if ( wlen == maxlen ) 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s%s%ld%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" ,             "word length=" , (long)maxlen , "]." ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	word [wlen ]= xint [c ];
	dots [wlen ]= 0 ;
	dotw [wlen ]= wordwt ;
      break ;
    case 4 : 
	wlen = wlen + 1 ;
	if ( wlen == maxlen ) 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s%s%ld%s\n",  "PATGEN capacity exceeded, sorry [" ,             "word length=" , (long)maxlen , "]." ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  t = 1 ;
	  while ( true ) {
	    t = triel [t ]+ xord [c ];
	    if ( triec [t ]!= xord [c ]) 
		bufptr = 0 ;
		do {
		    bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		  putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
		} while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
		fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
		fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad representation" ) ;
		uexit ( 1 ) ;
	    if ( trier [t ]!= 0 ) 
	      word [wlen ]= trier [t ];
	      goto lab30 ;
	    if ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) 
	    c = ' ' ;
	    else {
	      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      c = buf [bufptr ];
	  lab30: ;
	dots [wlen ]= 0 ;
	dotw [wlen ]= wordwt ;
      break ;
    case 5 : 
	  bufptr = 0 ;
	  do {
	      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	    putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad character" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
      break ;
  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
  lab40: wlen = wlen + 1 ;
  word [wlen ]= 1 ;
hyphenate ( void ) 
hyphenate ( ) 
  /* 30 */ wordindex spos, dpos, fpos  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  optype h  ;
  valtype v  ;
  {register integer for_end; spos = wlen - hyfmax ;for_end = 0 ; if ( spos 
  >= for_end) do 
      nomore [spos ]= false ;
      hval [spos ]= 0 ;
      fpos = spos + 1 ;
      t = 1 + word [fpos ];
      do {
	  h = trier [t ];
	while ( h > 0 ) {
	  dpos = spos + ops [h ].dot ;
	  v = ops [h ].val ;
	  if ( ( v < maxval ) && ( hval [dpos ]< v ) ) 
	  hval [dpos ]= v ;
	  if ( ( v >= hyphlevel ) ) 
	  if ( ( ( fpos - patlen ) <= ( dpos - patdot ) ) && ( ( dpos - patdot 
	  ) <= spos ) ) 
	  nomore [dpos ]= true ;
	  h = ops [h ].op ;
	t = triel [t ];
	if ( t == 0 ) 
	goto lab30 ;
	fpos = fpos + 1 ;
	t = t + word [fpos ];
      } while ( ! ( triec [t ]!= word [fpos ]) ) ;
      lab30: ;
  while ( spos-- > for_end ) ;} 
changedots ( void ) 
changedots ( ) 
  wordindex dpos  ;
  {register integer for_end; dpos = wlen - hyfmax ;for_end = hyfmin ; if ( 
  dpos >= for_end) do 
      if ( odd ( hval [dpos ]) ) 
      dots [dpos ]= dots [dpos ]+ 1 ;
      if ( dots [dpos ]== 3 ) 
      goodcount = goodcount + dotw [dpos ];
      else if ( dots [dpos ]== 1 ) 
      badcount = badcount + dotw [dpos ];
      else if ( dots [dpos ]== 2 ) 
      misscount = misscount + dotw [dpos ];
  while ( dpos-- > for_end ) ;} 
outputhyphenatedword ( void ) 
outputhyphenatedword ( ) 
  wordindex dpos  ;
  triecpointer l  ;
  if ( wtchg ) 
    putc ( xdig [wordwt ],  pattmp );
    wtchg = false ;
  {register integer for_end; dpos = 2 ;for_end = wlen - 2 ; if ( dpos <= 
  for_end) do 
      l = triecl [1 + word [dpos ]];
      while ( l > 0 ) {
	putc ( xchr [triecc [l ]],  pattmp );
	l = triecl [l ];
      putc ( xext [word [dpos ]],  pattmp );
      if ( dots [dpos ]!= 0 ) 
      putc ( xhyf [dots [dpos ]],  pattmp );
      if ( dotw [dpos ]!= wordwt ) 
      putc ( xdig [dotw [dpos ]],  pattmp );
  while ( dpos++ < for_end ) ;} 
  l = triecl [1 + word [wlen - 1 ]];
  while ( l > 0 ) {
    putc ( xchr [triecc [l ]],  pattmp );
    l = triecl [l ];
  fprintf( pattmp , "%c\n",  xext [word [wlen - 1 ]]) ;
doword ( void ) 
doword ( ) 
  /* 22 30 */ wordindex spos, dpos, fpos  ;
  triecpointer a  ;
  boolean goodp  ;
  {register integer for_end; dpos = wlen - dotmax ;for_end = dotmin ; if ( 
  dpos >= for_end) do 
      spos = dpos - patdot ;
      fpos = spos + patlen ;
      if ( nomore [dpos ]) 
      goto lab22 ;
      if ( dots [dpos ]== gooddot ) 
      goodp = true ;
      else if ( dots [dpos ]== baddot ) 
      goodp = false ;
      else goto lab22 ;
      spos = spos + 1 ;
      a = 1 + word [spos ];
      while ( spos < fpos ) {
	spos = spos + 1 ;
	a = triecl [a ]+ word [spos ];
	if ( triecc [a ]!= word [spos ]) 
	  a = insertcpat ( fpos ) ;
	  goto lab30 ;
      lab30: if ( goodp ) 
      triecl [a ]= triecl [a ]+ dotw [dpos ];
      else triecr [a ]= triecr [a ]+ dotw [dpos ];
      lab22: ;
  while ( dpos-- > for_end ) ;} 
dodictionary ( void ) 
dodictionary ( ) 
  goodcount = 0 ;
  badcount = 0 ;
  misscount = 0 ;
  wordwt = 1 ;
  wtchg = false ;
  fname = cmdline ( 1 ) ;
  reset ( dictionary , fname ) ;
  xclass ['.' ]= 5 ;
  xclass [xhyf [1 ]]= 2 ;
  xint [xhyf [1 ]]= 0 ;
  xclass [xhyf [2 ]]= 2 ;
  xint [xhyf [2 ]]= 2 ;
  xclass [xhyf [3 ]]= 2 ;
  xint [xhyf [3 ]]= 2 ;
  hyfmin = lefthyphenmin + 1 ;
  hyfmax = righthyphenmin + 1 ;
  hyflen = hyfmin + hyfmax ;
  if ( procesp ) 
    dotmin = patdot ;
    dotmax = patlen - patdot ;
    if ( dotmin < hyfmin ) 
    dotmin = hyfmin ;
    if ( dotmax < hyfmax ) 
    dotmax = hyfmax ;
    dotlen = dotmin + dotmax ;
    if ( odd ( hyphlevel ) ) 
      gooddot = 2 ;
      baddot = 0 ;
    else {
      gooddot = 1 ;
      baddot = 3 ;
  if ( procesp ) 
    initcounttrie () ;
    fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "processing dictionary with pat_len = " , (long)patlen ,     ", pat_dot = " , (long)patdot ) ;
  if ( hyphp ) 
    strcpy ( filnam , "pattmp" ) ;
    filnam [8 ]= xdig [hyphlevel ];
    rewrite ( pattmp , filnam ) ;
    fprintf( output , "%s%c\n",  "writing pattmp." , xdig [hyphlevel ]) ;
  while ( ! eof ( dictionary ) ) {
    readword () ;
    if ( wlen >= hyflen ) 
      hyphenate () ;
      changedots () ;
    if ( hyphp ) 
    if ( wlen > 2 ) 
    outputhyphenatedword () ;
    if ( procesp ) 
    if ( wlen >= dotlen ) 
    doword () ;
  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%ld%s%ld%s%ld%s\n",  (long)goodcount , " good, " , (long)badcount , " bad, " , (long)misscount ,   " missed" ) ;
  if ( ( goodcount + misscount ) > 0 ) 
    printreal ( ( 100 * goodcount / ((double) ( goodcount + misscount ) ) ) , 
    1 , 2 ) ;
    Fputs( output ,  " %, " ) ;
    printreal ( ( 100 * badcount / ((double) ( goodcount + misscount ) ) ) , 1 
    , 2 ) ;
    Fputs( output ,  " %, " ) ;
    printreal ( ( 100 * misscount / ((double) ( goodcount + misscount ) ) ) , 
    1 , 2 ) ;
    fprintf( output , "%s\n",  " %" ) ;
  if ( procesp ) 
  fprintf( output , "%ld%s%ld%s%s%ld\n",  (long)patcount , " patterns, " , (long)trieccount ,   " nodes in count trie, " , "triec_max = " , (long)triecmax ) ;
  if ( hyphp ) 
readpatterns ( void ) 
readpatterns ( ) 
  /* 30 40 */ textchar c  ;
  digit d  ;
  dottype i  ;
  triepointer t  ;
  xclass ['.' ]= 3 ;
  xint ['.' ]= 1 ;
  levelpatterncount = 0 ;
  maxpat = 0 ;
  fname = cmdline ( 2 ) ;
  reset ( patterns , fname ) ;
  while ( ! eof ( patterns ) ) {
      bufptr = 0 ;
      while ( ! eoln ( patterns ) ) {
	if ( ( bufptr >= maxbuflen ) ) 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Line too long" ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	read ( patterns , buf [bufptr ]) ;
      readln ( patterns ) ;
      while ( bufptr < maxbuflen ) {
	bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	buf [bufptr ]= ' ' ;
    levelpatterncount = levelpatterncount + 1 ;
    patlen = 0 ;
    bufptr = 0 ;
    hval [0 ]= 0 ;
    do {
	bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
      c = buf [bufptr ];
      switch ( xclass [c ]) 
      {case 0 : 
	goto lab40 ;
	break ;
      case 1 : 
	  d = xint [c ];
	  if ( d >= maxval ) 
	      bufptr = 0 ;
	      do {
		  bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	      } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	      fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad hyphenation value" ) ;
	      uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  if ( d > maxpat ) 
	  maxpat = d ;
	  hval [patlen ]= d ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	  patlen = patlen + 1 ;
	  hval [patlen ]= 0 ;
	  pat [patlen ]= xint [c ];
	break ;
      case 4 : 
	  patlen = patlen + 1 ;
	  hval [patlen ]= 0 ;
	    t = 1 ;
	    while ( true ) {
	      t = triel [t ]+ xord [c ];
	      if ( triec [t ]!= xord [c ]) 
		  bufptr = 0 ;
		  do {
		      bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		    putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
		  } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
		  fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
		  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad representation" ) ;
		  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	      if ( trier [t ]!= 0 ) 
		pat [patlen ]= trier [t ];
		goto lab30 ;
	      if ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) 
	      c = ' ' ;
	      else {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
		c = buf [bufptr ];
	    lab30: ;
	break ;
      case 2 : 
      case 5 : 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad character" ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	break ;
    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
    lab40: if ( patlen > 0 ) 
    {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = patlen ; if ( i <= for_end) 
	if ( hval [i ]!= 0 ) 
	insertpattern ( hval [i ], i ) ;
	if ( i > 1 ) 
	if ( i < patlen ) 
	if ( pat [i ]== 1 ) 
	    bufptr = 0 ;
	    do {
		bufptr = bufptr + 1 ;
	      putc ( buf [bufptr ],  output );
	    } while ( ! ( bufptr == maxbuflen ) ) ;
	    fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Bad edge_of_word" ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
    while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fprintf( output , "%ld%s\n",  (long)levelpatterncount , " patterns read in" ) ;
  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%s%ld%s%ld%s\n",  "pattern trie has " , (long)triecount , " nodes, " ,   "trie_max = " , (long)triemax , ", " , (long)opcount , " outputs" ) ;
void mainbody() {
  initialize () ;
  initpatterntrie () ;
  readtranslate () ;
  readpatterns () ;
  procesp = true ;
  hyphp = false ;
  do {
      Fputs( output ,  "hyph_start, hyph_finish: " ) ;
    input2ints ( n1 , n2 ) ;
    if ( ( n1 >= 1 ) && ( n1 < maxval ) && ( n2 >= 1 ) && ( n2 < maxval ) ) 
      hyphstart = n1 ;
      hyphfinish = n2 ;
    else {
      n1 = 0 ;
      fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Specify 1<=hyph_start,hyph_finish<=" , (long)maxval - 1 ,       " !" ) ;
  } while ( ! ( n1 > 0 ) ) ;
  hyphlevel = maxpat ;
  {register integer for_end; i = hyphstart ;for_end = hyphfinish ; if ( i <= 
  for_end) do 
      hyphlevel = i ;
      levelpatterncount = 0 ;
      if ( hyphlevel > hyphstart ) 
      fprintf( output , "%c\n",  ' ' ) ;
      else if ( hyphstart <= maxpat ) 
      fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Largest hyphenation value " , (long)maxpat ,       " in patterns should be less than hyph_start" ) ;
      do {
	  Fputs( output ,  "pat_start, pat_finish: " ) ;
	input2ints ( n1 , n2 ) ;
	if ( ( n1 >= 1 ) && ( n1 <= n2 ) && ( n2 <= maxdot ) ) 
	  patstart = n1 ;
	  patfinish = n2 ;
	else {
	  n1 = 0 ;
	  fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Specify 1<=pat_start<=pat_finish<=" , (long)maxdot ,           " !" ) ;
      } while ( ! ( n1 > 0 ) ) ;
      do {
	  Fputs( output ,  "good weight, bad weight, threshold: " ) ;
	input3ints ( n1 , n2 , n3 ) ;
	if ( ( n1 >= 1 ) && ( n2 >= 1 ) && ( n3 >= 1 ) ) 
	  goodwt = n1 ;
	  badwt = n2 ;
	  thresh = n3 ;
	else {
	  n1 = 0 ;
	  fprintf( output , "%s\n",  "Specify good weight, bad weight, threshold>=1 !"           ) ;
      } while ( ! ( n1 > 0 ) ) ;
      {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = maxdot ; if ( k <= 
      for_end) do 
	morethislevel [k ]= true ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      {register integer for_end; j = patstart ;for_end = patfinish ; if ( j 
      <= for_end) do 
	  patlen = j ;
	  patdot = patlen / 2 ;
	  dot1 = patdot * 2 ;
	  do {
	      patdot = dot1 - patdot ;
	    dot1 = patlen * 2 - dot1 - 1 ;
	    if ( morethislevel [patdot ]) 
	      dodictionary () ;
	      collectcounttrie () ;
	      morethislevel [patdot ]= moretocome ;
	  } while ( ! ( patdot == patlen ) ) ;
	  {register integer for_end; k = maxdot ;for_end = 1 ; if ( k >= 
	  for_end) do 
	    if ( ! morethislevel [k - 1 ]) 
	    morethislevel [k ]= false ;
	  while ( k-- > for_end ) ;} 
      while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
      deletebadpatterns () ;
      fprintf( output , "%s%ld%s%ld\n",  "total of " , (long)levelpatterncount ,       " patterns at hyph_level " , (long)hyphlevel ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  findletters ( triel [1 ], 1 ) ;
  fname = cmdline ( 3 ) ;
  rewrite ( patout , fname ) ;
  outputpatterns ( 1 , 1 ) ;
  procesp = false ;
  hyphp = true ;
  Fputs( output ,  "hyphenate word list? " ) ;
    buf [1 ]= getc ( stdin ) ;
    readln ( stdin ) ;
  if ( ( buf [1 ]== 'Y' ) || ( buf [1 ]== 'y' ) ) 
  dodictionary () ;
  lab9999: ;

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