Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/misc/vftovp.c

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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#define VFTOVP
#include "cpascal.h"
/* 9999 */ 
#define tfmsize ( 30000 ) 
#define vfsize ( 10000 ) 
#define maxfonts ( 300 ) 
#define ligsize ( 5000 ) 
#define hashsize ( 5003 ) 
#define maxstack ( 50 ) 
#define charcodeascii ( 0 ) 
#define charcodeoctal ( 1 ) 
#define charcodedefault ( 2 ) 
typedef unsigned char byte  ;
typedef integer indextype  ;
typedef integer charcodeformattype  ;
text /* of  byte */ vffile  ;
text /* of  byte */ tfmfile  ;
short lf, lh, bc, ec, nw, nh, nd, ni, nl, nk, ne, np  ;
text vplfile  ;
#define tfm (zzzaa +1000)
  zzzaa[tfmsize + 1001]  ;
integer charbase, widthbase, heightbase, depthbase, italicbase, ligkernbase, 
kernbase, extenbase, parambase  ;
char fonttype  ;
byte vf[vfsize + 1]  ;
integer fontnumber[maxfonts + 1]  ;
integer fontstart[maxfonts + 1], fontchars[maxfonts + 1]  ;
integer fontptr  ;
integer packetstart[256], packetend[256]  ;
boolean packetfound  ;
byte tempbyte  ;
integer count  ;
real realdsize  ;
integer pl  ;
integer vfptr  ;
integer vfcount  ;
integer a  ;
integer l  ;
char * curname  ;
byte b0, b1, b2, b3  ;
short fontlh  ;
short fontbc, fontec  ;
char defaultdirectory[10]  ;
cstring ASCII04, ASCII10, ASCII14  ;
char xchr[256]  ;
cstring MBLstring, RIstring, RCEstring  ;
char dig[12]  ;
char level  ;
char charsonline  ;
boolean perfect  ;
short i  ;
short c  ;
char d  ;
indextype k  ;
unsigned short r  ;
struct {
    short cc ;
  integer rr ;
} labeltable[259]  ;
short labelptr  ;
short sortptr  ;
short boundarychar  ;
short bcharlabel  ;
char activity[ligsize + 1]  ;
integer ai, acti  ;
integer hash[hashsize + 1]  ;
char classvar[hashsize + 1]  ;
short ligz[hashsize + 1]  ;
integer hashptr  ;
integer hashlist[hashsize + 1]  ;
integer h, hh  ;
short xligcycle, yligcycle  ;
integer top  ;
integer wstack[maxstack + 1], xstack[maxstack + 1], ystack[maxstack + 1], 
zstack[maxstack + 1]  ;
integer vflimit  ;
byte o  ;
cinttype verbose  ;
charcodeformattype charcodeformat  ;
cstring vfname, tfmname, vplname  ;

#include "vftovp.h"
parsearguments ( void ) 
parsearguments ( ) 
#define noptions ( 4 ) 
  getoptstruct longoptions[noptions + 1]  ;
  integer getoptreturnval  ;
  cinttype optionindex  ;
  integer currentoption  ;
  verbose = false ;
  charcodeformat = charcodedefault ;
  currentoption = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "help" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "version" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "verbose" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = addressof ( verbose ) ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 1 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "charcode-format" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  do {
      getoptreturnval = getoptlongonly ( argc , argv , "" , longoptions , 
    addressof ( optionindex ) ) ;
    if ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) 
    else if ( getoptreturnval == 63 ) 
      usage ( 1 , "vftovp" ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "help" ) == 0 ) ) 
      usage ( 0 , VFTOVPHELP ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "version" ) == 0 
    ) ) 
      printversionandexit ( "This is VFtoVP, Version 1.2" , nil , "D.E. Knuth" 
      ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "charcode-format" 
    ) == 0 ) ) 
      if ( strcmp ( optarg , "ascii" ) == 0 ) 
      charcodeformat = charcodeascii ;
      else if ( strcmp ( optarg , "octal" ) == 0 ) 
      charcodeformat = charcodeoctal ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%c\n",  "Bad character code format" , (long)optarg , '.' ) ;
  } while ( ! ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) ) ;
  if ( ( optind + 1 != argc ) && ( optind + 2 != argc ) && ( optind + 3 != 
  argc ) ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "vftovp: Need one to three file arguments." ) ;
    usage ( 1 , "vftovp" ) ;
  vfname = cmdline ( optind ) ;
  if ( optind + 2 <= argc ) 
    tfmname = cmdline ( optind + 1 ) ;
  else {
    tfmname = basenamechangesuffix ( vfname , ".vf" , ".tfm" ) ;
initialize ( void ) 
initialize ( ) 
  integer k  ;
  kpsesetprogname ( argv [0 ]) ;
  kpseinitprog ( "VFTOVP" , 0 , nil , nil ) ;
  parsearguments () ;
  vffile = kpseopenfile ( vfname , kpsevfformat ) ;
  tfmfile = kpseopenfile ( tfmname , kpsetfmformat ) ;
  if ( verbose ) 
    Fputs(stdout, "This is VFtoVP, Version 1.2" ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", versionstring ) ;
  if ( optind + 3 > argc ) 
    vplfile = stdout ;
  else {
    vplname = extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind + 2 ) , "vpl" ) ;
    rewrite ( vplfile , vplname ) ;
  ASCII04 = "  !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" ;
  ASCII14 = " `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?" ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    xchr [k ]= '?' ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 31 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      xchr [k + 32 ]= ASCII04 [k + 1 ];
      xchr [k + 64 ]= ASCII10 [k + 1 ];
      xchr [k + 96 ]= ASCII14 [k + 1 ];
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  MBLstring = " MBL" ;
  RIstring = " RI " ;
  RCEstring = " RCE" ;
  level = 0 ;
  charsonline = 0 ;
  perfect = true ;
  boundarychar = 256 ;
  bcharlabel = 32767 ;
  labelptr = 0 ;
  labeltable [0 ].rr = 0 ;
readtfmword ( void ) 
readtfmword ( ) 
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
  b0 = 0 ;
  else read ( tfmfile , b0 ) ;
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
  b1 = 0 ;
  else read ( tfmfile , b1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
  b2 = 0 ;
  else read ( tfmfile , b2 ) ;
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
  b3 = 0 ;
  else read ( tfmfile , b3 ) ;
zvfread ( integer k ) 
zvfread ( k ) 
  integer k ;
  register integer Result; byte b  ;
  integer a  ;
  vfcount = vfcount + k ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
  b = 0 ;
  else read ( vffile , b ) ;
  a = b ;
  if ( k == 4 ) 
  if ( b >= 128 ) 
  a = a - 256 ;
  while ( k > 1 ) {
    if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
    b = 0 ;
    else read ( vffile , b ) ;
    a = 256 * a + b ;
    k = k - 1 ;
  Result = a ;
  return Result ;
ztfmwidth ( byte c ) 
ztfmwidth ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  register integer Result; integer a  ;
  indextype k  ;
  k = 4 * ( widthbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) ]) ;
  a = tfm [k ];
  if ( a >= 128 ) 
  a = a - 256 ;
  Result = ( ( 256 * a + tfm [k + 1 ]) * 256 + tfm [k + 2 ]) * 256 + tfm [
  k + 3 ];
  return Result ;
zoutdigs ( integer j ) 
zoutdigs ( j ) 
  integer j ;
  do {
      j = j - 1 ;
    fprintf( vplfile , "%ld",  (long)dig [j ]) ;
  } while ( ! ( j == 0 ) ) ;
zprintdigs ( integer j ) 
zprintdigs ( j ) 
  integer j ;
  do {
      j = j - 1 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%ld", (long)dig [j ]) ;
  } while ( ! ( j == 0 ) ) ;
zprintoctal ( byte c ) 
zprintoctal ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  char j  ;
  putc ('\'' , stdout);
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = 2 ; if ( j <= for_end) do 
      dig [j ]= c % 8 ;
      c = c / 8 ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  printdigs ( 3 ) ;
outln ( void ) 
outln ( ) 
  char l  ;
  putc ('\n',  vplfile );
  {register integer for_end; l = 1 ;for_end = level ; if ( l <= for_end) do 
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "   " ) ;
  while ( l++ < for_end ) ;} 
left ( void ) 
left ( ) 
  level = level + 1 ;
  putc ( '(' ,  vplfile );
right ( void ) 
right ( ) 
  level = level - 1 ;
  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
  outln () ;
zoutBCPL ( indextype k ) 
zoutBCPL ( k ) 
  indextype k ;
  char l  ;
  putc ( ' ' ,  vplfile );
  l = tfm [k ];
  while ( l > 0 ) {
    k = k + 1 ;
    l = l - 1 ;
    putc ( xchr [tfm [k ]],  vplfile );
zoutoctal ( indextype k , indextype l ) 
zoutoctal ( k , l ) 
  indextype k ;
  indextype l ;
  short a  ;
  char b  ;
  char j  ;
  Fputs( vplfile ,  " O " ) ;
  a = 0 ;
  b = 0 ;
  j = 0 ;
  while ( l > 0 ) {
    l = l - 1 ;
    if ( tfm [k + l ]!= 0 ) 
      while ( b > 2 ) {
	dig [j ]= a % 8 ;
	a = a / 8 ;
	b = b - 3 ;
	j = j + 1 ;
      switch ( b ) 
      {case 0 : 
	a = tfm [k + l ];
	break ;
      case 1 : 
	a = a + 2 * tfm [k + l ];
	break ;
      case 2 : 
	a = a + 4 * tfm [k + l ];
	break ;
    b = b + 8 ;
  while ( ( a > 0 ) || ( j == 0 ) ) {
    dig [j ]= a % 8 ;
    a = a / 8 ;
    j = j + 1 ;
  outdigs ( j ) ;
zoutchar ( byte c ) 
zoutchar ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  if ( ( fonttype > 0 ) || ( charcodeformat == charcodeoctal ) ) 
    tfm [0 ]= c ;
    outoctal ( 0 , 1 ) ;
  else if ( ( charcodeformat == charcodeascii ) && ( c > 32 ) && ( c <= 126 ) 
  && ( c != 40 ) && ( c != 41 ) ) 
  fprintf( vplfile , "%s%c",  " C " , xchr [c ]) ;
  else if ( ( ( c >= 48 ) && ( c <= 57 ) ) || ( ( c >= 65 ) && ( c <= 90 ) ) 
  || ( ( c >= 97 ) && ( c <= 122 ) ) ) 
  fprintf( vplfile , "%s%c",  " C " , xchr [c ]) ;
  else {
    tfm [0 ]= c ;
    outoctal ( 0 , 1 ) ;
zoutface ( indextype k ) 
zoutface ( k ) 
  indextype k ;
  char s  ;
  char b  ;
  if ( tfm [k ]>= 18 ) 
  outoctal ( k , 1 ) ;
  else {
    Fputs( vplfile ,  " F " ) ;
    s = tfm [k ]% 2 ;
    b = tfm [k ]/ 2 ;
    putbyte ( MBLstring [1 + ( b % 3 ) ], vplfile ) ;
    putbyte ( RIstring [1 + s ], vplfile ) ;
    putbyte ( RCEstring [1 + ( b / 3 ) ], vplfile ) ;
zoutfix ( indextype k ) 
zoutfix ( k ) 
  indextype k ;
  short a  ;
  integer f  ;
  char j  ;
  integer delta  ;
  Fputs( vplfile ,  " R " ) ;
  a = ( tfm [k ]* 16 ) + ( tfm [k + 1 ]/ 16 ) ;
  f = ( ( tfm [k + 1 ]% 16 ) * toint ( 256 ) + tfm [k + 2 ]) * 256 + tfm [
  k + 3 ];
  if ( a > 2047 ) 
    putc ( '-' ,  vplfile );
    a = 4096 - a ;
    if ( f > 0 ) 
      f = 1048576L - f ;
      a = a - 1 ;
    j = 0 ;
    do {
	dig [j ]= a % 10 ;
      a = a / 10 ;
      j = j + 1 ;
    } while ( ! ( a == 0 ) ) ;
    outdigs ( j ) ;
    putc ( '.' ,  vplfile );
    f = 10 * f + 5 ;
    delta = 10 ;
    do {
	if ( delta > 1048576L ) 
      f = f + 524288L - ( delta / 2 ) ;
      fprintf( vplfile , "%ld",  (long)f / 1048576L ) ;
      f = 10 * ( f % 1048576L ) ;
      delta = delta * 10 ;
    } while ( ! ( f <= delta ) ) ;
zcheckBCPL ( indextype k , indextype l ) 
zcheckBCPL ( k , l ) 
  indextype k ;
  indextype l ;
  indextype j  ;
  byte c  ;
  if ( tfm [k ]>= l ) 
      perfect = false ;
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      charsonline = 0 ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " ,       "String is too long; I've shortened it drastically." ) ;
    tfm [k ]= 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; j = k + 1 ;for_end = k + tfm [k ]; if ( j <= 
  for_end) do 
      c = tfm [j ];
      if ( ( c == 40 ) || ( c == 41 ) ) 
	  perfect = false ;
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  charsonline = 0 ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " ,           "Parenthesis in string has been changed to slash." ) ;
	tfm [j ]= 47 ;
      else if ( ( c < 32 ) || ( c > 126 ) ) 
	  perfect = false ;
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  charsonline = 0 ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " ,           "Nonstandard ASCII code has been blotted out." ) ;
	tfm [j ]= 63 ;
      else if ( ( c >= 97 ) && ( c <= 122 ) ) 
      tfm [j ]= c - 32 ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
hashinput ( void ) 
hashinput ( ) 
  /* 10 */ char cc  ;
  unsigned char zz  ;
  unsigned char y  ;
  integer key  ;
  integer t  ;
  if ( hashptr == hashsize ) 
  goto lab10 ;
  k = 4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ;
  y = tfm [k + 1 ];
  t = tfm [k + 2 ];
  cc = 0 ;
  zz = tfm [k + 3 ];
  if ( t >= 128 ) 
  zz = y ;
  else {
    switch ( t ) 
    {case 0 : 
    case 6 : 
      break ;
    case 5 : 
    case 11 : 
      zz = y ;
      break ;
    case 1 : 
    case 7 : 
      cc = 1 ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      cc = 2 ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
      cc = 3 ;
      break ;
  key = 256 * c + y + 1 ;
  h = ( 1009 * key ) % hashsize ;
  while ( hash [h ]> 0 ) {
    if ( hash [h ]<= key ) 
      if ( hash [h ]== key ) 
      goto lab10 ;
      t = hash [h ];
      hash [h ]= key ;
      key = t ;
      t = classvar [h ];
      classvar [h ]= cc ;
      cc = t ;
      t = ligz [h ];
      ligz [h ]= zz ;
      zz = t ;
    if ( h > 0 ) 
    h = h - 1 ;
    else h = hashsize ;
  hash [h ]= key ;
  classvar [h ]= cc ;
  ligz [h ]= zz ;
  hashptr = hashptr + 1 ;
  hashlist [hashptr ]= h ;
  lab10: ;
#ifdef notdef
zligf ( indextype h , indextype x , indextype y ) 
zligf ( h , x , y ) 
  indextype h ;
  indextype x ;
  indextype y ;
  register indextype Result; ;
  return Result ;
#endif /* notdef */
zeval ( indextype x , indextype y ) 
zeval ( x , y ) 
  indextype x ;
  indextype y ;
  register indextype Result; integer key  ;
  key = 256 * x + y + 1 ;
  h = ( 1009 * key ) % hashsize ;
  while ( hash [h ]> key ) if ( h > 0 ) 
  h = h - 1 ;
  else h = hashsize ;
  if ( hash [h ]< key ) 
  Result = y ;
  else Result = ligf ( h , x , y ) ;
  return Result ;
zligf ( indextype h , indextype x , indextype y ) 
zligf ( h , x , y ) 
  indextype h ;
  indextype x ;
  indextype y ;
  register indextype Result; switch ( classvar [h ]) 
  {case 0 : 
    break ;
  case 1 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( ligz [h ], y ) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( x , ligz [h ]) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( eval ( x , ligz [h ]) , y ) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
      xligcycle = x ;
      yligcycle = y ;
      ligz [h ]= 257 ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  Result = ligz [h ];
  return Result ;
zstringbalance ( integer k , integer l ) 
zstringbalance ( k , l ) 
  integer k ;
  integer l ;
  /* 45 10 */ register boolean Result; integer j, bal  ;
  if ( l > 0 ) 
  if ( vf [k ]== 32 ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  bal = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; j = k ;for_end = k + l - 1 ; if ( j <= for_end) 
      if ( ( vf [j ]< 32 ) || ( vf [j ]>= 127 ) ) 
      goto lab45 ;
      if ( vf [j ]== 40 ) 
      bal = bal + 1 ;
      else if ( vf [j ]== 41 ) 
      if ( bal == 0 ) 
      goto lab45 ;
      else bal = bal - 1 ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( bal > 0 ) 
  goto lab45 ;
  Result = true ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab45: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
zoutasfix ( integer x ) 
zoutasfix ( x ) 
  integer x ;
  char k  ;
  if ( abs ( x ) >= 16777216L ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Oversize dimension has been reset to zero." ) 
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
  tfm [28 ]= 0 ;
  else {
    tfm [28 ]= 255 ;
    x = x + 16777216L ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 3 ;for_end = 1 ; if ( k >= for_end) do 
      tfm [28 + k ]= x % 256 ;
      x = x / 256 ;
  while ( k-- > for_end ) ;} 
  outfix ( 28 ) ;
zgetbytes ( integer k , boolean issigned ) 
zgetbytes ( k , issigned ) 
  integer k ;
  boolean issigned ;
  register integer Result; integer a  ;
  if ( vfptr + k > vflimit ) 
      perfect = false ;
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      charsonline = 0 ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Packet ended prematurely" ) ;
    k = vflimit - vfptr ;
  a = vf [vfptr ];
  if ( ( k == 4 ) || issigned ) 
  if ( a >= 128 ) 
  a = a - 256 ;
  vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
  while ( k > 1 ) {
    a = a * 256 + vf [vfptr ];
    vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
    k = k - 1 ;
  Result = a ;
  return Result ;
vfinput ( void ) 
vfinput ( ) 
  /* 9999 10 */ register boolean Result; integer vfptr  ;
  integer k  ;
  integer c  ;
  read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
  if ( tempbyte != 247 ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The first byte isn't `pre'!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The input file is only one byte long!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
  if ( tempbyte != 202 ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Wrong VF version number in second byte!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The input file is only two bytes long!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
  vfcount = 11 ;
  vfptr = 0 ;
  if ( vfptr + tempbyte >= vfsize ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file is bigger than I can handle!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = vfptr ;for_end = vfptr + tempbyte - 1 
  ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file ended prematurely!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      read ( vffile , vf [k ]) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  vfcount = vfcount + tempbyte ;
  vfptr = vfptr + tempbyte ;
  if ( verbose ) 
    {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = vfptr - 1 ; if ( k <= 
    for_end) do 
      putc (xchr [vf [k ]], stdout);
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
  count = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 7 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
      if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file ended prematurely!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
      if ( tempbyte == tfm [24 + k ]) 
      count = count + 1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  realdsize = ( ( ( tfm [28 ]* 256 + tfm [29 ]) * 256 + tfm [30 ]) * 256 
  + tfm [31 ]) / ((double) 1048576L ) ;
  if ( count != 8 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Check sum and/or design size mismatch." ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Data from TFM file will be assumed correct." ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    packetstart [k ]= vfsize ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fontptr = 0 ;
  packetfound = false ;
  fontstart [0 ]= vfptr ;
  do {
      if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "File ended without a postamble!" ) ;
      tempbyte = 248 ;
    else {
      read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
      vfcount = vfcount + 1 ;
      if ( tempbyte != 248 ) 
      if ( tempbyte > 242 ) 
	if ( packetfound || ( tempbyte >= 247 ) ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Illegal byte " , (long)tempbyte ,           " at beginning of character packet!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	fontnumber [fontptr ]= vfread ( tempbyte - 242 ) ;
	if ( fontptr == maxfonts ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "I can't handle that many fonts!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	if ( vfptr + 14 >= vfsize ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file is bigger than I can handle!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = vfptr ;for_end = vfptr + 13 ; if ( k 
	<= for_end) do 
	    if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file ended prematurely!" ) ;
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",                "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	      uexit ( 1 ) ;
	    read ( vffile , vf [k ]) ;
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	vfcount = vfcount + 14 ;
	vfptr = vfptr + 14 ;
	if ( vf [vfptr - 10 ]> 0 ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Mapped font size is too big!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	a = vf [vfptr - 2 ];
	l = vf [vfptr - 1 ];
	if ( vfptr + a + l >= vfsize ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file is bigger than I can handle!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = vfptr ;for_end = vfptr + a + l - 1 
	; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	    if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file ended prematurely!" ) ;
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",                "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	      uexit ( 1 ) ;
	    read ( vffile , vf [k ]) ;
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	vfcount = vfcount + a + l ;
	vfptr = vfptr + a + l ;
	if ( verbose ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s", "MAPFONT " , (long)fontptr , ": " ) ;
	  {register integer for_end; k = fontstart [fontptr ]+ 14 ;for_end 
	  = vfptr - 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	    putc (xchr [vf [k ]], stdout);
	  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  k = fontstart [fontptr ]+ 5 ;
	  Fputs(stdout, " at " ) ;
	  printreal ( ( ( ( vf [k ]* 256 + vf [k + 1 ]) * 256 + vf [k + 2 
	  ]) / ((double) 1048576L ) ) * realdsize , 2 , 2 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "pt" ) ;
	fontchars [fontptr ]= vfptr ;
	r = vfptr - ( fontstart [fontptr ]+ 14 ) ;
	curname = xmalloc ( r + 1 ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = ( fontstart [fontptr ]+ 14 ) ;
	for_end = vfptr ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	    curname [k - ( fontstart [fontptr ]+ 14 ) ]= xchr [vf [k ]]
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	curname [r ]= 0 ;
	tfmname = kpsefindtfm ( curname ) ;
	free ( curname ) ;
	if ( ! tfmname ) 
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!" ) ;
	else {
	  resetbin ( tfmfile , tfmname ) ;
	  free ( tfmname ) ;
	  fontbc = 0 ;
	  fontec = 256 ;
	  readtfmword () ;
	  if ( b2 < 128 ) 
	    fontlh = b2 * 256 + b3 ;
	    readtfmword () ;
	    if ( ( b0 < 128 ) && ( b2 < 128 ) ) 
	      fontbc = b0 * 256 + b1 ;
	      fontec = b2 * 256 + b3 ;
	  if ( fontbc <= fontec ) 
	  if ( fontec > 255 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "---not loaded, bad TFM file!" ) ;
	  else {
	    {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 3 + fontlh ; if ( k 
	    <= for_end) do 
		readtfmword () ;
		if ( k == 4 ) 
		if ( b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 > 0 ) 
		if ( ( b0 != vf [fontstart [fontptr ]]) || ( b1 != vf [
		fontstart [fontptr ]+ 1 ]) || ( b2 != vf [fontstart [
		fontptr ]+ 2 ]) || ( b3 != vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 3 ]
		) ) 
		  if ( verbose ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Check sum in VF file being replaced by TFM check sum" ) ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]]= b0 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 1 ]= b1 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 2 ]= b2 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 3 ]= b3 ;
		if ( k == 5 ) 
		if ( ( b0 != vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 8 ]) || ( b1 != vf 
		[fontstart [fontptr ]+ 9 ]) || ( b2 != vf [fontstart [
		fontptr ]+ 10 ]) || ( b3 != vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 11 
		]) ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Design size in VF file being replaced by TFM design size" ) 
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 8 ]= b0 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 9 ]= b1 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 10 ]= b2 ;
		  vf [fontstart [fontptr ]+ 11 ]= b3 ;
	    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	    {register integer for_end; k = fontbc ;for_end = fontec ; if ( k 
	    <= for_end) do 
		readtfmword () ;
		if ( b0 > 0 ) 
		  vf [vfptr ]= k ;
		  vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
		  if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "I'm out of VF memory!" ) ;
		    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",                      "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
		    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "---trouble is brewing, TFM file ended too soon!" ) ;
	vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	fontptr = fontptr + 1 ;
	fontstart [fontptr ]= vfptr ;
      else {
	if ( tempbyte == 242 ) 
	  pl = vfread ( 4 ) ;
	  c = vfread ( 4 ) ;
	  count = vfread ( 4 ) ;
	else {
	  pl = tempbyte ;
	  c = vfread ( 1 ) ;
	  count = vfread ( 3 ) ;
	if ( ( ( c < bc ) || ( c > ec ) || ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) ]== 0 
	) ) ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s%ld%s\n",  "Character " , (long)c , " does not exist!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	if ( packetstart [c ]< vfsize ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld\n", "Discarding earlier packet for character " , (long)c ) ;
	if ( count != tfmwidth ( c ) ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s\n", "Incorrect TFM width for character " , (long)c , " in VF file" ) ;
	if ( pl < 0 ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Negative packet length!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	packetstart [c ]= vfptr ;
	if ( vfptr + pl >= vfsize ) 
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file is bigger than I can handle!" ) ;
	  fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",            "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	  uexit ( 1 ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = vfptr ;for_end = vfptr + pl - 1 
	; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	    if ( eof ( vffile ) ) 
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "The file ended prematurely!" ) ;
	      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",                "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?" ) ;
	      uexit ( 1 ) ;
	    read ( vffile , vf [k ]) ;
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	vfcount = vfcount + pl ;
	vfptr = vfptr + pl ;
	packetend [c ]= vfptr - 1 ;
	packetfound = true ;
  } while ( ! ( tempbyte == 248 ) ) ;
  while ( ( tempbyte == 248 ) && ! eof ( vffile ) ) {
    read ( vffile , tempbyte ) ;
    vfcount = vfcount + 1 ;
  if ( ! eof ( vffile ) ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "There's some extra junk at the end of the VF file." ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I'll proceed as if it weren't there." ) ;
  if ( vfcount % 4 != 0 ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes" ) ;
  Result = true ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab9999: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
organize ( void ) 
organize ( ) 
  /* 9999 10 */ register boolean Result; indextype tfmptr  ;
  read ( tfmfile , tfm [0 ]) ;
  if ( tfm [0 ]> 127 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The first byte of the input file exceeds 127!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The input file is only one byte long!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  read ( tfmfile , tfm [1 ]) ;
  lf = tfm [0 ]* 256 + tfm [1 ];
  if ( lf == 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The file claims to have length zero, but that's impossible!" ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  if ( 4 * lf - 1 > tfmsize ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The file is bigger than I can handle!" ) ;
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?"     ) ;
    uexit ( 1 ) ;
  {register integer for_end; tfmptr = 2 ;for_end = 4 * lf - 1 ; if ( tfmptr 
  <= for_end) do 
      if ( eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The file has fewer bytes than it claims!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      read ( tfmfile , tfm [tfmptr ]) ;
  while ( tfmptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ! eof ( tfmfile ) ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "There's some extra junk at the end of the TFM file," ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "but I'll proceed as if it weren't there." ) ;
    tfmptr = 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      lh = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      bc = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      ec = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      nw = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      nh = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      nd = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      ni = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      nl = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      nk = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      ne = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
      if ( tfm [tfmptr ]> 127 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "One of the subfile sizes is negative!" ) ;
	fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",          "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
	uexit ( 1 ) ;
      np = tfm [tfmptr ]* 256 + tfm [tfmptr + 1 ];
      tfmptr = tfmptr + 2 ;
    if ( lh < 2 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%c\n", "The header length is only " , (long)lh , '!' ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    if ( nl > 4 * ligsize ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The lig/kern program is longer than I can handle!" ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    if ( ( bc > ec + 1 ) || ( ec > 255 ) ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s%ld%s\n", "The character code range " , (long)bc , ".." , (long)ec , "is illegal!" ) 
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    if ( ( nw == 0 ) || ( nh == 0 ) || ( nd == 0 ) || ( ni == 0 ) ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Incomplete subfiles for character dimensions!" ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    if ( ne > 256 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s\n", "There are " , (long)ne , " extensible recipes!" ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    if ( lf != 6 + lh + ( ec - bc + 1 ) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nl + nk + ne + 
    np ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Subfile sizes don't add up to the stated total!" ) ;
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    charbase = 6 + lh - bc ;
    widthbase = charbase + ec + 1 ;
    heightbase = widthbase + nw ;
    depthbase = heightbase + nh ;
    italicbase = depthbase + nd ;
    ligkernbase = italicbase + ni ;
    kernbase = ligkernbase + nl ;
    extenbase = kernbase + nk ;
    parambase = extenbase + ne - 1 ;
  Result = vfinput () ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab9999: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
dosimplethings ( void ) 
dosimplethings ( ) 
  short i  ;
  integer f  ;
  integer k  ;
  if ( stringbalance ( 0 , fontstart [0 ]) ) 
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "VTITLE " ) ;
    {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = fontstart [0 ]- 1 ; if ( k 
    <= for_end) do 
      putc ( xchr [vf [k ]],  vplfile );
    while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
    right () ;
  else {
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Title is not a balanced ASCII string" ) ;
    fonttype = 0 ;
    if ( lh >= 12 ) 
	checkBCPL ( 32 , 40 ) ;
	if ( ( tfm [32 ]>= 11 ) && ( tfm [33 ]== 84 ) && ( tfm [34 ]== 
	69 ) && ( tfm [35 ]== 88 ) && ( tfm [36 ]== 32 ) && ( tfm [37 ]
	== 77 ) && ( tfm [38 ]== 65 ) && ( tfm [39 ]== 84 ) && ( tfm [40 
	]== 72 ) && ( tfm [41 ]== 32 ) ) 
	  if ( ( tfm [42 ]== 83 ) && ( tfm [43 ]== 89 ) ) 
	  fonttype = 1 ;
	  else if ( ( tfm [42 ]== 69 ) && ( tfm [43 ]== 88 ) ) 
	  fonttype = 2 ;
      if ( lh >= 17 ) 
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "FAMILY" ) ;
	checkBCPL ( 72 , 20 ) ;
	outBCPL ( 72 ) ;
	right () ;
	if ( lh >= 18 ) 
	  left () ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "FACE" ) ;
	  outface ( 95 ) ;
	  right () ;
	  {register integer for_end; i = 18 ;for_end = lh - 1 ; if ( i <= 
	  for_end) do 
	      left () ;
	      fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld",  "HEADER D " , (long)i ) ;
	      outoctal ( 24 + 4 * i , 4 ) ;
	      right () ;
	  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "CODINGSCHEME" ) ;
      outBCPL ( 32 ) ;
      right () ;
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "DESIGNSIZE" ) ;
    if ( tfm [28 ]> 127 ) 
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s%c\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Design size " , "negative" , '!' ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I've set it to 10 points." ) ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  " D 10" ) ;
    else if ( ( tfm [28 ]== 0 ) && ( tfm [29 ]< 16 ) ) 
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s%c\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Design size " , "too small" , '!' ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I've set it to 10 points." ) ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  " D 10" ) ;
    else outfix ( 28 ) ;
    right () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "(COMMENT DESIGNSIZE IS IN POINTS)" ) ;
    outln () ;
    outln () ;
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHECKSUM" ) ;
    outoctal ( 24 , 4 ) ;
    right () ;
    if ( ( lh > 17 ) && ( tfm [92 ]> 127 ) ) 
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "SEVENBITSAFEFLAG TRUE" ) ;
      right () ;
  if ( np > 0 ) 
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTDIMEN" ) ;
    outln () ;
    {register integer for_end; i = 1 ;for_end = np ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
	left () ;
	if ( i == 1 ) 
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "SLANT" ) ;
	else {
	  if ( ( tfm [4 * ( parambase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( 
	  parambase + i ) ]< 255 ) ) 
	    tfm [4 * ( parambase + i ) ]= 0 ;
	    tfm [( 4 * ( parambase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
	    tfm [( 4 * ( parambase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
	    tfm [( 4 * ( parambase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Parameter" , ' ' , (long)i ,               " is too big;" ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
	  if ( i <= 7 ) 
	  switch ( i ) 
	  {case 2 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SPACE" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 3 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "STRETCH" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 4 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SHRINK" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 5 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "XHEIGHT" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 6 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "QUAD" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 7 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "EXTRASPACE" ) ;
	    break ;
	  else if ( ( i <= 22 ) && ( fonttype == 1 ) ) 
	  switch ( i ) 
	  {case 8 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "NUM1" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 9 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "NUM2" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 10 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "NUM3" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 11 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "DENOM1" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 12 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "DENOM2" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 13 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUP1" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 14 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUP2" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 15 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUP3" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 16 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUB1" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 17 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUB2" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 18 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUPDROP" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 19 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SUBDROP" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 20 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "DELIM1" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 21 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "DELIM2" ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 22 : 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "AXISHEIGHT" ) ;
	    break ;
	  else if ( ( i <= 13 ) && ( fonttype == 2 ) ) 
	  if ( i == 8 ) 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "DEFAULTRULETHICKNESS" ) ;
	  fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld",  "BIGOPSPACING" , (long)i - 8 ) ;
	  fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld",  "PARAMETER D " , (long)i ) ;
	outfix ( 4 * ( parambase + i ) ) ;
	right () ;
    while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
    right () ;
  if ( ( fonttype == 1 ) && ( np != 22 ) ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s\n", "Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for a math symbols font ("   , (long)np , " not 22)." ) ;
  else if ( ( fonttype == 2 ) && ( np != 13 ) ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s\n", "Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for an extension font (" ,   (long)np , " not 13)." ) ;
  {register integer for_end; f = 0 ;for_end = fontptr - 1 ; if ( f <= 
  for_end) do 
      left () ;
      fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld",  "MAPFONT D " , (long)f ) ;
      outln () ;
      a = vf [fontstart [f ]+ 12 ];
      l = vf [fontstart [f ]+ 13 ];
      if ( a > 0 ) 
      if ( ! stringbalance ( fontstart [f ]+ 14 , a ) ) 
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Improper font area will be ignored" ) ;
      else {
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTAREA " ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = fontstart [f ]+ 14 ;for_end = 
	fontstart [f ]+ a + 13 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	  putc ( xchr [vf [k ]],  vplfile );
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	right () ;
      if ( ( l == 0 ) || ! stringbalance ( fontstart [f ]+ 14 + a , l ) ) 
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Improper font name will be ignored" ) ;
      else {
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTNAME " ) ;
	{register integer for_end; k = fontstart [f ]+ 14 + a ;for_end = 
	fontstart [f ]+ a + l + 13 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	  putc ( xchr [vf [k ]],  vplfile );
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	right () ;
      {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 11 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	tfm [k ]= vf [fontstart [f ]+ k ];
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      if ( tfm [0 ]+ tfm [1 ]+ tfm [2 ]+ tfm [3 ]> 0 ) 
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTCHECKSUM" ) ;
	outoctal ( 0 , 4 ) ;
	right () ;
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTAT" ) ;
      outfix ( 4 ) ;
      right () ;
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "FONTDSIZE" ) ;
      outfix ( 8 ) ;
      right () ;
      right () ;
  while ( f++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ( tfm [4 * widthbase ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * widthbase + 1 ]> 0 ) || ( 
  tfm [4 * widthbase + 2 ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * widthbase + 3 ]> 0 ) ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "width[0] should be zero." ) ;
  if ( ( tfm [4 * heightbase ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * heightbase + 1 ]> 0 ) || 
  ( tfm [4 * heightbase + 2 ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * heightbase + 3 ]> 0 ) ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "height[0] should be zero." ) ;
  if ( ( tfm [4 * depthbase ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * depthbase + 1 ]> 0 ) || ( 
  tfm [4 * depthbase + 2 ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * depthbase + 3 ]> 0 ) ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "depth[0] should be zero." ) ;
  if ( ( tfm [4 * italicbase ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * italicbase + 1 ]> 0 ) || 
  ( tfm [4 * italicbase + 2 ]> 0 ) || ( tfm [4 * italicbase + 3 ]> 0 ) ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "italic[0] should be zero." ) ;
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = nw - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( widthbase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( widthbase + i 
    ) ]< 255 ) ) 
      tfm [4 * ( widthbase + i ) ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( widthbase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( widthbase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( widthbase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Width" , ' ' , (long)i , " is too big;" ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = nh - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( heightbase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( heightbase + 
    i ) ]< 255 ) ) 
      tfm [4 * ( heightbase + i ) ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( heightbase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( heightbase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( heightbase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Height" , ' ' , (long)i , " is too big;" ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = nd - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( depthbase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( depthbase + i 
    ) ]< 255 ) ) 
      tfm [4 * ( depthbase + i ) ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( depthbase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( depthbase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( depthbase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Depth" , ' ' , (long)i , " is too big;" ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = ni - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( italicbase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( italicbase + 
    i ) ]< 255 ) ) 
      tfm [4 * ( italicbase + i ) ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( italicbase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( italicbase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( italicbase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Italic correction" , ' ' , (long)i ,         " is too big;" ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( nk > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; i = 0 ;for_end = nk - 1 ; if ( i <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( kernbase + i ) ]> 0 ) && ( tfm [4 * ( kernbase + i ) 
    ]< 255 ) ) 
      tfm [4 * ( kernbase + i ) ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( kernbase + i ) ) + 1 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( kernbase + i ) ) + 2 ]= 0 ;
      tfm [( 4 * ( kernbase + i ) ) + 3 ]= 0 ;
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%c%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Kern" , ' ' , (long)i , " is too big;" ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I have set it to zero." ) ;
  while ( i++ < for_end ) ;} 
zdomap ( byte c ) 
zdomap ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  /* 9999 10 */ register boolean Result; integer k  ;
  integer f  ;
  if ( packetstart [c ]== vfsize ) 
    perfect = false ;
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    charsonline = 0 ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Missing packet for character " , (long)c ) ;
  else {
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "MAP" ) ;
    outln () ;
    top = 0 ;
    wstack [0 ]= 0 ;
    xstack [0 ]= 0 ;
    ystack [0 ]= 0 ;
    zstack [0 ]= 0 ;
    vfptr = packetstart [c ];
    vflimit = packetend [c ]+ 1 ;
    f = 0 ;
    while ( vfptr < vflimit ) {
      o = vf [vfptr ];
      vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
      if ( ( ( o <= 127 ) ) || ( ( o >= 128 ) && ( o <= 131 ) ) || ( ( o >= 
      133 ) && ( o <= 136 ) ) ) 
	if ( o >= 128 ) 
	if ( o >= 133 ) 
	c = getbytes ( o - 132 , false ) ;
	else c = getbytes ( o - 127 , false ) ;
	else c = o ;
	if ( f == fontptr ) 
	  perfect = false ;
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  charsonline = 0 ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Character " , (long)c ,           " in undeclared font will be ignored" ) ;
	else {
	  vf [fontstart [f + 1 ]- 1 ]= c ;
	  k = fontchars [f ];
	  while ( vf [k ]!= c ) k = k + 1 ;
	  if ( k == fontstart [f + 1 ]- 1 ) 
	    perfect = false ;
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    charsonline = 0 ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld%s%ld%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Character " , (long)c , " in font " , (long)f ,             " will be ignored" ) ;
	  else {
	    if ( o >= 133 ) 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "(PUSH)" ) ;
	    left () ;
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SETCHAR" ) ;
	    outchar ( c ) ;
	    if ( o >= 133 ) 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  ")(POP" ) ;
	    right () ;
      else switch ( o ) 
      {case 138 : 
	break ;
      case 141 : 
	  if ( top == maxstack ) 
	    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "Stack overflow!" ) ;
	    uexit ( 1 ) ;
	  top = top + 1 ;
	  wstack [top ]= wstack [top - 1 ];
	  xstack [top ]= xstack [top - 1 ];
	  ystack [top ]= ystack [top - 1 ];
	  zstack [top ]= zstack [top - 1 ];
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(PUSH)" ) ;
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 142 : 
	if ( top == 0 ) 
	  perfect = false ;
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  charsonline = 0 ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "More pops than pushes!" ) ;
	else {
	  top = top - 1 ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(POP)" ) ;
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 132 : 
      case 137 : 
	  if ( o == 137 ) 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(PUSH)" ) ;
	  left () ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "SETRULE" ) ;
	  outasfix ( getbytes ( 4 , true ) ) ;
	  outasfix ( getbytes ( 4 , true ) ) ;
	  if ( o == 137 ) 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  ")(POP" ) ;
	  right () ;
	break ;
      case 143 : 
      case 144 : 
      case 145 : 
      case 146 : 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVERIGHT" ) ;
	  outasfix ( getbytes ( o - 142 , true ) ) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 147 : 
      case 148 : 
      case 149 : 
      case 150 : 
      case 151 : 
	  if ( o != 147 ) 
	  wstack [top ]= getbytes ( o - 147 , true ) ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVERIGHT" ) ;
	  outasfix ( wstack [top ]) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 152 : 
      case 153 : 
      case 154 : 
      case 155 : 
      case 156 : 
	  if ( o != 152 ) 
	  xstack [top ]= getbytes ( o - 152 , true ) ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVERIGHT" ) ;
	  outasfix ( xstack [top ]) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 157 : 
      case 158 : 
      case 159 : 
      case 160 : 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVEDOWN" ) ;
	  outasfix ( getbytes ( o - 156 , true ) ) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 161 : 
      case 162 : 
      case 163 : 
      case 164 : 
      case 165 : 
	  if ( o != 161 ) 
	  ystack [top ]= getbytes ( o - 161 , true ) ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVEDOWN" ) ;
	  outasfix ( ystack [top ]) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 166 : 
      case 167 : 
      case 168 : 
      case 169 : 
      case 170 : 
	  if ( o != 166 ) 
	  zstack [top ]= getbytes ( o - 166 , true ) ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(MOVEDOWN" ) ;
	  outasfix ( zstack [top ]) ;
	  putc ( ')' ,  vplfile );
	  outln () ;
	break ;
      case 171 : 
      case 172 : 
      case 173 : 
      case 174 : 
      case 175 : 
      case 176 : 
      case 177 : 
      case 178 : 
      case 179 : 
      case 180 : 
      case 181 : 
      case 182 : 
      case 183 : 
      case 184 : 
      case 185 : 
      case 186 : 
      case 187 : 
      case 188 : 
      case 189 : 
      case 190 : 
      case 191 : 
      case 192 : 
      case 193 : 
      case 194 : 
      case 195 : 
      case 196 : 
      case 197 : 
      case 198 : 
      case 199 : 
      case 200 : 
      case 201 : 
      case 202 : 
      case 203 : 
      case 204 : 
      case 205 : 
      case 206 : 
      case 207 : 
      case 208 : 
      case 209 : 
      case 210 : 
      case 211 : 
      case 212 : 
      case 213 : 
      case 214 : 
      case 215 : 
      case 216 : 
      case 217 : 
      case 218 : 
      case 219 : 
      case 220 : 
      case 221 : 
      case 222 : 
      case 223 : 
      case 224 : 
      case 225 : 
      case 226 : 
      case 227 : 
      case 228 : 
      case 229 : 
      case 230 : 
      case 231 : 
      case 232 : 
      case 233 : 
      case 234 : 
      case 235 : 
      case 236 : 
      case 237 : 
      case 238 : 
	  f = 0 ;
	  if ( o >= 235 ) 
	  fontnumber [fontptr ]= getbytes ( o - 234 , false ) ;
	  else fontnumber [fontptr ]= o - 171 ;
	  while ( fontnumber [f ]!= fontnumber [fontptr ]) f = f + 1 ;
	  if ( f == fontptr ) 
	    perfect = false ;
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    charsonline = 0 ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Undeclared font selected" ) ;
	  else {
	    fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld%c",  "(SELECTFONT D " , (long)f , ')' ) ;
	    outln () ;
	break ;
      case 239 : 
      case 240 : 
      case 241 : 
      case 242 : 
	  k = getbytes ( o - 238 , false ) ;
	  if ( k < 0 ) 
	    perfect = false ;
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    charsonline = 0 ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "String of negative length!" ) ;
	  else {
	    left () ;
	    if ( k + vfptr > vflimit ) 
		perfect = false ;
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		charsonline = 0 ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " ,                 "Special command truncated to packet length" ) ;
	      k = vflimit - vfptr ;
	    if ( ( k > 64 ) || ! stringbalance ( vfptr , k ) ) 
	      Fputs( vplfile ,  "SPECIALHEX " ) ;
	      while ( k > 0 ) {
		if ( k % 32 == 0 ) 
		outln () ;
		else if ( k % 4 == 0 ) 
		putc ( ' ' ,  vplfile );
		  a = vf [vfptr ]/ 16 ;
		  if ( a < 10 ) 
		  fprintf( vplfile , "%ld",  (long)a ) ;
		  putc ( xchr [a + 55 ],  vplfile );
		  a = vf [vfptr ]% 16 ;
		  if ( a < 10 ) 
		  fprintf( vplfile , "%ld",  (long)a ) ;
		  putc ( xchr [a + 55 ],  vplfile );
		vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
		k = k - 1 ;
	    else {
	      Fputs( vplfile ,  "SPECIAL " ) ;
	      while ( k > 0 ) {
		putc ( xchr [vf [vfptr ]],  vplfile );
		vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
		k = k - 1 ;
	    right () ;
	break ;
      case 139 : 
      case 140 : 
      case 243 : 
      case 244 : 
      case 245 : 
      case 246 : 
      case 247 : 
      case 248 : 
      case 249 : 
      case 250 : 
      case 251 : 
      case 252 : 
      case 253 : 
      case 254 : 
      case 255 : 
	  perfect = false ;
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  charsonline = 0 ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "Illegal DVI code " , (long)o ,           " will be ignored" ) ;
	break ;
    if ( top > 0 ) 
	perfect = false ;
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 0 ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad VF file: " , "More pushes than pops!" ) ;
      do {
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "(POP)" ) ;
	top = top - 1 ;
      } while ( ! ( top == 0 ) ) ;
    right () ;
  Result = true ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab9999: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
docharacters ( void ) 
docharacters ( ) 
  /* 9999 10 */ register boolean Result; byte c  ;
  indextype k  ;
  integer ai  ;
  sortptr = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) ]> 0 ) 
      if ( charsonline == 8 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 1 ;
      else {
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	putc (' ' , stdout);
	if ( verbose ) 
	charsonline = charsonline + 1 ;
      if ( verbose ) 
      printoctal ( c ) ;
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHARACTER" ) ;
      outchar ( c ) ;
      outln () ;
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHARWD" ) ;
	if ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) ]>= nw ) 
	  perfect = false ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", "Width" , " index for character " ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I reset it to zero." ) ;
	else outfix ( 4 * ( widthbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) ]) ) ;
	right () ;
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]/ 16 ) > 0 ) 
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]/ 16 ) >= nh ) 
	perfect = false ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", "Height" , " index for character " ) ;
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I reset it to zero." ) ;
      else {
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHARHT" ) ;
	outfix ( 4 * ( heightbase + ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]/ 16 ) 
	) ) ;
	right () ;
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]% 16 ) > 0 ) 
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]% 16 ) >= nd ) 
	perfect = false ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", "Depth" , " index for character " ) ;
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I reset it to zero." ) ;
      else {
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHARDP" ) ;
	outfix ( 4 * ( depthbase + ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 1 ]% 16 ) ) 
	) ;
	right () ;
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]/ 4 ) > 0 ) 
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]/ 4 ) >= ni ) 
	perfect = false ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", "Italic correction" , " index for character " ) ;
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I reset it to zero." ) ;
      else {
	left () ;
	Fputs( vplfile ,  "CHARIC" ) ;
	outfix ( 4 * ( italicbase + ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]/ 4 ) ) 
	) ;
	right () ;
      switch ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]% 4 ) ) 
      {case 0 : 
	break ;
      case 1 : 
	  left () ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "COMMENT" ) ;
	  outln () ;
	  i = tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ];
	  r = 4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ;
	  if ( tfm [r ]> 128 ) 
	  i = 256 * tfm [r + 2 ]+ tfm [r + 3 ];
	  do {
	      k = 4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ;
	      if ( tfm [k ]> 128 ) 
		if ( 256 * tfm [k + 2 ]+ tfm [k + 3 ]>= nl ) 
		  perfect = false ;
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  charsonline = 0 ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " ,                   "Ligature unconditional stop command address is too big." ) 
	      else if ( tfm [k + 2 ]>= 128 ) 
		if ( ( ( tfm [k + 1 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 1 ]> ec ) || ( 
		tfm [4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 1 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
		if ( tfm [k + 1 ]!= boundarychar ) 
		  perfect = false ;
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  charsonline = 0 ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Kern step for" ,                   " nonexistent character " ) ;
		  printoctal ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
		  tfm [k + 1 ]= bc ;
		left () ;
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "KRN" ) ;
		outchar ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
		r = 256 * ( tfm [k + 2 ]- 128 ) + tfm [k + 3 ];
		if ( r >= nk ) 
		    perfect = false ;
		    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		    charsonline = 0 ;
		    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Kern index too large." ) ;
		  Fputs( vplfile ,  " R 0.0" ) ;
		else outfix ( 4 * ( kernbase + r ) ) ;
		right () ;
	      else {
		if ( ( ( tfm [k + 1 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 1 ]> ec ) || ( 
		tfm [4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 1 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
		if ( tfm [k + 1 ]!= boundarychar ) 
		  perfect = false ;
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  charsonline = 0 ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Ligature step for" ,                   " nonexistent character " ) ;
		  printoctal ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
		  tfm [k + 1 ]= bc ;
		if ( ( ( tfm [k + 3 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 3 ]> ec ) || ( 
		tfm [4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 3 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
		  perfect = false ;
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  charsonline = 0 ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Ligature step produces the" ,                   " nonexistent character " ) ;
		  printoctal ( tfm [k + 3 ]) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
		  tfm [k + 3 ]= bc ;
		left () ;
		r = tfm [k + 2 ];
		if ( ( r == 4 ) || ( ( r > 7 ) && ( r != 11 ) ) ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Ligature step with nonstandard code changed to LIG" ) ;
		  r = 0 ;
		  tfm [k + 2 ]= 0 ;
		if ( r % 4 > 1 ) 
		putc ( '/' ,  vplfile );
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "LIG" ) ;
		if ( odd ( r ) ) 
		putc ( '/' ,  vplfile );
		while ( r > 3 ) {
		  putc ( '>' ,  vplfile );
		  r = r - 4 ;
		outchar ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
		outchar ( tfm [k + 3 ]) ;
		right () ;
	      if ( tfm [k ]> 0 ) 
	      if ( level == 1 ) 
		if ( tfm [k ]>= 128 ) 
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "(STOP)" ) ;
		else {
		  count = 0 ;
		  {register integer for_end; ai = i + 1 ;for_end = i + tfm [
		  k ]; if ( ai <= for_end) do 
		    if ( activity [ai ]== 2 ) 
		    count = count + 1 ;
		  while ( ai++ < for_end ) ;} 
		  fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld%c",  "(SKIP D " , (long)count , ')' ) ;
		outln () ;
	    if ( tfm [k ]>= 128 ) 
	    i = nl ;
	    else i = i + 1 + tfm [k ];
	  } while ( ! ( i >= nl ) ) ;
	  right () ;
	break ;
      case 2 : 
	  r = tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ];
	  if ( ( ( r < bc ) || ( r > ec ) || ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + r ) ]== 
	  0 ) ) ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Character list link to" ,               " nonexistent character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( r ) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
	    tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]= 4 * ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c 
	    ) + 2 ]/ 4 ) + 0 ;
	  else {
	    while ( ( r < c ) && ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + r ) + 2 ]% 4 ) == 
	    2 ) ) r = tfm [4 * ( charbase + r ) + 3 ];
	    if ( r == c ) 
		perfect = false ;
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		charsonline = 0 ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Cycle in a character list!" ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( c ) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " now ends the list." ) ;
	      tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]= 4 * ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + 
	      c ) + 2 ]/ 4 ) + 0 ;
	    else {
	      left () ;
	      Fputs( vplfile ,  "NEXTLARGER" ) ;
	      outchar ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ]) ;
	      right () ;
	break ;
      case 3 : 
	if ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ]>= ne ) 
	    perfect = false ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", "Extensible" , " index for character " ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I reset it to zero." ) ;
	  tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]= 4 * ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) 
	  + 2 ]/ 4 ) + 0 ;
	else {
	  left () ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "VARCHAR" ) ;
	  outln () ;
	  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 3 ; if ( k <= for_end) 
	    if ( ( k == 3 ) || ( tfm [4 * ( extenbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase 
	    + c ) + 3 ]) + k ]> 0 ) ) 
	      left () ;
	      switch ( k ) 
	      {case 0 : 
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "TOP" ) ;
		break ;
	      case 1 : 
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "MID" ) ;
		break ;
	      case 2 : 
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "BOT" ) ;
		break ;
	      case 3 : 
		Fputs( vplfile ,  "REP" ) ;
		break ;
	      if ( ( ( tfm [4 * ( extenbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 
	      ]) + k ]< bc ) || ( tfm [4 * ( extenbase + tfm [4 * ( 
	      charbase + c ) + 3 ]) + k ]> ec ) || ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + 
	      tfm [4 * ( extenbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ]) + k ]
	      ) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
	      outchar ( c ) ;
	      else outchar ( tfm [4 * ( extenbase + tfm [4 * ( charbase + c 
	      ) + 3 ]) + k ]) ;
	      right () ;
	  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
	  right () ;
	break ;
      if ( ! domap ( c ) ) 
      goto lab9999 ;
      right () ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  Result = true ;
  goto lab10 ;
  lab9999: Result = false ;
  lab10: ;
  return Result ;
void mainbody() {
  initialize () ;
  if ( ! organize () ) 
  goto lab9999 ;
  dosimplethings () ;
  if ( nl > 0 ) 
    {register integer for_end; ai = 0 ;for_end = nl - 1 ; if ( ai <= 
    for_end) do 
      activity [ai ]= 0 ;
    while ( ai++ < for_end ) ;} 
    if ( tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( 0 ) ) ]== 255 ) 
      left () ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "BOUNDARYCHAR" ) ;
      boundarychar = tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( 0 ) ) + 1 ];
      outchar ( boundarychar ) ;
      right () ;
      activity [0 ]= 1 ;
    if ( tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( nl - 1 ) ) ]== 255 ) 
      r = 256 * tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( nl - 1 ) ) + 2 ]+ tfm [4 * ( 
      ligkernbase + ( nl - 1 ) ) + 3 ];
      if ( r >= nl ) 
	perfect = false ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Ligature/kern starting index for boundarychar is too large;"         ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I removed it." ) ;
      else {
	labelptr = 1 ;
	labeltable [1 ].cc = 256 ;
	labeltable [1 ].rr = r ;
	bcharlabel = r ;
	activity [r ]= 2 ;
      activity [nl - 1 ]= 1 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]% 4 ) == 1 ) 
      r = tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ];
      if ( r < nl ) 
	if ( tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( r ) ) ]> 128 ) 
	  r = 256 * tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( r ) ) + 2 ]+ tfm [4 * ( 
	  ligkernbase + ( r ) ) + 3 ];
	  if ( r < nl ) 
	  if ( activity [tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ]]== 0 ) 
	  activity [tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ]]= 1 ;
      if ( r >= nl ) 
	perfect = false ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Ligature/kern starting index for character " ) ;
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large;" ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "so I removed it." ) ;
	tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]= 4 * ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 
	2 ]/ 4 ) + 0 ;
      else {
	sortptr = labelptr ;
	while ( labeltable [sortptr ].rr > r ) {
	  labeltable [sortptr + 1 ]= labeltable [sortptr ];
	  sortptr = sortptr - 1 ;
	labeltable [sortptr + 1 ].cc = c ;
	labeltable [sortptr + 1 ].rr = r ;
	labelptr = labelptr + 1 ;
	activity [r ]= 2 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  labeltable [labelptr + 1 ].rr = ligsize ;
  if ( nl > 0 ) 
    left () ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "LIGTABLE" ) ;
    outln () ;
    {register integer for_end; ai = 0 ;for_end = nl - 1 ; if ( ai <= 
    for_end) do 
      if ( activity [ai ]== 2 ) 
	r = tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( ai ) ) ];
	if ( r < 128 ) 
	  r = r + ai + 1 ;
	  if ( r >= nl ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Ligature/kern step " , (long)ai ,               " skips too far;" ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "I made it stop." ) ;
	    tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( ai ) ) ]= 128 ;
	  else activity [r ]= 2 ;
    while ( ai++ < for_end ) ;} 
    sortptr = 1 ;
    {register integer for_end; acti = 0 ;for_end = nl - 1 ; if ( acti <= 
    for_end) do 
      if ( activity [acti ]!= 1 ) 
	i = acti ;
	if ( activity [i ]== 0 ) 
	  if ( level == 1 ) 
	    left () ;
	    Fputs( vplfile ,              "COMMENT THIS PART OF THE PROGRAM IS NEVER USED!" ) ;
	    outln () ;
	else if ( level == 2 ) 
	right () ;
	while ( i == labeltable [sortptr ].rr ) {
	  left () ;
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  "LABEL" ) ;
	  if ( labeltable [sortptr ].cc == 256 ) 
	  Fputs( vplfile ,  " BOUNDARYCHAR" ) ;
	  else outchar ( labeltable [sortptr ].cc ) ;
	  right () ;
	  sortptr = sortptr + 1 ;
	  k = 4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ;
	  if ( tfm [k ]> 128 ) 
	    if ( 256 * tfm [k + 2 ]+ tfm [k + 3 ]>= nl ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " ,               "Ligature unconditional stop command address is too big." ) ;
	  else if ( tfm [k + 2 ]>= 128 ) 
	    if ( ( ( tfm [k + 1 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 1 ]> ec ) || ( tfm [
	    4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 1 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
	    if ( tfm [k + 1 ]!= boundarychar ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Kern step for" ,               " nonexistent character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
	      tfm [k + 1 ]= bc ;
	    left () ;
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "KRN" ) ;
	    outchar ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
	    r = 256 * ( tfm [k + 2 ]- 128 ) + tfm [k + 3 ];
	    if ( r >= nk ) 
		perfect = false ;
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		charsonline = 0 ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%s\n", "Bad TFM file: " , "Kern index too large." ) ;
	      Fputs( vplfile ,  " R 0.0" ) ;
	    else outfix ( 4 * ( kernbase + r ) ) ;
	    right () ;
	  else {
	    if ( ( ( tfm [k + 1 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 1 ]> ec ) || ( tfm [
	    4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 1 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
	    if ( tfm [k + 1 ]!= boundarychar ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Ligature step for" ,               " nonexistent character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
	      tfm [k + 1 ]= bc ;
	    if ( ( ( tfm [k + 3 ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k + 3 ]> ec ) || ( tfm [
	    4 * ( charbase + tfm [k + 3 ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Ligature step produces the" ,               " nonexistent character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( tfm [k + 3 ]) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
	      tfm [k + 3 ]= bc ;
	    left () ;
	    r = tfm [k + 2 ];
	    if ( ( r == 4 ) || ( ( r > 7 ) && ( r != 11 ) ) ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Ligature step with nonstandard code changed to LIG" ) 
	      r = 0 ;
	      tfm [k + 2 ]= 0 ;
	    if ( r % 4 > 1 ) 
	    putc ( '/' ,  vplfile );
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "LIG" ) ;
	    if ( odd ( r ) ) 
	    putc ( '/' ,  vplfile );
	    while ( r > 3 ) {
	      putc ( '>' ,  vplfile );
	      r = r - 4 ;
	    outchar ( tfm [k + 1 ]) ;
	    outchar ( tfm [k + 3 ]) ;
	    right () ;
	  if ( tfm [k ]> 0 ) 
	  if ( level == 1 ) 
	    if ( tfm [k ]>= 128 ) 
	    Fputs( vplfile ,  "(STOP)" ) ;
	    else {
	      count = 0 ;
	      {register integer for_end; ai = i + 1 ;for_end = i + tfm [k ]
	      ; if ( ai <= for_end) do 
		if ( activity [ai ]== 2 ) 
		count = count + 1 ;
	      while ( ai++ < for_end ) ;} 
	      fprintf( vplfile , "%s%ld%c",  "(SKIP D " , (long)count , ')' ) ;
	    outln () ;
    while ( acti++ < for_end ) ;} 
    if ( level == 2 ) 
    right () ;
    right () ;
    hashptr = 0 ;
    yligcycle = 256 ;
    {register integer for_end; hh = 0 ;for_end = hashsize ; if ( hh <= 
    for_end) do 
      hash [hh ]= 0 ;
    while ( hh++ < for_end ) ;} 
    {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      if ( ( tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 2 ]% 4 ) == 1 ) 
	i = tfm [4 * ( charbase + c ) + 3 ];
	if ( tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ]> 128 ) 
	i = 256 * tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) + 2 ]+ tfm [4 * ( 
	ligkernbase + ( i ) ) + 3 ];
	do {
	    hashinput () ;
	  k = tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ];
	  if ( k >= 128 ) 
	  i = nl ;
	  else i = i + 1 + k ;
	} while ( ! ( i >= nl ) ) ;
    while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
    if ( bcharlabel < nl ) 
      c = 256 ;
      i = bcharlabel ;
      do {
	  hashinput () ;
	k = tfm [4 * ( ligkernbase + ( i ) ) ];
	if ( k >= 128 ) 
	i = nl ;
	else i = i + 1 + k ;
      } while ( ! ( i >= nl ) ) ;
    if ( hashptr == hashsize ) 
      fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",        "Sorry, I haven't room for so many ligature/kern pairs!" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
    {register integer for_end; hh = 1 ;for_end = hashptr ; if ( hh <= 
    for_end) do 
	r = hashlist [hh ];
	if ( classvar [r ]> 0 ) 
	r = ligf ( r , ( hash [r ]- 1 ) / 256 , ( hash [r ]- 1 ) % 256 ) ;
    while ( hh++ < for_end ) ;} 
    if ( yligcycle < 256 ) 
      Fputs(stdout, "Infinite ligature loop starting with " ) ;
      if ( xligcycle == 256 ) 
      Fputs(stdout, "boundary" ) ;
      else printoctal ( xligcycle ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, " and " ) ;
      printoctal ( yligcycle ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
      Fputs( vplfile ,  "(INFINITE LIGATURE LOOP MUST BE BROKEN!)" ) ;
      uexit ( 1 ) ;
  if ( ne > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = ne - 1 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    {register integer for_end; d = 0 ;for_end = 3 ; if ( d <= for_end) do 
	k = 4 * ( extenbase + c ) + d ;
	if ( ( tfm [k ]> 0 ) || ( d == 3 ) ) 
	  if ( ( ( tfm [k ]< bc ) || ( tfm [k ]> ec ) || ( tfm [4 * ( 
	  charbase + tfm [k ]) ]== 0 ) ) ) 
	      perfect = false ;
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      charsonline = 0 ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Bad TFM file: " , "Extensible recipe involves the" ,               " nonexistent character " ) ;
	      printoctal ( tfm [k ]) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
	    if ( d < 3 ) 
	    tfm [k ]= 0 ;
    while ( d++ < for_end ) ;} 
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ! docharacters () ) 
  goto lab9999 ;
  if ( verbose ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
  if ( level != 0 ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "This program isn't working!" ) ;
  if ( ! perfect ) 
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "(COMMENT THE TFM AND/OR VF FILE WAS BAD, " ) ;
    Fputs( vplfile ,  "SO THE DATA HAS BEEN CHANGED!)" ) ;
  lab9999: ;

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