Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/tex/web2c/misc/vptovf.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

#define VPTOVF
#include "cpascal.h"
#define bufsize ( 3000 ) 
#define maxheaderbytes ( 100 ) 
#define vfsize ( 50000L ) 
#define maxstack ( 100 ) 
#define maxparamwords ( 30 ) 
#define maxligsteps ( 32000 ) 
#define maxkerns ( 15000 ) 
#define hashsize ( 15077 ) 
typedef unsigned char byte  ;
typedef char ASCIIcode  ;
typedef struct {
    byte b0 ;
  byte b1 ;
  byte b2 ;
  byte b3 ;
} fourbytes  ;
typedef integer fixword  ;
typedef integer headerindex  ;
typedef short indx  ;
typedef short pointer  ;
text vplfile  ;
text /* of  unsigned char */ vffile  ;
text /* of  unsigned char */ tfmfile  ;
ASCIIcode xord[256]  ;
integer line  ;
integer goodindent  ;
integer indent  ;
integer level  ;
boolean leftln, rightln  ;
integer limit  ;
integer loc  ;
char buffer[bufsize + 1]  ;
boolean inputhasended  ;
char charsonline  ;
ASCIIcode curchar  ;
short start[101]  ;
ASCIIcode dictionary[667]  ;
char startptr  ;
short dictptr  ;
ASCIIcode curname[21]  ;
char namelength  ;
char nameptr  ;
char nhash[141]  ;
unsigned char curhash  ;
byte equiv[101]  ;
byte curcode  ;
fourbytes curbytes  ;
fourbytes zerobytes  ;
integer fractiondigits[8]  ;
byte headerbytes[maxheaderbytes + 1]  ;
headerindex headerptr  ;
fixword designsize  ;
fixword designunits  ;
boolean frozendu  ;
boolean sevenbitsafeflag  ;
fourbytes ligkern[maxligsteps + 1]  ;
short nl  ;
short minnl  ;
fixword kern[maxkerns + 1]  ;
integer nk  ;
fourbytes exten[256]  ;
short ne  ;
fixword param[maxparamwords + 1]  ;
integer np  ;
boolean checksumspecified  ;
short bchar  ;
byte vf[vfsize + 1]  ;
integer vfptr  ;
integer vtitlestart  ;
byte vtitlelength  ;
integer packetstart[256]  ;
integer packetlength[256]  ;
short fontptr  ;
short curfont  ;
integer fnamestart[256]  ;
byte fnamelength[256]  ;
integer fareastart[256]  ;
byte farealength[256]  ;
fourbytes fontchecksum[256]  ;
fourbytes fontnumber[257]  ;
fixword fontat[256]  ;
fixword fontdsize[256]  ;
fixword memory[1033]  ;
pointer memptr  ;
pointer link[1033]  ;
pointer charwd[256]  ;
pointer charht[256]  ;
pointer chardp[256]  ;
pointer charic[256]  ;
char chartag[256]  ;
unsigned short charremainder[257]  ;
fixword nextd  ;
byte indexvar[1033]  ;
byte excess  ;
byte c  ;
fixword x  ;
integer k  ;
boolean lkstepended  ;
integer krnptr  ;
char hstack[maxstack + 1]  ;
char vstack[maxstack + 1]  ;
fixword wstack[maxstack + 1], xstack[maxstack + 1], ystack[maxstack + 1], 
zstack[maxstack + 1]  ;
integer stackptr  ;
boolean sevenunsafe  ;
fixword delta  ;
integer ligptr  ;
integer hash[hashsize + 1]  ;
char classvar[hashsize + 1]  ;
short ligz[hashsize + 1]  ;
integer hashptr  ;
integer hashlist[hashsize + 1]  ;
integer h, hh  ;
indx tt  ;
short xligcycle, yligcycle  ;
byte bc  ;
byte ec  ;
byte lh  ;
short lf  ;
boolean notfound  ;
fixword tempwidth  ;
integer j  ;
pointer p  ;
char q  ;
integer parptr  ;
struct {
    short rr ;
  byte cc ;
} labeltable[257]  ;
short labelptr  ;
short sortptr  ;
short lkoffset  ;
short t  ;
boolean extralocneeded  ;
integer vcount  ;
cinttype verbose  ;
cstring vplname, tfmname, vfname  ;

#include "vptovf.h"
parsearguments ( void ) 
parsearguments ( ) 
#define noptions ( 3 ) 
  getoptstruct longoptions[noptions + 1]  ;
  integer getoptreturnval  ;
  cinttype optionindex  ;
  integer currentoption  ;
  verbose = false ;
  currentoption = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "help" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "version" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = "verbose" ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = addressof ( verbose ) ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 1 ;
  currentoption = currentoption + 1 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].name = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].hasarg = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].flag = 0 ;
  longoptions [currentoption ].val = 0 ;
  do {
      getoptreturnval = getoptlongonly ( argc , argv , "" , longoptions , 
    addressof ( optionindex ) ) ;
    if ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) 
    else if ( getoptreturnval == 63 ) 
      usage ( 1 , "vptovf" ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "help" ) == 0 ) ) 
      usage ( 0 , VPTOVFHELP ) ;
    else if ( ( strcmp ( longoptions [optionindex ].name , "version" ) == 0 
    ) ) 
      printversionandexit ( "This is VPtoVF, Version 1.4" , nil , "D.E. Knuth" 
      ) ;
  } while ( ! ( getoptreturnval == -1 ) ) ;
  if ( ( optind + 1 != argc ) && ( optind + 2 != argc ) && ( optind + 3 != 
  argc ) ) 
    fprintf( stderr , "%s\n",  "vptovf: Need one to three file arguments." ) ;
    usage ( 1 , "vptovf" ) ;
  vplname = extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind ) , "vpl" ) ;
  if ( optind + 2 <= argc ) 
    vfname = extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind + 1 ) , "vf" ) ;
    if ( optind + 3 <= argc ) 
      tfmname = extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind + 2 ) , "tfm" ) ;
    else {
      tfmname = extendfilename ( cmdline ( optind + 1 ) , "tfm" ) ;
  else {
    vfname = basenamechangesuffix ( vplname , ".vpl" , ".vf" ) ;
    tfmname = basenamechangesuffix ( vplname , ".vpl" , ".tfm" ) ;
initialize ( void ) 
initialize ( ) 
  integer k  ;
  unsigned char h  ;
  headerindex d  ;
  byte c  ;
  kpsesetprogname ( argv [0 ]) ;
  parsearguments () ;
  reset ( vplfile , vplname ) ;
  if ( verbose ) 
    Fputs(stdout, "This is VPtoVF, Version 1.4" ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", versionstring ) ;
  rewritebin ( vffile , vfname ) ;
  rewritebin ( tfmfile , tfmname ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 127 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    xord [chr ( k ) ]= 127 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  xord [' ' ]= 32 ;
  xord ['!' ]= 33 ;
  xord ['"' ]= 34 ;
  xord ['#' ]= 35 ;
  xord ['$' ]= 36 ;
  xord ['%' ]= 37 ;
  xord ['&' ]= 38 ;
  xord ['\'' ]= 39 ;
  xord ['(' ]= 40 ;
  xord [')' ]= 41 ;
  xord ['*' ]= 42 ;
  xord ['+' ]= 43 ;
  xord [',' ]= 44 ;
  xord ['-' ]= 45 ;
  xord ['.' ]= 46 ;
  xord ['/' ]= 47 ;
  xord ['0' ]= 48 ;
  xord ['1' ]= 49 ;
  xord ['2' ]= 50 ;
  xord ['3' ]= 51 ;
  xord ['4' ]= 52 ;
  xord ['5' ]= 53 ;
  xord ['6' ]= 54 ;
  xord ['7' ]= 55 ;
  xord ['8' ]= 56 ;
  xord ['9' ]= 57 ;
  xord [':' ]= 58 ;
  xord [';' ]= 59 ;
  xord ['<' ]= 60 ;
  xord ['=' ]= 61 ;
  xord ['>' ]= 62 ;
  xord ['?' ]= 63 ;
  xord ['@' ]= 64 ;
  xord ['A' ]= 65 ;
  xord ['B' ]= 66 ;
  xord ['C' ]= 67 ;
  xord ['D' ]= 68 ;
  xord ['E' ]= 69 ;
  xord ['F' ]= 70 ;
  xord ['G' ]= 71 ;
  xord ['H' ]= 72 ;
  xord ['I' ]= 73 ;
  xord ['J' ]= 74 ;
  xord ['K' ]= 75 ;
  xord ['L' ]= 76 ;
  xord ['M' ]= 77 ;
  xord ['N' ]= 78 ;
  xord ['O' ]= 79 ;
  xord ['P' ]= 80 ;
  xord ['Q' ]= 81 ;
  xord ['R' ]= 82 ;
  xord ['S' ]= 83 ;
  xord ['T' ]= 84 ;
  xord ['U' ]= 85 ;
  xord ['V' ]= 86 ;
  xord ['W' ]= 87 ;
  xord ['X' ]= 88 ;
  xord ['Y' ]= 89 ;
  xord ['Z' ]= 90 ;
  xord ['[' ]= 91 ;
  xord ['\\' ]= 92 ;
  xord [']' ]= 93 ;
  xord ['^' ]= 94 ;
  xord ['_' ]= 95 ;
  xord ['`' ]= 96 ;
  xord ['a' ]= 97 ;
  xord ['b' ]= 98 ;
  xord ['c' ]= 99 ;
  xord ['d' ]= 100 ;
  xord ['e' ]= 101 ;
  xord ['f' ]= 102 ;
  xord ['g' ]= 103 ;
  xord ['h' ]= 104 ;
  xord ['i' ]= 105 ;
  xord ['j' ]= 106 ;
  xord ['k' ]= 107 ;
  xord ['l' ]= 108 ;
  xord ['m' ]= 109 ;
  xord ['n' ]= 110 ;
  xord ['o' ]= 111 ;
  xord ['p' ]= 112 ;
  xord ['q' ]= 113 ;
  xord ['r' ]= 114 ;
  xord ['s' ]= 115 ;
  xord ['t' ]= 116 ;
  xord ['u' ]= 117 ;
  xord ['v' ]= 118 ;
  xord ['w' ]= 119 ;
  xord ['x' ]= 120 ;
  xord ['y' ]= 121 ;
  xord ['z' ]= 122 ;
  xord ['{' ]= 123 ;
  xord ['|' ]= 124 ;
  xord ['}' ]= 125 ;
  xord ['~' ]= 126 ;
  line = 0 ;
  goodindent = 0 ;
  indent = 0 ;
  level = 0 ;
  limit = 0 ;
  loc = 0 ;
  leftln = true ;
  rightln = true ;
  inputhasended = false ;
  charsonline = 0 ;
  startptr = 1 ;
  start [1 ]= 0 ;
  dictptr = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; h = 0 ;for_end = 140 ; if ( h <= for_end) do 
    nhash [h ]= 0 ;
  while ( h++ < for_end ) ;} 
  zerobytes .b0 = 0 ;
  zerobytes .b1 = 0 ;
  zerobytes .b2 = 0 ;
  zerobytes .b3 = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; d = 0 ;for_end = 18 * 4 - 1 ; if ( d <= 
  for_end) do 
    headerbytes [d ]= 0 ;
  while ( d++ < for_end ) ;} 
  headerbytes [8 ]= 11 ;
  headerbytes [9 ]= 85 ;
  headerbytes [10 ]= 78 ;
  headerbytes [11 ]= 83 ;
  headerbytes [12 ]= 80 ;
  headerbytes [13 ]= 69 ;
  headerbytes [14 ]= 67 ;
  headerbytes [15 ]= 73 ;
  headerbytes [16 ]= 70 ;
  headerbytes [17 ]= 73 ;
  headerbytes [18 ]= 69 ;
  headerbytes [19 ]= 68 ;
  {register integer for_end; d = 48 ;for_end = 59 ; if ( d <= for_end) do 
    headerbytes [d ]= headerbytes [d - 40 ];
  while ( d++ < for_end ) ;} 
  designsize = 10 * 1048576L ;
  designunits = 1048576L ;
  frozendu = false ;
  sevenbitsafeflag = false ;
  headerptr = 18 * 4 ;
  nl = 0 ;
  minnl = 0 ;
  nk = 0 ;
  ne = 0 ;
  np = 0 ;
  checksumspecified = false ;
  bchar = 256 ;
  vfptr = 0 ;
  vtitlestart = 0 ;
  vtitlelength = 0 ;
  fontptr = 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    packetstart [k ]= vfsize ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 127 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    packetlength [k ]= 1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = 128 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    packetlength [k ]= 2 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  charremainder [256 ]= 32767 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      charwd [c ]= 0 ;
      charht [c ]= 0 ;
      chardp [c ]= 0 ;
      charic [c ]= 0 ;
      chartag [c ]= 0 ;
      charremainder [c ]= 0 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  memory [0 ]= 2147483647L ;
  memory [1 ]= 0 ;
  link [1 ]= 0 ;
  memory [2 ]= 0 ;
  link [2 ]= 0 ;
  memory [3 ]= 0 ;
  link [3 ]= 0 ;
  memory [4 ]= 0 ;
  link [4 ]= 0 ;
  memptr = 4 ;
  hashptr = 0 ;
  yligcycle = 256 ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = hashsize ; if ( k <= for_end) 
    hash [k ]= 0 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
showerrorcontext ( void ) 
showerrorcontext ( ) 
  integer k  ;
  fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s\n", " (line " , (long)line , ")." ) ;
  if ( ! leftln ) 
  Fputs(stdout, "..." ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = loc ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putc (buffer [k ], stdout);
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
  if ( ! leftln ) 
  Fputs(stdout, "   " ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = loc ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putc (' ' , stdout);
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = loc + 1 ;for_end = limit ; if ( k <= 
  for_end) do 
    putc (buffer [k ], stdout);
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( rightln ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "..." ) ;
  charsonline = 0 ;
fillbuffer ( void ) 
fillbuffer ( ) 
  leftln = rightln ;
  limit = 0 ;
  loc = 0 ;
  if ( leftln ) 
    if ( line > 0 ) 
    readln ( vplfile ) ;
    line = line + 1 ;
  if ( eof ( vplfile ) ) 
    limit = 1 ;
    buffer [1 ]= ')' ;
    rightln = false ;
    inputhasended = true ;
  else {
    while ( ( limit < bufsize - 1 ) && ( ! eoln ( vplfile ) ) ) {
      limit = limit + 1 ;
      read ( vplfile , buffer [limit ]) ;
    buffer [limit + 1 ]= ' ' ;
    rightln = eoln ( vplfile ) ;
    if ( leftln ) 
      while ( ( loc < limit ) && ( buffer [loc + 1 ]== ' ' ) ) loc = loc + 1 
      if ( loc < limit ) 
	if ( level == 0 ) 
	if ( loc == 0 ) 
	goodindent = goodindent + 1 ;
	else {
	  if ( goodindent >= 10 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "Warning: Indented line occurred at level zero" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  goodindent = 0 ;
	  indent = 0 ;
	else if ( indent == 0 ) 
	if ( loc % level == 0 ) 
	  indent = loc / level ;
	  goodindent = 1 ;
	else goodindent = 0 ;
	else if ( indent * level == loc ) 
	goodindent = goodindent + 1 ;
	else {
	  if ( goodindent >= 10 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%ld", "Warning: Inconsistent indentation; " ,             "you are at parenthesis level " , (long)level ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  goodindent = 0 ;
	  indent = 0 ;
getkeywordchar ( void ) 
getkeywordchar ( ) 
  while ( ( loc == limit ) && ( ! rightln ) ) fillbuffer () ;
  if ( loc == limit ) 
  curchar = 32 ;
  else {
    curchar = xord [buffer [loc + 1 ]];
    if ( curchar >= 97 ) 
    curchar = curchar - 32 ;
    if ( ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) ) 
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    else if ( ( ( curchar >= 65 ) && ( curchar <= 90 ) ) ) 
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    else if ( curchar == 47 ) 
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    else if ( curchar == 62 ) 
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    else curchar = 32 ;
getnext ( void ) 
getnext ( ) 
  while ( loc == limit ) fillbuffer () ;
  loc = loc + 1 ;
  curchar = xord [buffer [loc ]];
  if ( curchar >= 97 ) 
  if ( curchar <= 122 ) 
  curchar = curchar - 32 ;
  else {
    if ( curchar == 127 ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Illegal character in the file" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      curchar = 63 ;
  else if ( ( curchar <= 41 ) && ( curchar >= 40 ) ) 
  loc = loc - 1 ;
gethex ( void ) 
gethex ( ) 
  register byte Result; integer a  ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
  a = curchar - 41 ;
  if ( a > 0 ) 
    a = curchar - 48 ;
    if ( curchar > 57 ) 
    if ( curchar < 65 ) 
    a = -1 ;
    else a = curchar - 55 ;
  if ( ( a < 0 ) || ( a > 15 ) ) 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "Illegal hexadecimal digit" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    Result = 0 ;
  else Result = a ;
  return Result ;
skiptoendofitem ( void ) 
skiptoendofitem ( ) 
  integer l  ;
  l = level ;
  while ( level >= l ) {
    while ( loc == limit ) fillbuffer () ;
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    if ( buffer [loc ]== ')' ) 
    level = level - 1 ;
    else if ( buffer [loc ]== '(' ) 
    level = level + 1 ;
  if ( inputhasended ) 
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    Fputs(stdout, "File ended unexpectedly: No closing \")\"" ) ;
    showerrorcontext () ;
  curchar = 32 ;
copytoendofitem ( void ) 
copytoendofitem ( ) 
  /* 30 */ integer l  ;
  boolean nonblankfound  ;
  l = level ;
  nonblankfound = false ;
  while ( true ) {
    while ( loc == limit ) fillbuffer () ;
    if ( buffer [loc + 1 ]== ')' ) 
    if ( level == l ) 
    goto lab30 ;
    else level = level - 1 ;
    loc = loc + 1 ;
    if ( buffer [loc ]== '(' ) 
    level = level + 1 ;
    if ( buffer [loc ]!= ' ' ) 
    nonblankfound = true ;
    if ( nonblankfound ) 
    if ( xord [buffer [loc ]]== 127 ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Illegal character in the file" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
	vf [vfptr ]= 63 ;
	if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
    else {
      vf [vfptr ]= xord [buffer [loc ]];
      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
  lab30: ;
finishtheproperty ( void ) 
finishtheproperty ( ) 
  while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
  if ( curchar != 41 ) 
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    Fputs(stdout, "Junk after property value will be ignored" ) ;
    showerrorcontext () ;
  skiptoendofitem () ;
lookup ( void ) 
lookup ( ) 
  char k  ;
  short j  ;
  boolean notfound  ;
  curhash = curname [1 ];
  {register integer for_end; k = 2 ;for_end = namelength ; if ( k <= 
  for_end) do 
    curhash = ( curhash + curhash + curname [k ]) % 141 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  notfound = true ;
  while ( notfound ) {
    if ( curhash == 0 ) 
    curhash = 140 ;
    else curhash = curhash - 1 ;
    if ( nhash [curhash ]== 0 ) 
    notfound = false ;
    else {
      j = start [nhash [curhash ]];
      if ( start [nhash [curhash ]+ 1 ]== j + namelength ) 
	notfound = false ;
	{register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = namelength ; if ( k <= 
	for_end) do 
	  if ( dictionary [j + k - 1 ]!= curname [k ]) 
	  notfound = true ;
	while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  nameptr = nhash [curhash ];
zentername ( byte v ) 
zentername ( v ) 
  byte v ;
  char k  ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = namelength ; if ( k <= 
  for_end) do 
    curname [k ]= curname [k + 20 - namelength ];
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  lookup () ;
  nhash [curhash ]= startptr ;
  equiv [startptr ]= v ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 1 ;for_end = namelength ; if ( k <= 
  for_end) do 
      dictionary [dictptr ]= curname [k ];
      dictptr = dictptr + 1 ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  startptr = startptr + 1 ;
  start [startptr ]= dictptr ;
getname ( void ) 
getname ( ) 
  loc = loc + 1 ;
  level = level + 1 ;
  curchar = 32 ;
  while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
  if ( ( curchar > 41 ) || ( curchar < 40 ) ) 
  loc = loc - 1 ;
  namelength = 0 ;
  getkeywordchar () ;
  while ( curchar != 32 ) {
    if ( namelength == 20 ) 
    curname [1 ]= 88 ;
    else namelength = namelength + 1 ;
    curname [namelength ]= curchar ;
    getkeywordchar () ;
  lookup () ;
  if ( nameptr == 0 ) 
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, I don't know that property name" ) ;
    showerrorcontext () ;
  curcode = equiv [nameptr ];
getbyte ( void ) 
getbyte ( ) 
  register byte Result; integer acc  ;
  ASCIIcode t  ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
  t = curchar ;
  acc = 0 ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
  if ( t == 67 ) 
  if ( ( curchar >= 33 ) && ( curchar <= 126 ) && ( ( curchar < 40 ) || ( 
  curchar > 41 ) ) ) 
  acc = xord [buffer [loc ]];
  else {
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "\"C\" value must be standard ASCII and not a paren" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    do {
	getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
  else if ( t == 68 ) 
    while ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) {
      acc = acc * 10 + curchar - 48 ;
      if ( acc > 255 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "This value shouldn't exceed 255" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  do {
	      getnext () ;
	  } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	acc = 0 ;
	curchar = 32 ;
      else getnext () ;
      if ( ( curchar > 41 ) || ( curchar < 40 ) ) 
      loc = loc - 1 ;
  else if ( t == 79 ) 
    while ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 55 ) ) {
      acc = acc * 8 + curchar - 48 ;
      if ( acc > 255 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "This value shouldn't exceed '377" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  do {
	      getnext () ;
	  } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	acc = 0 ;
	curchar = 32 ;
      else getnext () ;
      if ( ( curchar > 41 ) || ( curchar < 40 ) ) 
      loc = loc - 1 ;
  else if ( t == 72 ) 
    while ( ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) || ( ( curchar >= 65 ) 
    && ( curchar <= 70 ) ) ) {
      if ( curchar >= 65 ) 
      curchar = curchar - 7 ;
      acc = acc * 16 + curchar - 48 ;
      if ( acc > 255 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "This value shouldn't exceed \"FF" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  do {
	      getnext () ;
	  } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	acc = 0 ;
	curchar = 32 ;
      else getnext () ;
      if ( ( curchar > 41 ) || ( curchar < 40 ) ) 
      loc = loc - 1 ;
  else if ( t == 70 ) 
    if ( curchar == 66 ) 
    acc = 2 ;
    else if ( curchar == 76 ) 
    acc = 4 ;
    else if ( curchar != 77 ) 
    acc = 18 ;
    getnext () ;
    if ( curchar == 73 ) 
    acc = acc + 1 ;
    else if ( curchar != 82 ) 
    acc = 18 ;
    getnext () ;
    if ( curchar == 67 ) 
    acc = acc + 6 ;
    else if ( curchar == 69 ) 
    acc = acc + 12 ;
    else if ( curchar != 82 ) 
    acc = 18 ;
    if ( acc >= 18 ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "Illegal face code, I changed it to MRR" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	do {
	    getnext () ;
	} while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
      acc = 0 ;
  else {
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "You need \"C\" or \"D\" or \"O\" or \"H\" or \"F\" here" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    do {
	getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
  curchar = 32 ;
  Result = acc ;
  return Result ;
getfourbytes ( void ) 
getfourbytes ( ) 
  integer c  ;
  integer r  ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
  r = 0 ;
  curbytes = zerobytes ;
  if ( curchar == 72 ) 
  r = 16 ;
  else if ( curchar == 79 ) 
  r = 8 ;
  else if ( curchar == 68 ) 
  r = 10 ;
  else {
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "Decimal (\"D\"), octal (\"O\"), or hex (\"H\") value needed here" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    do {
	getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
  if ( r > 0 ) 
    do {
	getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
    while ( ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) || ( ( curchar >= 65 ) 
    && ( curchar <= 70 ) ) ) {
      if ( curchar >= 65 ) 
      curchar = curchar - 7 ;
      if ( curchar >= 48 + r ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "Illegal digit" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	do {
	    getnext () ;
	} while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
      else {
	c = curbytes .b3 * r + curchar - 48 ;
	curbytes .b3 = c % 256 ;
	c = curbytes .b2 * r + c / 256 ;
	curbytes .b2 = c % 256 ;
	c = curbytes .b1 * r + c / 256 ;
	curbytes .b1 = c % 256 ;
	c = curbytes .b0 * r + c / 256 ;
	if ( c < 256 ) 
	curbytes .b0 = c ;
	else {
	  curbytes = zerobytes ;
	  if ( r == 8 ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, the maximum octal value is O 37777777777" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    do {
		getnext () ;
	    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	  else if ( r == 10 ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, the maximum decimal value is D 4294967295" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    do {
		getnext () ;
	    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	  else {
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, the maximum hex value is H FFFFFFFF" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    do {
		getnext () ;
	    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	getnext () ;
getfix ( void ) 
getfix ( ) 
  register fixword Result; boolean negative  ;
  integer acc  ;
  integer intpart  ;
  char j  ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
  negative = false ;
  acc = 0 ;
  if ( ( curchar != 82 ) && ( curchar != 68 ) ) 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "An \"R\" or \"D\" value is needed here" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    do {
	getnext () ;
    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
  else {
    do {
	getnext () ;
      if ( curchar == 45 ) 
	curchar = 32 ;
	negative = true ;
      else if ( curchar == 43 ) 
      curchar = 32 ;
    } while ( ! ( curchar != 32 ) ) ;
    while ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) {
      acc = acc * 10 + curchar - 48 ;
      if ( acc >= 2048 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "Real constants must be less than 2048" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  do {
	      getnext () ;
	  } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	acc = 0 ;
	curchar = 32 ;
      else getnext () ;
    intpart = acc ;
    acc = 0 ;
    if ( curchar == 46 ) 
      j = 0 ;
      getnext () ;
      while ( ( curchar >= 48 ) && ( curchar <= 57 ) ) {
	if ( j < 7 ) 
	  j = j + 1 ;
	  fractiondigits [j ]= 2097152L * ( curchar - 48 ) ;
	getnext () ;
      acc = 0 ;
      while ( j > 0 ) {
	acc = fractiondigits [j ]+ ( acc / 10 ) ;
	j = j - 1 ;
      acc = ( acc + 10 ) / 20 ;
    if ( ( acc >= 1048576L ) && ( intpart == 2047 ) ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Real constants must be less than 2048" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      do {
	  getnext () ;
      } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
    else acc = intpart * 1048576L + acc ;
  if ( negative ) 
  Result = - (integer) acc ;
  else Result = acc ;
  return Result ;
zsortin ( pointer h , fixword d ) 
zsortin ( h , d ) 
  pointer h ;
  fixword d ;
  register pointer Result; pointer p  ;
  if ( ( d == 0 ) && ( h != 1 ) ) 
  Result = 0 ;
  else {
    p = h ;
    while ( d >= memory [link [p ]]) p = link [p ];
    if ( ( d == memory [p ]) && ( p != h ) ) 
    Result = p ;
    else if ( memptr == 1032 ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Memory overflow: more than 1028 widths, etc" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Congratulations! It's hard to make this error." ) ;
      Result = p ;
    else {
      memptr = memptr + 1 ;
      memory [memptr ]= d ;
      link [memptr ]= link [p ];
      link [p ]= memptr ;
      memory [h ]= memory [h ]+ 1 ;
      Result = memptr ;
  return Result ;
zmincover ( pointer h , fixword d ) 
zmincover ( h , d ) 
  pointer h ;
  fixword d ;
  register integer Result; pointer p  ;
  fixword l  ;
  integer m  ;
  m = 0 ;
  p = link [h ];
  nextd = memory [0 ];
  while ( p != 0 ) {
    m = m + 1 ;
    l = memory [p ];
    while ( memory [link [p ]]<= l + d ) p = link [p ];
    p = link [p ];
    if ( memory [p ]- l < nextd ) 
    nextd = memory [p ]- l ;
  Result = m ;
  return Result ;
zshorten ( pointer h , integer m ) 
zshorten ( h , m ) 
  pointer h ;
  integer m ;
  register fixword Result; fixword d  ;
  integer k  ;
  if ( memory [h ]> m ) 
    excess = memory [h ]- m ;
    k = mincover ( h , 0 ) ;
    d = nextd ;
    do {
	d = d + d ;
      k = mincover ( h , d ) ;
    } while ( ! ( k <= m ) ) ;
    d = d / 2 ;
    k = mincover ( h , d ) ;
    while ( k > m ) {
      d = nextd ;
      k = mincover ( h , d ) ;
    Result = d ;
  else Result = 0 ;
  return Result ;
zsetindices ( pointer h , fixword d ) 
zsetindices ( h , d ) 
  pointer h ;
  fixword d ;
  pointer p  ;
  pointer q  ;
  byte m  ;
  fixword l  ;
  q = h ;
  p = link [q ];
  m = 0 ;
  while ( p != 0 ) {
    m = m + 1 ;
    l = memory [p ];
    indexvar [p ]= m ;
    while ( memory [link [p ]]<= l + d ) {
      p = link [p ];
      indexvar [p ]= m ;
      excess = excess - 1 ;
      if ( excess == 0 ) 
      d = 0 ;
    link [q ]= p ;
    memory [p ]= l + ( memory [p ]- l ) / 2 ;
    q = p ;
    p = link [p ];
  memory [h ]= m ;
junkerror ( void ) 
junkerror ( ) 
    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
    Fputs(stdout, "There's junk here that is not in parentheses" ) ;
    showerrorcontext () ;
  do {
      getnext () ;
  } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
zreadfourbytes ( headerindex l ) 
zreadfourbytes ( l ) 
  headerindex l ;
  getfourbytes () ;
  headerbytes [l ]= curbytes .b0 ;
  headerbytes [l + 1 ]= curbytes .b1 ;
  headerbytes [l + 2 ]= curbytes .b2 ;
  headerbytes [l + 3 ]= curbytes .b3 ;
zreadBCPL ( headerindex l , byte n ) 
zreadBCPL ( l , n ) 
  headerindex l ;
  byte n ;
  headerindex k  ;
  k = l ;
  while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
  while ( ( curchar != 40 ) && ( curchar != 41 ) ) {
    if ( k < l + n ) 
    k = k + 1 ;
    if ( k < l + n ) 
    headerbytes [k ]= curchar ;
    getnext () ;
  if ( k == l + n ) 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%s%ld%s", "String is too long; its first " , (long)n - 1 ,       " characters will be kept" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    k = k - 1 ;
  headerbytes [l ]= k - l ;
  while ( k < l + n - 1 ) {
    k = k + 1 ;
    headerbytes [k ]= 0 ;
zchecktag ( byte c ) 
zchecktag ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  switch ( chartag [c ]) 
  {case 0 : 
    break ;
  case 1 : 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "This character already appeared in a LIGTABLE LABEL" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "This character already has a NEXTLARGER spec" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "This character already has a VARCHAR spec" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
    break ;
zvffix ( byte opcode , fixword x ) 
zvffix ( opcode , x ) 
  byte opcode ;
  fixword x ;
  boolean negative  ;
  char k  ;
  integer t  ;
  frozendu = true ;
  if ( designunits != 1048576L ) 
  x = round ( ( x / ((double) designunits ) ) * 1048576.0 ) ;
  if ( x > 0 ) 
  negative = false ;
  else {
    negative = true ;
    x = -1 - x ;
  if ( opcode == 0 ) 
    k = 4 ;
    t = 16777216L ;
  else {
    t = 127 ;
    k = 1 ;
    while ( x > t ) {
      t = 256 * t + 255 ;
      k = k + 1 ;
      vf [vfptr ]= opcode + k - 1 ;
      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
    t = t / 128 + 1 ;
  do {
      if ( negative ) 
	vf [vfptr ]= 255 - ( x / t ) ;
	if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
      negative = false ;
      x = ( x / t ) * t + t - 1 - x ;
    else {
      vf [vfptr ]= ( x / t ) % 256 ;
      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
    k = k - 1 ;
    t = t / 256 ;
  } while ( ! ( k == 0 ) ) ;
zreadpacket ( byte c ) 
zreadpacket ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  byte cc  ;
  fixword x  ;
  char h, v  ;
  integer specialstart  ;
  integer k  ;
  packetstart [c ]= vfptr ;
  stackptr = 0 ;
  h = 0 ;
  v = 0 ;
  curfont = 0 ;
  while ( level == 2 ) {
    while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
    if ( curchar == 40 ) 
      getname () ;
      if ( curcode == 0 ) 
      skiptoendofitem () ;
      else if ( ( curcode < 80 ) || ( curcode > 90 ) ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a MAP list" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	skiptoendofitem () ;
      else {
	switch ( curcode ) 
	{case 80 : 
	    getfourbytes () ;
	    fontnumber [fontptr ]= curbytes ;
	    curfont = 0 ;
	    while ( ( fontnumber [curfont ].b3 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b3 
	    ) || ( fontnumber [curfont ].b2 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b2 ) 
	    || ( fontnumber [curfont ].b1 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b1 ) || 
	    ( fontnumber [curfont ].b0 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b0 ) ) 
	    curfont = curfont + 1 ;
	    if ( curfont == fontptr ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Undefined MAPFONT cannot be selected" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else if ( curfont < 64 ) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 171 + curfont ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    else {
		vf [vfptr ]= 235 ;
		if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		  showerrorcontext () ;
		else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
		vf [vfptr ]= curfont ;
		if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		  Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		  showerrorcontext () ;
		else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	  break ;
	case 81 : 
	  if ( curfont == fontptr ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "Character cannot be typeset in undefined font" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  else {
	    cc = getbyte () ;
	    if ( cc >= 128 ) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 128 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	      vf [vfptr ]= cc ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	  break ;
	case 82 : 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 132 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    vffix ( 0 , getfix () ) ;
	    vffix ( 0 , getfix () ) ;
	  break ;
	case 83 : 
	case 84 : 
	    if ( curcode == 83 ) 
	    x = getfix () ;
	    else x = - (integer) getfix () ;
	    if ( h == 0 ) 
	      wstack [stackptr ]= x ;
	      h = 1 ;
	      vffix ( 148 , x ) ;
	    else if ( x == wstack [stackptr ]) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 147 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    else if ( h == 1 ) 
	      xstack [stackptr ]= x ;
	      h = 2 ;
	      vffix ( 153 , x ) ;
	    else if ( x == xstack [stackptr ]) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 152 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    else vffix ( 143 , x ) ;
	  break ;
	case 85 : 
	case 86 : 
	    if ( curcode == 85 ) 
	    x = getfix () ;
	    else x = - (integer) getfix () ;
	    if ( v == 0 ) 
	      ystack [stackptr ]= x ;
	      v = 1 ;
	      vffix ( 162 , x ) ;
	    else if ( x == ystack [stackptr ]) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 161 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    else if ( v == 1 ) 
	      zstack [stackptr ]= x ;
	      v = 2 ;
	      vffix ( 167 , x ) ;
	    else if ( x == zstack [stackptr ]) 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 166 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    else vffix ( 157 , x ) ;
	  break ;
	case 87 : 
	  if ( stackptr == maxstack ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "Don't push so much---stack is full!" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  else {
	      vf [vfptr ]= 141 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    hstack [stackptr ]= h ;
	    vstack [stackptr ]= v ;
	    stackptr = stackptr + 1 ;
	    h = 0 ;
	    v = 0 ;
	  break ;
	case 88 : 
	  if ( stackptr == 0 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "Empty stack cannot be popped" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  else {
	      vf [vfptr ]= 142 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    stackptr = stackptr - 1 ;
	    h = hstack [stackptr ];
	    v = vstack [stackptr ];
	  break ;
	case 89 : 
	case 90 : 
	      vf [vfptr ]= 239 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	      vf [vfptr ]= 0 ;
	      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	    specialstart = vfptr ;
	    if ( curcode == 89 ) 
	    copytoendofitem () ;
	    else {
	      do {
		  x = gethex () ;
		if ( curchar > 41 ) 
		  vf [vfptr ]= x * 16 + gethex () ;
		  if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
		    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		    Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
		    showerrorcontext () ;
		  else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
	      } while ( ! ( curchar <= 41 ) ) ;
	    if ( vfptr - specialstart > 255 ) 
	    if ( vfptr + 3 > vfsize ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "Special command being clipped---no room left!" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      vfptr = specialstart + 255 ;
	      vf [specialstart - 1 ]= 255 ;
	    else {
	      {register integer for_end; k = vfptr ;for_end = specialstart 
	      ; if ( k >= for_end) do 
		vf [k + 3 ]= vf [k ];
	      while ( k-- > for_end ) ;} 
	      x = vfptr - specialstart ;
	      vfptr = vfptr + 3 ;
	      vf [specialstart - 2 ]= 242 ;
	      vf [specialstart - 1 ]= x / 16777216L ;
	      vf [specialstart ]= ( x / 65536L ) % 256 ;
	      vf [specialstart + 1 ]= ( x / 256 ) % 256 ;
	      vf [specialstart + 2 ]= x % 256 ;
	    else vf [specialstart - 1 ]= vfptr - specialstart ;
	  break ;
	finishtheproperty () ;
    else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
    skiptoendofitem () ;
    else junkerror () ;
  while ( stackptr > 0 ) {
      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, "Missing POP supplied" ) ;
      showerrorcontext () ;
      vf [vfptr ]= 142 ;
      if ( vfptr == vfsize ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      else vfptr = vfptr + 1 ;
    stackptr = stackptr - 1 ;
  packetlength [c ]= vfptr - packetstart [c ];
    loc = loc - 1 ;
    level = level + 1 ;
    curchar = 41 ;
zprintoctal ( byte c ) 
zprintoctal ( c ) 
  byte c ;
  fprintf(stdout, "%c%ld%ld%ld", '\'' , (long)( c / 64 ) , (long)( ( c / 8 ) % 8 ) , (long)( c % 8 ) ) ;
zhashinput ( indx p , indx c ) 
zhashinput ( p , c ) 
  indx p ;
  indx c ;
  /* 30 */ register boolean Result; char cc  ;
  unsigned char zz  ;
  unsigned char y  ;
  integer key  ;
  integer t  ;
  if ( hashptr == hashsize ) 
    Result = false ;
    goto lab30 ;
  y = ligkern [p ].b1 ;
  t = ligkern [p ].b2 ;
  cc = 0 ;
  zz = ligkern [p ].b3 ;
  if ( t >= 128 ) 
  zz = y ;
  else {
    switch ( t ) 
    {case 0 : 
    case 6 : 
      break ;
    case 5 : 
    case 11 : 
      zz = y ;
      break ;
    case 1 : 
    case 7 : 
      cc = 1 ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
      cc = 2 ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
      cc = 3 ;
      break ;
  key = 256 * c + y + 1 ;
  h = ( 1009 * key ) % hashsize ;
  while ( hash [h ]> 0 ) {
    if ( hash [h ]<= key ) 
      if ( hash [h ]== key ) 
	Result = false ;
	goto lab30 ;
      t = hash [h ];
      hash [h ]= key ;
      key = t ;
      t = classvar [h ];
      classvar [h ]= cc ;
      cc = t ;
      t = ligz [h ];
      ligz [h ]= zz ;
      zz = t ;
    if ( h > 0 ) 
    h = h - 1 ;
    else h = hashsize ;
  hash [h ]= key ;
  classvar [h ]= cc ;
  ligz [h ]= zz ;
  hashptr = hashptr + 1 ;
  hashlist [hashptr ]= h ;
  Result = true ;
  lab30: ;
  return Result ;
#ifdef notdef
zf ( indx h , indx x , indx y ) 
zf ( h , x , y ) 
  indx h ;
  indx x ;
  indx y ;
  register indx Result; ;
  return Result ;
#endif /* notdef */
zeval ( indx x , indx y ) 
zeval ( x , y ) 
  indx x ;
  indx y ;
  register indx Result; integer key  ;
  key = 256 * x + y + 1 ;
  h = ( 1009 * key ) % hashsize ;
  while ( hash [h ]> key ) if ( h > 0 ) 
  h = h - 1 ;
  else h = hashsize ;
  if ( hash [h ]< key ) 
  Result = y ;
  else Result = f ( h , x , y ) ;
  return Result ;
zf ( indx h , indx x , indx y ) 
zf ( h , x , y ) 
  indx h ;
  indx x ;
  indx y ;
  register indx Result; switch ( classvar [h ]) 
  {case 0 : 
    break ;
  case 1 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( ligz [h ], y ) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 2 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( x , ligz [h ]) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 3 : 
      classvar [h ]= 4 ;
      ligz [h ]= eval ( eval ( x , ligz [h ]) , y ) ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  case 4 : 
      xligcycle = x ;
      yligcycle = y ;
      ligz [h ]= 257 ;
      classvar [h ]= 0 ;
    break ;
  Result = ligz [h ];
  return Result ;
zoutscaled ( fixword x ) 
zoutscaled ( x ) 
  fixword x ;
  byte n  ;
  unsigned short m  ;
  if ( fabs ( x / ((double) designunits ) ) >= 16.0 ) 
    Fputs(stdout, "The relative dimension " ) ;
    printreal ( x / ((double) 1048576L ) , 1 , 3 ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " is too large." ) ;
    Fputs(stdout, "  (Must be less than 16*designsize" ) ;
    if ( designunits != 1048576L ) 
      Fputs(stdout, " =" ) ;
      printreal ( designunits / ((double) 65536L ) , 1 , 3 ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, " designunits" ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ')' ) ;
    x = 0 ;
  if ( designunits != 1048576L ) 
  x = round ( ( x / ((double) designunits ) ) * 1048576.0 ) ;
  if ( x < 0 ) 
    putbyte ( 255 , tfmfile ) ;
    x = x + 16777216L ;
    if ( x <= 0 ) 
    x = 1 ;
  else {
    putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
    if ( x >= 16777216L ) 
    x = 16777215L ;
  n = x / 65536L ;
  m = x % 65536L ;
  putbyte ( n , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( m / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( m % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
zvoutint ( integer x ) 
zvoutint ( x ) 
  integer x ;
  if ( x >= 0 ) 
  putbyte ( x / 16777216L , vffile ) ;
  else {
    putbyte ( 255 , vffile ) ;
    x = x + 16777216L ;
  putbyte ( ( x / 65536L ) % 256 , vffile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( x / 256 ) % 256 , vffile ) ;
  putbyte ( x % 256 , vffile ) ;
paramenter ( void ) 
paramenter ( ) 
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 83 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 65 ;
  curname [19 ]= 78 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 31 ) ;
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 83 ;
  curname [17 ]= 80 ;
  curname [18 ]= 65 ;
  curname [19 ]= 67 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 32 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 84 ;
  curname [16 ]= 82 ;
  curname [17 ]= 69 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 67 ;
  curname [20 ]= 72 ;
  entername ( 33 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 83 ;
  curname [16 ]= 72 ;
  curname [17 ]= 82 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 78 ;
  curname [20 ]= 75 ;
  entername ( 34 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 88 ;
  curname [15 ]= 72 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 72 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 35 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 81 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 68 ;
  entername ( 36 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 69 ;
  curname [12 ]= 88 ;
  curname [13 ]= 84 ;
  curname [14 ]= 82 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 83 ;
  curname [17 ]= 80 ;
  curname [18 ]= 65 ;
  curname [19 ]= 67 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 37 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 38 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 39 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 51 ;
  entername ( 40 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 68 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 79 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 41 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 68 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 79 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 42 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 80 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 43 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 80 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 44 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 80 ;
  curname [20 ]= 51 ;
  entername ( 45 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 66 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 46 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 66 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 47 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 85 ;
  curname [16 ]= 80 ;
  curname [17 ]= 68 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 48 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 85 ;
  curname [16 ]= 66 ;
  curname [17 ]= 68 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 49 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 68 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 50 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 68 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 51 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 65 ;
  curname [12 ]= 88 ;
  curname [13 ]= 73 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 72 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 72 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 52 ) ;
  namelength = 20 ;
  curname [1 ]= 68 ;
  curname [2 ]= 69 ;
  curname [3 ]= 70 ;
  curname [4 ]= 65 ;
  curname [5 ]= 85 ;
  curname [6 ]= 76 ;
  curname [7 ]= 84 ;
  curname [8 ]= 82 ;
  curname [9 ]= 85 ;
  curname [10 ]= 76 ;
  curname [11 ]= 69 ;
  curname [12 ]= 84 ;
  curname [13 ]= 72 ;
  curname [14 ]= 73 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 75 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 83 ;
  curname [20 ]= 83 ;
  entername ( 38 ) ;
  namelength = 13 ;
  curname [8 ]= 66 ;
  curname [9 ]= 73 ;
  curname [10 ]= 71 ;
  curname [11 ]= 79 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 80 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 78 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 49 ;
  entername ( 39 ) ;
  namelength = 13 ;
  curname [8 ]= 66 ;
  curname [9 ]= 73 ;
  curname [10 ]= 71 ;
  curname [11 ]= 79 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 80 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 78 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 50 ;
  entername ( 40 ) ;
  namelength = 13 ;
  curname [8 ]= 66 ;
  curname [9 ]= 73 ;
  curname [10 ]= 71 ;
  curname [11 ]= 79 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 80 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 78 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 51 ;
  entername ( 41 ) ;
  namelength = 13 ;
  curname [8 ]= 66 ;
  curname [9 ]= 73 ;
  curname [10 ]= 71 ;
  curname [11 ]= 79 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 80 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 78 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 52 ;
  entername ( 42 ) ;
  namelength = 13 ;
  curname [8 ]= 66 ;
  curname [9 ]= 73 ;
  curname [10 ]= 71 ;
  curname [11 ]= 79 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 80 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 78 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 53 ;
  entername ( 43 ) ;
vplenter ( void ) 
vplenter ( ) 
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 86 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 76 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 12 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 77 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 80 ;
  curname [17 ]= 70 ;
  curname [18 ]= 79 ;
  curname [19 ]= 78 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 13 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 77 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 66 ) ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 70 ;
  curname [14 ]= 79 ;
  curname [15 ]= 78 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 65 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 20 ) ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 70 ;
  curname [14 ]= 79 ;
  curname [15 ]= 78 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 65 ;
  entername ( 21 ) ;
  namelength = 12 ;
  curname [9 ]= 70 ;
  curname [10 ]= 79 ;
  curname [11 ]= 78 ;
  curname [12 ]= 84 ;
  curname [13 ]= 67 ;
  curname [14 ]= 72 ;
  curname [15 ]= 69 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 75 ;
  curname [18 ]= 83 ;
  curname [19 ]= 85 ;
  curname [20 ]= 77 ;
  entername ( 22 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 70 ;
  curname [16 ]= 79 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 23 ) ;
  namelength = 9 ;
  curname [12 ]= 70 ;
  curname [13 ]= 79 ;
  curname [14 ]= 78 ;
  curname [15 ]= 84 ;
  curname [16 ]= 68 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 90 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 24 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 83 ;
  curname [12 ]= 69 ;
  curname [13 ]= 76 ;
  curname [14 ]= 69 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 70 ;
  curname [18 ]= 79 ;
  curname [19 ]= 78 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 80 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 69 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 67 ;
  curname [18 ]= 72 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 81 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 69 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 82 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 76 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 82 ) ;
  namelength = 9 ;
  curname [12 ]= 77 ;
  curname [13 ]= 79 ;
  curname [14 ]= 86 ;
  curname [15 ]= 69 ;
  curname [16 ]= 82 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 72 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 83 ) ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 77 ;
  curname [14 ]= 79 ;
  curname [15 ]= 86 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 70 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 84 ) ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 77 ;
  curname [14 ]= 79 ;
  curname [15 ]= 86 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 68 ;
  curname [18 ]= 79 ;
  curname [19 ]= 87 ;
  curname [20 ]= 78 ;
  entername ( 85 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 77 ;
  curname [16 ]= 79 ;
  curname [17 ]= 86 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 85 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 86 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 80 ;
  curname [18 ]= 85 ;
  curname [19 ]= 83 ;
  curname [20 ]= 72 ;
  entername ( 87 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 80 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 88 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 83 ;
  curname [15 ]= 80 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 67 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 76 ;
  entername ( 89 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 83 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 69 ;
  curname [14 ]= 67 ;
  curname [15 ]= 73 ;
  curname [16 ]= 65 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 72 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 88 ;
  entername ( 90 ) ;
nameenter ( void ) 
nameenter ( ) 
  equiv [0 ]= 0 ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 67 ;
  curname [14 ]= 72 ;
  curname [15 ]= 69 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 75 ;
  curname [18 ]= 83 ;
  curname [19 ]= 85 ;
  curname [20 ]= 77 ;
  entername ( 1 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 68 ;
  curname [12 ]= 69 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 73 ;
  curname [15 ]= 71 ;
  curname [16 ]= 78 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 90 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 2 ) ;
  namelength = 11 ;
  curname [10 ]= 68 ;
  curname [11 ]= 69 ;
  curname [12 ]= 83 ;
  curname [13 ]= 73 ;
  curname [14 ]= 71 ;
  curname [15 ]= 78 ;
  curname [16 ]= 85 ;
  curname [17 ]= 78 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 84 ;
  curname [20 ]= 83 ;
  entername ( 3 ) ;
  namelength = 12 ;
  curname [9 ]= 67 ;
  curname [10 ]= 79 ;
  curname [11 ]= 68 ;
  curname [12 ]= 73 ;
  curname [13 ]= 78 ;
  curname [14 ]= 71 ;
  curname [15 ]= 83 ;
  curname [16 ]= 67 ;
  curname [17 ]= 72 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 77 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 4 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 70 ;
  curname [16 ]= 65 ;
  curname [17 ]= 77 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 76 ;
  curname [20 ]= 89 ;
  entername ( 5 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 70 ;
  curname [18 ]= 65 ;
  curname [19 ]= 67 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 6 ) ;
  namelength = 16 ;
  curname [5 ]= 83 ;
  curname [6 ]= 69 ;
  curname [7 ]= 86 ;
  curname [8 ]= 69 ;
  curname [9 ]= 78 ;
  curname [10 ]= 66 ;
  curname [11 ]= 73 ;
  curname [12 ]= 84 ;
  curname [13 ]= 83 ;
  curname [14 ]= 65 ;
  curname [15 ]= 70 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 70 ;
  curname [18 ]= 76 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 71 ;
  entername ( 7 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 72 ;
  curname [16 ]= 69 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 68 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 8 ) ;
  namelength = 9 ;
  curname [12 ]= 70 ;
  curname [13 ]= 79 ;
  curname [14 ]= 78 ;
  curname [15 ]= 84 ;
  curname [16 ]= 68 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 77 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 78 ;
  entername ( 9 ) ;
  namelength = 8 ;
  curname [13 ]= 76 ;
  curname [14 ]= 73 ;
  curname [15 ]= 71 ;
  curname [16 ]= 84 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 66 ;
  curname [19 ]= 76 ;
  curname [20 ]= 69 ;
  entername ( 10 ) ;
  namelength = 12 ;
  curname [9 ]= 66 ;
  curname [10 ]= 79 ;
  curname [11 ]= 85 ;
  curname [12 ]= 78 ;
  curname [13 ]= 68 ;
  curname [14 ]= 65 ;
  curname [15 ]= 82 ;
  curname [16 ]= 89 ;
  curname [17 ]= 67 ;
  curname [18 ]= 72 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 11 ) ;
  namelength = 9 ;
  curname [12 ]= 67 ;
  curname [13 ]= 72 ;
  curname [14 ]= 65 ;
  curname [15 ]= 82 ;
  curname [16 ]= 65 ;
  curname [17 ]= 67 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 14 ) ;
  namelength = 9 ;
  curname [12 ]= 80 ;
  curname [13 ]= 65 ;
  curname [14 ]= 82 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 77 ;
  curname [17 ]= 69 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 30 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 72 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 87 ;
  curname [20 ]= 68 ;
  entername ( 61 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 72 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 72 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 62 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 72 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 68 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 63 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 67 ;
  curname [16 ]= 72 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 73 ;
  curname [20 ]= 67 ;
  entername ( 64 ) ;
  namelength = 10 ;
  curname [11 ]= 78 ;
  curname [12 ]= 69 ;
  curname [13 ]= 88 ;
  curname [14 ]= 84 ;
  curname [15 ]= 76 ;
  curname [16 ]= 65 ;
  curname [17 ]= 82 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 65 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 86 ;
  curname [15 ]= 65 ;
  curname [16 ]= 82 ;
  curname [17 ]= 67 ;
  curname [18 ]= 72 ;
  curname [19 ]= 65 ;
  curname [20 ]= 82 ;
  entername ( 67 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 68 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 77 ;
  curname [19 ]= 73 ;
  curname [20 ]= 68 ;
  entername ( 69 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 66 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 70 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 82 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 71 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 88 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 71 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 67 ;
  curname [15 ]= 79 ;
  curname [16 ]= 77 ;
  curname [17 ]= 77 ;
  curname [18 ]= 69 ;
  curname [19 ]= 78 ;
  curname [20 ]= 84 ;
  entername ( 0 ) ;
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 76 ;
  curname [17 ]= 65 ;
  curname [18 ]= 66 ;
  curname [19 ]= 69 ;
  curname [20 ]= 76 ;
  entername ( 100 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 84 ;
  curname [19 ]= 79 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 101 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 83 ;
  curname [18 ]= 75 ;
  curname [19 ]= 73 ;
  curname [20 ]= 80 ;
  entername ( 102 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 75 ;
  curname [19 ]= 82 ;
  curname [20 ]= 78 ;
  entername ( 103 ) ;
  namelength = 3 ;
  curname [18 ]= 76 ;
  curname [19 ]= 73 ;
  curname [20 ]= 71 ;
  entername ( 104 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 47 ;
  curname [18 ]= 76 ;
  curname [19 ]= 73 ;
  curname [20 ]= 71 ;
  entername ( 106 ) ;
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 47 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 62 ;
  entername ( 110 ) ;
  namelength = 4 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 47 ;
  entername ( 105 ) ;
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 76 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 47 ;
  curname [20 ]= 62 ;
  entername ( 109 ) ;
  namelength = 5 ;
  curname [16 ]= 47 ;
  curname [17 ]= 76 ;
  curname [18 ]= 73 ;
  curname [19 ]= 71 ;
  curname [20 ]= 47 ;
  entername ( 107 ) ;
  namelength = 6 ;
  curname [15 ]= 47 ;
  curname [16 ]= 76 ;
  curname [17 ]= 73 ;
  curname [18 ]= 71 ;
  curname [19 ]= 47 ;
  curname [20 ]= 62 ;
  entername ( 111 ) ;
  namelength = 7 ;
  curname [14 ]= 47 ;
  curname [15 ]= 76 ;
  curname [16 ]= 73 ;
  curname [17 ]= 71 ;
  curname [18 ]= 47 ;
  curname [19 ]= 62 ;
  curname [20 ]= 62 ;
  entername ( 115 ) ;
  vplenter () ;
  paramenter () ;
readligkern ( void ) 
readligkern ( ) 
  integer krnptr  ;
  byte c  ;
    lkstepended = false ;
    while ( level == 1 ) {
      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
      if ( curchar == 40 ) 
	getname () ;
	if ( curcode == 0 ) 
	skiptoendofitem () ;
	else if ( curcode < 100 ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a LIGTABLE list" ) ;
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  skiptoendofitem () ;
	else {
	  switch ( curcode ) 
	  {case 100 : 
	      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
	      if ( curchar == 66 ) 
		charremainder [256 ]= nl ;
		do {
		    getnext () ;
		} while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	      else {
		  if ( ( curchar > 41 ) || ( curchar < 40 ) ) 
		  loc = loc - 1 ;
		c = getbyte () ;
		checktag ( c ) ;
		chartag [c ]= 1 ;
		charremainder [c ]= nl ;
	      if ( minnl <= nl ) 
	      minnl = nl + 1 ;
	      lkstepended = false ;
	    break ;
	  case 101 : 
	    if ( ! lkstepended ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "STOP must follow LIG or KRN" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else {
	      ligkern [nl - 1 ].b0 = 128 ;
	      lkstepended = false ;
	    break ;
	  case 102 : 
	    if ( ! lkstepended ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "SKIP must follow LIG or KRN" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else {
	      c = getbyte () ;
	      if ( c >= 128 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "Maximum SKIP amount is 127" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else if ( nl + c >= maxligsteps ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else {
		ligkern [nl - 1 ].b0 = c ;
		if ( minnl <= nl + c ) 
		minnl = nl + c + 1 ;
	      lkstepended = false ;
	    break ;
	  case 103 : 
	      ligkern [nl ].b0 = 0 ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b1 = getbyte () ;
	      kern [nk ]= getfix () ;
	      krnptr = 0 ;
	      while ( kern [krnptr ]!= kern [nk ]) krnptr = krnptr + 1 ;
	      if ( krnptr == nk ) 
		if ( nk < maxkerns ) 
		nk = nk + 1 ;
		else {
		    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		    Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, too many different kerns for me to handle"                     ) ;
		    showerrorcontext () ;
		  krnptr = krnptr - 1 ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b2 = 128 + ( krnptr / 256 ) ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b3 = krnptr % 256 ;
	      if ( nl >= maxligsteps - 1 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else nl = nl + 1 ;
	      lkstepended = true ;
	    break ;
	  case 104 : 
	  case 105 : 
	  case 106 : 
	  case 107 : 
	  case 109 : 
	  case 110 : 
	  case 111 : 
	  case 115 : 
	      ligkern [nl ].b0 = 0 ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b2 = curcode - 104 ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b1 = getbyte () ;
	      ligkern [nl ].b3 = getbyte () ;
	      if ( nl >= maxligsteps - 1 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handle" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else nl = nl + 1 ;
	      lkstepended = true ;
	    break ;
	  finishtheproperty () ;
      else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
      skiptoendofitem () ;
      else junkerror () ;
      loc = loc - 1 ;
      level = level + 1 ;
      curchar = 41 ;
readcharinfo ( void ) 
readcharinfo ( ) 
  byte c  ;
    c = getbyte () ;
    if ( verbose ) 
      if ( charsonline == 8 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	charsonline = 1 ;
      else {
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	putc (' ' , stdout);
	charsonline = charsonline + 1 ;
      printoctal ( c ) ;
    while ( level == 1 ) {
      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
      if ( curchar == 40 ) 
	getname () ;
	if ( curcode == 0 ) 
	skiptoendofitem () ;
	else if ( ( curcode < 61 ) || ( curcode > 67 ) ) 
	    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	    Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a CHARACTER list" ) 
	    showerrorcontext () ;
	  skiptoendofitem () ;
	else {
	  switch ( curcode ) 
	  {case 61 : 
	    charwd [c ]= sortin ( 1 , getfix () ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 62 : 
	    charht [c ]= sortin ( 2 , getfix () ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 63 : 
	    chardp [c ]= sortin ( 3 , getfix () ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 64 : 
	    charic [c ]= sortin ( 4 , getfix () ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 65 : 
	      checktag ( c ) ;
	      chartag [c ]= 2 ;
	      charremainder [c ]= getbyte () ;
	    break ;
	  case 66 : 
	    readpacket ( c ) ;
	    break ;
	  case 67 : 
	      if ( ne == 256 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "At most 256 VARCHAR specs are allowed" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      else {
		checktag ( c ) ;
		chartag [c ]= 3 ;
		charremainder [c ]= ne ;
		exten [ne ]= zerobytes ;
		while ( level == 2 ) {
		  while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
		  if ( curchar == 40 ) 
		    getname () ;
		    if ( curcode == 0 ) 
		    skiptoendofitem () ;
		    else if ( ( curcode < 68 ) || ( curcode > 71 ) ) 
			if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
			fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
			Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a VARCHAR list"                         ) ;
			showerrorcontext () ;
		      skiptoendofitem () ;
		    else {
		      switch ( curcode - ( 68 ) ) 
		      {case 0 : 
			exten [ne ].b0 = getbyte () ;
			break ;
		      case 1 : 
			exten [ne ].b1 = getbyte () ;
			break ;
		      case 2 : 
			exten [ne ].b2 = getbyte () ;
			break ;
		      case 3 : 
			exten [ne ].b3 = getbyte () ;
			break ;
		      finishtheproperty () ;
		  else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
		  skiptoendofitem () ;
		  else junkerror () ;
		ne = ne + 1 ;
		  loc = loc - 1 ;
		  level = level + 1 ;
		  curchar = 41 ;
	    break ;
	  finishtheproperty () ;
      else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
      skiptoendofitem () ;
      else junkerror () ;
    if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
    charwd [c ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
      loc = loc - 1 ;
      level = level + 1 ;
      curchar = 41 ;
readinput ( void ) 
readinput ( ) 
  byte c  ;
  curchar = 32 ;
  do {
      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
    if ( curchar == 40 ) 
      getname () ;
      if ( curcode == 0 ) 
      skiptoendofitem () ;
      else if ( curcode > 14 ) 
	  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	  Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong on the outer level" ) ;
	  showerrorcontext () ;
	skiptoendofitem () ;
      else {
	switch ( curcode ) 
	{case 1 : 
	    checksumspecified = true ;
	    readfourbytes ( 0 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 2 : 
	    nextd = getfix () ;
	    if ( nextd < 1048576L ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "The design size must be at least 1" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else designsize = nextd ;
	  break ;
	case 3 : 
	    nextd = getfix () ;
	    if ( nextd <= 0 ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "The number of units per design size must be positive" ) 
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else if ( frozendu ) 
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "Sorry, it's too late to change the design units" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    else designunits = nextd ;
	  break ;
	case 4 : 
	  readBCPL ( 8 , 40 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 5 : 
	  readBCPL ( 48 , 20 ) ;
	  break ;
	case 6 : 
	  headerbytes [71 ]= getbyte () ;
	  break ;
	case 7 : 
	    while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
	    if ( curchar == 84 ) 
	    sevenbitsafeflag = true ;
	    else if ( curchar == 70 ) 
	    sevenbitsafeflag = false ;
	    else {
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "The flag value should be \"TRUE\" or \"FALSE\"" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    do {
		getnext () ;
	    } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	  break ;
	case 8 : 
	    c = getbyte () ;
	    if ( c < 18 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "HEADER indices should be 18 or more" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      do {
		  getnext () ;
	      } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	    else if ( 4 * c + 4 > maxheaderbytes ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "This HEADER index is too big for my present table size" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      do {
		  getnext () ;
	      } while ( ! ( ( curchar == 40 ) || ( curchar == 41 ) ) ) ;
	    else {
	      while ( headerptr < 4 * c + 4 ) {
		headerbytes [headerptr ]= 0 ;
		headerptr = headerptr + 1 ;
	      readfourbytes ( 4 * c ) ;
	  break ;
	case 9 : 
	    while ( level == 1 ) {
	      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
	      if ( curchar == 40 ) 
		getname () ;
		if ( curcode == 0 ) 
		skiptoendofitem () ;
		else if ( ( curcode < 30 ) || ( curcode >= 61 ) ) 
		    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		    Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a FONTDIMEN list" ) 
		    showerrorcontext () ;
		  skiptoendofitem () ;
		else {
		  if ( curcode == 30 ) 
		  c = getbyte () ;
		  else c = curcode - 30 ;
		  if ( c == 0 ) 
		      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		      Fputs(stdout, "PARAMETER index must not be zero" ) ;
		      showerrorcontext () ;
		    skiptoendofitem () ;
		  else if ( c > maxparamwords ) 
		      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		      Fputs(stdout, "This PARAMETER index is too big for my present table size"                       ) ;
		      showerrorcontext () ;
		    skiptoendofitem () ;
		  else {
		    while ( np < c ) {
		      np = np + 1 ;
		      param [np ]= 0 ;
		    param [c ]= getfix () ;
		    finishtheproperty () ;
	      else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
	      skiptoendofitem () ;
	      else junkerror () ;
	      loc = loc - 1 ;
	      level = level + 1 ;
	      curchar = 41 ;
	  break ;
	case 10 : 
	  readligkern () ;
	  break ;
	case 11 : 
	  bchar = getbyte () ;
	  break ;
	case 12 : 
	    vtitlestart = vfptr ;
	    copytoendofitem () ;
	    if ( vfptr > vtitlestart + 255 ) 
		if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		Fputs(stdout, "VTITLE clipped to 255 characters" ) ;
		showerrorcontext () ;
	      vtitlelength = 255 ;
	    else vtitlelength = vfptr - vtitlestart ;
	  break ;
	case 13 : 
	    getfourbytes () ;
	    fontnumber [fontptr ]= curbytes ;
	    curfont = 0 ;
	    while ( ( fontnumber [curfont ].b3 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b3 
	    ) || ( fontnumber [curfont ].b2 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b2 ) 
	    || ( fontnumber [curfont ].b1 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b1 ) || 
	    ( fontnumber [curfont ].b0 != fontnumber [fontptr ].b0 ) ) 
	    curfont = curfont + 1 ;
	    if ( curfont == fontptr ) 
	    if ( fontptr < 256 ) 
	      fontptr = fontptr + 1 ;
	      fnamestart [curfont ]= vfsize ;
	      fnamelength [curfont ]= 4 ;
	      fareastart [curfont ]= vfsize ;
	      farealength [curfont ]= 0 ;
	      fontchecksum [curfont ]= zerobytes ;
	      fontat [curfont ]= 1048576L ;
	      fontdsize [curfont ]= 10485760L ;
	    else {
	      if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	      Fputs(stdout, "I can handle only 256 different mapfonts" ) ;
	      showerrorcontext () ;
	    if ( curfont == fontptr ) 
	    skiptoendofitem () ;
	    else while ( level == 1 ) {
	      while ( curchar == 32 ) getnext () ;
	      if ( curchar == 40 ) 
		getname () ;
		if ( curcode == 0 ) 
		skiptoendofitem () ;
		else if ( ( curcode < 20 ) || ( curcode > 24 ) ) 
		    if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
		    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
		    Fputs(stdout, "This property name doesn't belong in a MAPFONT list" ) ;
		    showerrorcontext () ;
		  skiptoendofitem () ;
		else {
		  switch ( curcode ) 
		  {case 20 : 
		      fnamestart [curfont ]= vfptr ;
		      copytoendofitem () ;
		      if ( vfptr > fnamestart [curfont ]+ 255 ) 
			  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
			  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
			  Fputs(stdout, "FONTNAME clipped to 255 characters" ) ;
			  showerrorcontext () ;
			fnamelength [curfont ]= 255 ;
		      else fnamelength [curfont ]= vfptr - fnamestart [
		      curfont ];
		    break ;
		  case 21 : 
		      fareastart [curfont ]= vfptr ;
		      copytoendofitem () ;
		      if ( vfptr > fareastart [curfont ]+ 255 ) 
			  if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
			  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
			  Fputs(stdout, "FONTAREA clipped to 255 characters" ) ;
			  showerrorcontext () ;
			farealength [curfont ]= 255 ;
		      else farealength [curfont ]= vfptr - fareastart [
		      curfont ];
		    break ;
		  case 22 : 
		      getfourbytes () ;
		      fontchecksum [curfont ]= curbytes ;
		    break ;
		  case 23 : 
		      frozendu = true ;
		      if ( designunits == 1048576L ) 
		      fontat [curfont ]= getfix () ;
		      else fontat [curfont ]= round ( ( getfix () 
		      / ((double) designunits ) ) * 1048576.0 ) ;
		    break ;
		  case 24 : 
		    fontdsize [curfont ]= getfix () ;
		    break ;
		  finishtheproperty () ;
	      else if ( curchar == 41 ) 
	      skiptoendofitem () ;
	      else junkerror () ;
	      loc = loc - 1 ;
	      level = level + 1 ;
	      curchar = 41 ;
	  break ;
	case 14 : 
	  readcharinfo () ;
	  break ;
	finishtheproperty () ;
    else if ( ( curchar == 41 ) && ! inputhasended ) 
	if ( charsonline > 0 ) 
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", ' ' ) ;
	Fputs(stdout, "Extra right parenthesis" ) ;
	showerrorcontext () ;
      loc = loc + 1 ;
      curchar = 32 ;
    else if ( ! inputhasended ) 
    junkerror () ;
  } while ( ! ( inputhasended ) ) ;
corrandcheck ( void ) 
corrandcheck ( ) 
  short c  ;
  integer hh  ;
  integer ligptr  ;
  byte g  ;
  if ( nl > 0 ) 
    if ( charremainder [256 ]< 32767 ) 
      ligkern [nl ].b0 = 255 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b1 = 0 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b2 = 0 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b3 = 0 ;
      nl = nl + 1 ;
    while ( minnl > nl ) {
      ligkern [nl ].b0 = 255 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b1 = 0 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b2 = 0 ;
      ligkern [nl ].b3 = 0 ;
      nl = nl + 1 ;
    if ( ligkern [nl - 1 ].b0 == 0 ) 
    ligkern [nl - 1 ].b0 = 128 ;
  sevenunsafe = false ;
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( charwd [c ]!= 0 ) 
    switch ( chartag [c ]) 
    {case 0 : 
      break ;
    case 1 : 
	ligptr = charremainder [c ];
	do {
	    if ( hashinput ( ligptr , c ) ) 
	    if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b2 < 128 ) 
	      if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 != bchar ) 
		g = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
		if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
		  charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "LIG character examined by" , ' ' ) ;
		  printoctal ( c ) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
		g = ligkern [ligptr ].b3 ;
		if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
		  charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "LIG character generated by" , ' ' ) ;
		  printoctal ( c ) ;
		  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	      if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b3 >= 128 ) 
	      if ( ( c < 128 ) || ( c == 256 ) ) 
	      if ( ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 < 128 ) || ( ligkern [ligptr ]
	      .b1 == bchar ) ) 
	      sevenunsafe = true ;
	    else if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 != bchar ) 
	      g = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
	      if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
		charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "KRN character examined by" , ' ' ) ;
		printoctal ( c ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	  if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b0 >= 128 ) 
	  ligptr = nl ;
	  else ligptr = ligptr + 1 + ligkern [ligptr ].b0 ;
	} while ( ! ( ligptr >= nl ) ) ;
      break ;
    case 2 : 
	g = charremainder [c ];
	if ( ( g >= 128 ) && ( c < 128 ) ) 
	sevenunsafe = true ;
	if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	  charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "The character NEXTLARGER than" , ' ' ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
      break ;
    case 3 : 
	if ( exten [charremainder [c ]].b0 > 0 ) 
	  g = exten [charremainder [c ]].b0 ;
	  if ( ( g >= 128 ) && ( c < 128 ) ) 
	  sevenunsafe = true ;
	  if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "TOP piece of character" , ' ' ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	if ( exten [charremainder [c ]].b1 > 0 ) 
	  g = exten [charremainder [c ]].b1 ;
	  if ( ( g >= 128 ) && ( c < 128 ) ) 
	  sevenunsafe = true ;
	  if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "MID piece of character" , ' ' ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	if ( exten [charremainder [c ]].b2 > 0 ) 
	  g = exten [charremainder [c ]].b2 ;
	  if ( ( g >= 128 ) && ( c < 128 ) ) 
	  sevenunsafe = true ;
	  if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "BOT piece of character" , ' ' ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	  g = exten [charremainder [c ]].b3 ;
	  if ( ( g >= 128 ) && ( c < 128 ) ) 
	  sevenunsafe = true ;
	  if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "REP piece of character" , ' ' ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
      break ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( charremainder [256 ]< 32767 ) 
    c = 256 ;
      ligptr = charremainder [c ];
      do {
	  if ( hashinput ( ligptr , c ) ) 
	  if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b2 < 128 ) 
	    if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 != bchar ) 
	      g = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
	      if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
		charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "LIG character examined by" , ' ' ) ;
		printoctal ( c ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	      g = ligkern [ligptr ].b3 ;
	      if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
		charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "LIG character generated by" , ' ' ) ;
		printoctal ( c ) ;
		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	    if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b3 >= 128 ) 
	    if ( ( c < 128 ) || ( c == 256 ) ) 
	    if ( ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 < 128 ) || ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 
	    == bchar ) ) 
	    sevenunsafe = true ;
	  else if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 != bchar ) 
	    g = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
	    if ( charwd [g ]== 0 ) 
	      charwd [g ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s%c", "KRN character examined by" , ' ' ) ;
	      printoctal ( c ) ;
	      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " had no CHARACTER spec." ) ;
	if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b0 >= 128 ) 
	ligptr = nl ;
	else ligptr = ligptr + 1 + ligkern [ligptr ].b0 ;
      } while ( ! ( ligptr >= nl ) ) ;
  if ( sevenbitsafeflag && sevenunsafe ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "The font is not really seven-bit-safe!" ) ;
  if ( hashptr < hashsize ) 
  {register integer for_end; hh = 1 ;for_end = hashptr ; if ( hh <= for_end) 
      tt = hashlist [hh ];
      if ( classvar [tt ]> 0 ) 
      tt = f ( tt , ( hash [tt ]- 1 ) / 256 , ( hash [tt ]- 1 ) % 256 ) ;
  while ( hh++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ( hashptr == hashsize ) || ( yligcycle < 256 ) ) 
    if ( hashptr < hashsize ) 
      Fputs(stdout, "Infinite ligature loop starting with " ) ;
      if ( xligcycle == 256 ) 
      Fputs(stdout, "boundary" ) ;
      else printoctal ( xligcycle ) ;
      Fputs(stdout, " and " ) ;
      printoctal ( yligcycle ) ;
      fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "Sorry, I haven't room for so many ligature/kern pairs!" ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", "All ligatures will be cleared." ) ;
    {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      if ( chartag [c ]== 1 ) 
	chartag [c ]= 0 ;
	charremainder [c ]= 0 ;
    while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
    nl = 0 ;
    bchar = 256 ;
    charremainder [256 ]= 32767 ;
  if ( nl > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; ligptr = 0 ;for_end = nl - 1 ; if ( ligptr <= 
  for_end) do 
    if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b2 < 128 ) 
      if ( ligkern [ligptr ].b0 < 255 ) 
	  c = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
	  if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  if ( c != bchar ) 
	    ligkern [ligptr ].b1 = 0 ;
	    if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "LIG step" ,             " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
	  c = ligkern [ligptr ].b3 ;
	  if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  if ( c != bchar ) 
	    ligkern [ligptr ].b3 = 0 ;
	    if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	    charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "LIG step" ,             " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	    printoctal ( c ) ;
	    fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
    else {
      c = ligkern [ligptr ].b1 ;
      if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
      if ( c != bchar ) 
	ligkern [ligptr ].b1 = 0 ;
	if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "KRN step" , " refers to nonexistent character " ) 
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
  while ( ligptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ne > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; g = 0 ;for_end = ne - 1 ; if ( g <= for_end) do 
	c = exten [g ].b0 ;
	if ( c > 0 ) 
	if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  exten [g ].b0 = 0 ;
	  if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	  charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "VARCHAR TOP" ,           " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
	c = exten [g ].b1 ;
	if ( c > 0 ) 
	if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  exten [g ].b1 = 0 ;
	  if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	  charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "VARCHAR MID" ,           " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
	c = exten [g ].b2 ;
	if ( c > 0 ) 
	if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  exten [g ].b2 = 0 ;
	  if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	  charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "VARCHAR BOT" ,           " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
	c = exten [g ].b3 ;
	if ( charwd [c ]== 0 ) 
	  exten [g ].b3 = 0 ;
	  if ( charwd [0 ]== 0 ) 
	  charwd [0 ]= sortin ( 1 , 0 ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "Unused " , "VARCHAR REP" ,           " refers to nonexistent character " ) ;
	  printoctal ( c ) ;
	  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '!' ) ;
  while ( g++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = 255 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( chartag [c ]== 2 ) 
      g = charremainder [c ];
      while ( ( g < c ) && ( chartag [g ]== 2 ) ) g = charremainder [g ];
      if ( g == c ) 
	chartag [c ]= 0 ;
	Fputs(stdout, "A cycle of NEXTLARGER characters has been broken at " ) ;
	printoctal ( c ) ;
	fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  delta = shorten ( 1 , 255 ) ;
  setindices ( 1 , delta ) ;
  if ( delta > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "I had to round some " , "width" , "s by " ) ;
    printreal ( ( ( ( delta + 1 ) / 2 ) / ((double) 1048576L ) ) , 1 , 7 ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " units." ) ;
  delta = shorten ( 2 , 15 ) ;
  setindices ( 2 , delta ) ;
  if ( delta > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "I had to round some " , "height" , "s by " ) ;
    printreal ( ( ( ( delta + 1 ) / 2 ) / ((double) 1048576L ) ) , 1 , 7 ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " units." ) ;
  delta = shorten ( 3 , 15 ) ;
  setindices ( 3 , delta ) ;
  if ( delta > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "I had to round some " , "depth" , "s by " ) ;
    printreal ( ( ( ( delta + 1 ) / 2 ) / ((double) 1048576L ) ) , 1 , 7 ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " units." ) ;
  delta = shorten ( 4 , 63 ) ;
  setindices ( 4 , delta ) ;
  if ( delta > 0 ) 
    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s%s", "I had to round some " , "italic correction" , "s by " ) ;
    printreal ( ( ( ( delta + 1 ) / 2 ) / ((double) 1048576L ) ) , 1 , 7 ) ;
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", " units." ) ;
vfoutput ( void ) 
vfoutput ( ) 
  byte c  ;
  short curfont  ;
  integer k  ;
  putbyte ( 247 , vffile ) ;
  putbyte ( 202 , vffile ) ;
  putbyte ( vtitlelength , vffile ) ;
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = vtitlelength - 1 ; if ( k <= 
  for_end) do 
    putbyte ( vf [vtitlestart + k ], vffile ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = 7 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
    putbyte ( headerbytes [k ], vffile ) ;
  while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  vcount = vtitlelength + 11 ;
  {register integer for_end; curfont = 0 ;for_end = fontptr - 1 ; if ( 
  curfont <= for_end) do 
      putbyte ( 243 , vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( curfont , vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( fontchecksum [curfont ].b0 , vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( fontchecksum [curfont ].b1 , vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( fontchecksum [curfont ].b2 , vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( fontchecksum [curfont ].b3 , vffile ) ;
      voutint ( fontat [curfont ]) ;
      voutint ( fontdsize [curfont ]) ;
      putbyte ( farealength [curfont ], vffile ) ;
      putbyte ( fnamelength [curfont ], vffile ) ;
      {register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = farealength [curfont ]- 
      1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	putbyte ( vf [fareastart [curfont ]+ k ], vffile ) ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      if ( fnamestart [curfont ]== vfsize ) 
	putbyte ( 78 , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( 85 , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( 76 , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( 76 , vffile ) ;
      else {
	  register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = fnamelength [curfont 
      ]- 1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	putbyte ( vf [fnamestart [curfont ]+ k ], vffile ) ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
      vcount = vcount + 12 + farealength [curfont ]+ fnamelength [curfont ]
  while ( curfont++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( charwd [c ]> 0 ) 
      x = memory [charwd [c ]];
      if ( designunits != 1048576L ) 
      x = round ( ( x / ((double) designunits ) ) * 1048576.0 ) ;
      if ( ( packetlength [c ]> 241 ) || ( x < 0 ) || ( x >= 16777216L ) ) 
	putbyte ( 242 , vffile ) ;
	voutint ( packetlength [c ]) ;
	voutint ( c ) ;
	voutint ( x ) ;
	vcount = vcount + 13 + packetlength [c ];
      else {
	putbyte ( packetlength [c ], vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( c , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( x / 65536L , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( ( x / 256 ) % 256 , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( x % 256 , vffile ) ;
	vcount = vcount + 5 + packetlength [c ];
      if ( packetstart [c ]== vfsize ) 
	if ( c >= 128 ) 
	putbyte ( 128 , vffile ) ;
	putbyte ( c , vffile ) ;
      else {
	  register integer for_end; k = 0 ;for_end = packetlength [c ]- 
      1 ; if ( k <= for_end) do 
	putbyte ( vf [packetstart [c ]+ k ], vffile ) ;
      while ( k++ < for_end ) ;} 
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  do {
      putbyte ( 248 , vffile ) ;
    vcount = vcount + 1 ;
  } while ( ! ( vcount % 4 == 0 ) ) ;
void mainbody() {
  initialize () ;
  nameenter () ;
  readinput () ;
  if ( verbose ) 
  fprintf(stdout, "%c\n", '.' ) ;
  corrandcheck () ;
  lh = headerptr / 4 ;
  notfound = true ;
  bc = 0 ;
  while ( notfound ) if ( ( charwd [bc ]> 0 ) || ( bc == 255 ) ) 
  notfound = false ;
  else bc = bc + 1 ;
  notfound = true ;
  ec = 255 ;
  while ( notfound ) if ( ( charwd [ec ]> 0 ) || ( ec == 0 ) ) 
  notfound = false ;
  else ec = ec - 1 ;
  if ( bc > ec ) 
  bc = 1 ;
  memory [1 ]= memory [1 ]+ 1 ;
  memory [2 ]= memory [2 ]+ 1 ;
  memory [3 ]= memory [3 ]+ 1 ;
  memory [4 ]= memory [4 ]+ 1 ;
  labelptr = 0 ;
  labeltable [0 ].rr = -1 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
    if ( chartag [c ]== 1 ) 
      sortptr = labelptr ;
      while ( labeltable [sortptr ].rr > toint ( charremainder [c ]) ) {
	labeltable [sortptr + 1 ]= labeltable [sortptr ];
	sortptr = sortptr - 1 ;
      labeltable [sortptr + 1 ].cc = c ;
      labeltable [sortptr + 1 ].rr = charremainder [c ];
      labelptr = labelptr + 1 ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( bchar < 256 ) 
    extralocneeded = true ;
    lkoffset = 1 ;
  else {
    extralocneeded = false ;
    lkoffset = 0 ;
    sortptr = labelptr ;
    if ( labeltable [sortptr ].rr + lkoffset > 255 ) 
      lkoffset = 0 ;
      extralocneeded = false ;
      do {
	  charremainder [labeltable [sortptr ].cc ]= lkoffset ;
	while ( labeltable [sortptr - 1 ].rr == labeltable [sortptr ].rr ) 
	  sortptr = sortptr - 1 ;
	  charremainder [labeltable [sortptr ].cc ]= lkoffset ;
	lkoffset = lkoffset + 1 ;
	sortptr = sortptr - 1 ;
      } while ( ! ( lkoffset + labeltable [sortptr ].rr < 256 ) ) ;
    if ( lkoffset > 0 ) 
    while ( sortptr > 0 ) {
      charremainder [labeltable [sortptr ].cc ]= charremainder [
      labeltable [sortptr ].cc ]+ lkoffset ;
      sortptr = sortptr - 1 ;
  if ( charremainder [256 ]< 32767 ) 
    ligkern [nl - 1 ].b2 = ( charremainder [256 ]+ lkoffset ) / 256 ;
    ligkern [nl - 1 ].b3 = ( charremainder [256 ]+ lkoffset ) % 256 ;
  lf = 6 + lh + ( ec - bc + 1 ) + memory [1 ]+ memory [2 ]+ memory [3 ]+ 
  memory [4 ]+ nl + lkoffset + nk + ne + np ;
  putbyte ( ( lf ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( lf ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( lh ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( lh ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( bc ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( bc ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( ec ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( ec ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [1 ]) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [1 ]) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [2 ]) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [2 ]) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [3 ]) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [3 ]) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [4 ]) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( memory [4 ]) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( nl + lkoffset ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( nl + lkoffset ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( nk ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( nk ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( ne ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( ne ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( np ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  putbyte ( ( np ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
  if ( ! checksumspecified ) 
    curbytes .b0 = bc ;
    curbytes .b1 = ec ;
    curbytes .b2 = bc ;
    curbytes .b3 = ec ;
    {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      if ( charwd [c ]> 0 ) 
	tempwidth = memory [charwd [c ]];
	if ( designunits != 1048576L ) 
	tempwidth = round ( ( tempwidth / ((double) designunits ) ) * 
	1048576.0 ) ;
	tempwidth = tempwidth + ( c + 4 ) * 4194304L ;
	curbytes .b0 = ( curbytes .b0 + curbytes .b0 + tempwidth ) % 255 ;
	curbytes .b1 = ( curbytes .b1 + curbytes .b1 + tempwidth ) % 253 ;
	curbytes .b2 = ( curbytes .b2 + curbytes .b2 + tempwidth ) % 251 ;
	curbytes .b3 = ( curbytes .b3 + curbytes .b3 + tempwidth ) % 247 ;
    while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
    headerbytes [0 ]= curbytes .b0 ;
    headerbytes [1 ]= curbytes .b1 ;
    headerbytes [2 ]= curbytes .b2 ;
    headerbytes [3 ]= curbytes .b3 ;
  headerbytes [4 ]= designsize / 16777216L ;
  headerbytes [5 ]= ( designsize / 65536L ) % 256 ;
  headerbytes [6 ]= ( designsize / 256 ) % 256 ;
  headerbytes [7 ]= designsize % 256 ;
  if ( ! sevenunsafe ) 
  headerbytes [68 ]= 128 ;
  {register integer for_end; j = 0 ;for_end = headerptr - 1 ; if ( j <= 
  for_end) do 
    putbyte ( headerbytes [j ], tfmfile ) ;
  while ( j++ < for_end ) ;} 
  indexvar [0 ]= 0 ;
  {register integer for_end; c = bc ;for_end = ec ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      putbyte ( indexvar [charwd [c ]], tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( indexvar [charht [c ]]* 16 + indexvar [chardp [c ]], 
      tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( indexvar [charic [c ]]* 4 + chartag [c ], tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( charremainder [c ], tfmfile ) ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; q = 1 ;for_end = 4 ; if ( q <= for_end) do 
      putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
      p = link [q ];
      while ( p > 0 ) {
	outscaled ( memory [p ]) ;
	p = link [p ];
  while ( q++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( extralocneeded ) 
    putbyte ( 255 , tfmfile ) ;
    putbyte ( bchar , tfmfile ) ;
    putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
    putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
  else {
      register integer for_end; sortptr = 1 ;for_end = lkoffset ; if ( 
  sortptr <= for_end) do 
      t = labeltable [labelptr ].rr ;
      if ( bchar < 256 ) 
	putbyte ( 255 , tfmfile ) ;
	putbyte ( bchar , tfmfile ) ;
      else {
	putbyte ( 254 , tfmfile ) ;
	putbyte ( 0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( ( t + lkoffset ) / 256 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( ( t + lkoffset ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
      do {
	  labelptr = labelptr - 1 ;
      } while ( ! ( labeltable [labelptr ].rr < t ) ) ;
  while ( sortptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( nl > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; ligptr = 0 ;for_end = nl - 1 ; if ( ligptr <= 
  for_end) do 
      putbyte ( ligkern [ligptr ].b0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( ligkern [ligptr ].b1 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( ligkern [ligptr ].b2 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( ligkern [ligptr ].b3 , tfmfile ) ;
  while ( ligptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( nk > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; krnptr = 0 ;for_end = nk - 1 ; if ( krnptr <= 
  for_end) do 
    outscaled ( kern [krnptr ]) ;
  while ( krnptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  if ( ne > 0 ) 
  {register integer for_end; c = 0 ;for_end = ne - 1 ; if ( c <= for_end) do 
      putbyte ( exten [c ].b0 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( exten [c ].b1 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( exten [c ].b2 , tfmfile ) ;
      putbyte ( exten [c ].b3 , tfmfile ) ;
  while ( c++ < for_end ) ;} 
  {register integer for_end; parptr = 1 ;for_end = np ; if ( parptr <= 
  for_end) do 
      if ( parptr == 1 ) 
	if ( param [1 ]< 0 ) 
	  param [1 ]= param [1 ]+ 1073741824L ;
	  putbyte ( ( param [1 ]/ 16777216L ) + 192 , tfmfile ) ;
	else putbyte ( param [1 ]/ 16777216L , tfmfile ) ;
	putbyte ( ( param [1 ]/ 65536L ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
	putbyte ( ( param [1 ]/ 256 ) % 256 , tfmfile ) ;
	putbyte ( param [1 ]% 256 , tfmfile ) ;
      else outscaled ( param [parptr ]) ;
  while ( parptr++ < for_end ) ;} 
  vfoutput () ;

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